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So I Just Bought Inspired Skye And


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Is this a very clever bot? Because that last post is similar to other bot posts with the 'http:// www .keyforex .info/g.gif' and the profile doesn't exist...

Edit: Seems his profile name has been changed, my bad! But the offending post has been removed...

Edited by AndrewEH1
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I also think this is a suspicious post. A dodgy link at the top which you'd never do for any other reason, and that failed picture.

Assuming he is who I think he is, it's legit. That link seems to just be like that SkimWords shit that was appearing everywhere before?

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guy at radfest with an inspired skye and he said he had cracked one and got another one under warranty. Nothings indestructible

OT, but did he say how it happened? I've just assumed that they are indestructible, espically as they are stronger than Fourplays and my one shows no sign of weakness!

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Why do people hate on somebody for buying a top end bike when they can afford to? Just because you can't doesn't mean you should hate on the guy. If anything it's a SMART purchase cause as stated, it's pretty well built and can definitely take beginner abuse better than other bikes out there.


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