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Any Martial Arts Fan Here ?


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Hello guys,

Thought I'd share this awesome project from a very talented company that deserves all the support they can get.

Basically they want to do a mini-series without paying from their own pockets like they did with all their previous works.

I won't get into much details, i'm gonna give you a link to 2 of their most awesome projects so you can see what kind of stuff they work on.

Naruto Shippuden: Dreamers Fight -- Complete Film (Part 1&2)

Street Fighter x Tekken: The Devil Within - Short Film

They have a few more stuff that is also worth watching but these 2 projects are really among the best.

This brings me to their new project..

Clandestine: Follow the path


I suggest you read a bit into it and look at the updates they did to know a bit more about the project and if you can support them in any way you can, that would be awesome.

As you can see, I have great faith in them and wanna see this project become reality and with only a few thousands bucks left to get, this should be possible.

thank you :)

Edited by An_toin3
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