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Raspberry Pi


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GAAAAAAY. Got an email from farnell saying my payment was declined for my rasbperry pi. It was my fault... lost the card I ordered it with and forgot to change the payment details to the new card. Now I have to wait again.

isitafox, have you got one?

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I'm only getting it purely for it's size and 10 million times less power consumption than my pc. I haven't really needed the full power of my pc lately and I just watch videos and browse the interweb most of the time so the pi fits perfectly for that.

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What do you expect for £30 Muel!

As long as it runs my videos/music I'm not bothered, facebook and what not I can do on my phone. To be honest my PC is mostly on only for videos and music, which is a huge waste of electricity and I'm sure the pi can handle both videos and music easily, it also means I can leave it on longer than my PC and only use up a fraction of the power, especially when I leave it on over night to download things.

My pi has been dispatched which I'm so excited about.

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What do you expect for £30 Muel!

As long as it runs my videos/music I'm not bothered, facebook and what not I can do on my phone. To be honest my PC is mostly on only for videos and music, which is a huge waste of electricity and I'm sure the pi can handle both videos and music easily, it also means I can leave it on longer than my PC and only use up a fraction of the power, especially when I leave it on over night to download things.

My pi has been dispatched which I'm so excited about.

Meh, I don't get this whole anti-electricity usage movement to be honest. I have a stupidly thirsty desktop (considering how slow it is) 3 big monitors, a server and a load of network shite, and I pay £60 a month combined gas and electric...

I honestly don't think it's up to even playing video. Most netbooks struggle with HD content, and the PI has about a tenth of the hardware.

I do still want one though...

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Anyone know whether it'll do full HD? I assume not but on the phone so can't be arsed to research it. If it can, I'd happily try one out in place of my HTPC for a bit...

Well according to youtube videos and various forums and the people who makes it, the pi can play 1080p nicely. I'm happy with most videos in 720p, so not too bothered about 1080p videos.

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Well according to youtube videos and various forums and the people who makes it, the pi can play 1080p nicely. I'm happy with most videos in 720p, so not too bothered about 1080p videos.

That sounds pretty promising... I might have to get involved...

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I have one it's currently sat in the drawer unused.

You want to run raspbian (their tweaked Debian disto) or raspbmc if you wanna run xmbc on it.

Ubuntu would run terrible as it doesn't have all the CPU specific tweaks the official distro does.

My plan is to attach a USB hdd to it and use it as a torrent/nas server.

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I have one too, just noticed this topic, my stepdad is a bit of a tech freak and likes to get random things, just use it like a hd dvd player, theres a network cable in there so we can just stream films off of a hardrive in the other room, someone tell me what else they can be used for?

I see it has, a card reader, some usb ports, hdmi output, audio and omething else, top right in picture! Nice case for it too.


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On the right is an 8-up USB relay board, I have two of these relay boards, a guy in Ukraine makes them for cheap. Making a battery operated network toggle-able 16 relay setup for home automation. The Raspberry Pi did not do Flash or Java last time I checked which is all that limits it really.


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I had no idea about the Raspberry Pi until a taxi driver told me about the one he'd just bought. Sounds like an interesting and fun creation - I visited a school in Cambodia where they were trying to raise money for computers, which would only ever run low-level software. Couldn't something like the Pi be used running Linux?

Talking of the performance of these things and netbooks, my 2008 Acer Aspire One has always impressed me, and now I run it as a spare 'desktop' to the left of my working area, mainly for running downloads, etc. It supports a 20" screen fine, runs Photoshop CS4, and has put up with about 30,000 miles of international travel. Can hardly fault that thing, such a steal for £200.

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For those interested in a case for their pi, this one looks nice and simple and best of all, only £6 including P&P! Just ordered one myself.


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It would depend on what you put on the sd card. If you wanted a GUI you could install a stripped down version on linux or another common choice is rasbmc which a stripped down version of xbmc so a media front end for it. Plenty of options of what they can be used for though. I started playing with mine today but I have no experience in Linux and very very limited knowledge of using a command line.

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