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2011 Hs33 Flex


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as someone has mentioned here the 2011 brake is more powerful right? maybe a slightly flexier frame could contribute to the feel of the lever?

I've tried it on someone else's bike and they do feel spongy, but not to the point where I can't trust it, just doesn't feel as good as an 05.


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It's about the same.

About the same makes a huge difference though, even 0.5mm change in the distance from pivot to push rod makes about 6-7% difference in braking power (which is the sort of increase in power we are taking about here).

It's not the length of the lever blade, it's the leverage RATIO of the lever blade:

Lever blade 1:

Blade length is 100mm

Distance from pivot to push rod 10mm

Leverage ratio 10:1

Lever blade 2:

Blade length is 100mm

Distance from pivot to push rod 8mm

Leverage ratio 12.5:1

Lever blade 2 has 20% more power than blade 1, even though they are both the same length.

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The red line as it's centre to centre which remains constant.

I'm going to throw something into the mix here... Having set up a good few cars for track/rally use, sometimes the driver feels that the brakes don't feel 'good' even though there is plenty of power there. Often a higher duty return spring on the pedal cures this as it takes more effort to apply the brake, but this actually feels better. What I am wondering is, as the new brake requires less effort to apply it maybe the ones who find a lot of lever flex are expecting a certain amount of resistance so they keep pressing the lever until they find this which is actually the lever body flexing.

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I calculated for all levers (2005 and 2011, 2 and 4 fingers) the red / green ratio (following picture) :


And I find as ratio :

2005 2 fingers lever blade : 6 : 1

2005 4 fingers lever blade : 7.2 : 1

2011 2 fingers lever blade : 7.1 : 1

2011 4 fingers lever blade : 9.2 : 1

Measures and calculs may be wrong, but they confirm what Adam said.

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Just put on a 4-bolt booster, and you won't have that much flex..?

Mine felt awesome the 1 year they lasted... I like them way more than the 05's. And my mate has pretty much exactly the same setup as me (except that he has the 05's and I had the 2011, both using 4 finger levers), trialtech rim, rockman blues, neon 2 bolt booster. And mine beat the crap out of his no mather grind etc. Think it probably is because of the better piston ratio as Adan mentioned.

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