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Broken Bones...


broken bones  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. ever broken a bone riding trials?

    • yes
    • not yet
    • no
  2. 2. do you still ride after a break?

    • yes
    • no
    • no broken bones...
  3. 3. if yes, did your riding get back up to speed...

    • no i'm shit all the time and live in fear...
    • i'm as good as i used to be
    • i'm progressing from where i left off
    • never broke anything
  4. 4. other injuries...

    • only ever cuts and scrapes
    • ligament damage
    • dislocations
    • other

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hey all, kinda curious as to how dangerous our sport is, i know this isn't conclusive but i'm fairly confident that serious injuries in trials are pretty on the low compared to other disciplines, i've bothered a few members about injuries but i think we could have a bit of advice and share our less pleasant experiences in riding... i broke my leg 5 weeks ago and i miss riding like f**k and i hope i'm not out of the game, but post up... and maybe share some pictures :P

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Pretty sure theres a 'injuries help and advice' thread or something along the lines of that? Might not be trials specific but should have a few trials injuries in it. :P

A mate I was riding with came off the other day face first into a rock, somehow he broke his little finger instead of his jaw???

Edited by JMCD
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I've broken my leg before during trials. That was when I was kind of getting bored of my old riding anyway, so when I restarted I was fine but didn't progress. I put that down to my lack of enthusiasm though rather than the injury. I then had about 4 years off and when I restarted it was in a completely different style so it's difficult to answer the 3rd question. I put that I'm as good as I used to be because it'd be unfair to put that I live in fear, because the fear I have for riding now is nothing to do with that injury and more to do with re-learning everything and not being able to afford another broken bone through work and whatnot.

I also attribute most of the fact that I had to have work on my ligaments in my left knee to trials, but again it doesn't hold me back whilst riding - only for the few days after a proper session.

Basically, don't worry about it. Bones heal, just make sure you do all your rehab work and keep your head in the right place for when you get back. You'll have lost some strength and fitness, but you won't have lost the knowledge that you have for how to ride. Chin up!

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I broke my clavicle riding downhill a few years ago. It was a pretty big break (2.5cm gap) and took ages to heal properly, so I wasted a whole summer not being able to ride or do much. When I got back into biking I felt I'd lost a lot of confidence, especially doing big drops.

After recently starting trials again after a 4 year break I'm re-learning things, but I wouldn't say I go for as much because I really don't want to risk breaking another bone (although I can't ride at the moment because of buggered tendons in my shoulder). I know a lot of people though that have broken things and have not really been affected when they get back to biking so I guess it just depends on your attitude.

Plenty of physio exercise and the gym helped regain my shoulder strength no end and now my shoulder is pretty much just as strong as it ever was, so it's not physically holding me back.

Hope the leg heals up soon!

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I've broken my leg before during trials. That was when I was kind of getting bored of my old riding anyway, so when I restarted I was fine but didn't progress. I put that down to my lack of enthusiasm though rather than the injury. I then had about 4 years off and when I restarted it was in a completely different style so it's difficult to answer the 3rd question. I put that I'm as good as I used to be because it'd be unfair to put that I live in fear, because the fear I have for riding now is nothing to do with that injury and more to do with re-learning everything and not being able to afford another broken bone through work and whatnot.

what part of your leg did you break?

thanks everyone

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what part of your leg did you break?

thanks everyone

Tibia, near the ankle. Not the worst break in the world, but obviously not fantastic! I was back on the bike in 8 weeks, but I was 15 so bones heal a lot quicker then... Blimey, that was 10 years ago!

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shit thats your proper shin bone, i broke the other bone instead, i'm 21 so i'm right at the end of that Speedy recovery cause i'm young" phase, boo hiss i'll be able to consider myself old soon :P

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Well take the positive of the fact I don't even think about it these days, so doing your fibula can only be better - right? Who knows, but it won't hold you back if you do your rehab well (Y)

Hush with the old lark!

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I didn't break anything on a trials bicycle, but on my moto trials bike. Took all the weight of an old Yamaha TYZ onto my wrist and it fractured a few of the smaller bones. Hurt like a bitch, but you get over these things. As long as you remember that whatever you had is healed, you won't ever worry, because its like nothing has happened. You'll be grand anyway, is the main point

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Haven't yet broken a bone riding, or in mylife, but I know its coming haha :P

I have dislocated things, my shoulder, thumb, 3 fingers and had to chill out a little but nothing major.

I've also managed to develop a painful case of Achilles Tendinitis that flames up from time to time, in which my Achilles Tendon becomes inflamed and binds with the sheath that it sits in, making it impossible to walk on, let alone ride on. Worst case was limping around in agony for a week, followed by aching for another 3/ 4 weeks. If any sudden pressure was put through it, game over. Back to square one and no riding/ walking.

Nothing in comparison to your breakage in terms of recovery time. I'm able to ride in the periods between it flaming up and affecting me, but according to the doctor its something thats going to plague me for an indefinite amount of time unless I give up riding, which isn't happening any time soon :'D

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When I just started the very basics of trials on my mountain bike, I was kinda inspired by Danny macaskill's videos, (i am sure i was not the only one) and tried the 360 from a little staircase. Well you can guess the result... I landed it pretty much back first, so i got a bad concussion that made me throw up for three hours, a cracked left shoulder blade and a dislocated left arm. Not that pleasant to be honest... Well it was just before Christmas so I'm all right now, but can't really move my left arm freely so it hurts when I stretch it up

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i was riding trials last year me and two friends were lifting a metal block for a gap or something. I was pushing up the way and they were pulling on it from the top, Next thing i know they have lost their grip on the block and my fingers get crushed bending completely backwards under the block. I then was shouting my head off for them to lift it off, it was a struggle to lift it off but when they did my fingers were all mucked up. I tore the ligaments in 3 of my fingers but now they are fine. A few months later i dislocated finger after falling backwards from a drop and stretching my hand out behind me to cushion the landing. This is not the picture of my finger but this is what it looked like, but the worsed part was having to push the finger back in place myself. I did it without thinking before or looking which made it less painful.

Edited by ClarkeHutchison
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