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Exploding Holy Rollers


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Hey, I was out riding yesterday in between spots when my rear wheel started dragging...

Looked down and there was a massive bulge in the sidewall of my tyre so got off and had a look.

It seems that the tyre and ripped away from it's bead and the tube had pushed it's way through as it is at a higher pressure (around 35-40 psi).

So I gently touched the tube and it just exploded, gave the man walking past a good fright!

The tyre was in pretty good condition - it is about 6 months old still loads of tread.

Has anyone else had experience of this, or is it just bad luck? I blaming it on the amount of rad skips I've been doing recently...


Was thinking about writing a strongly written letter to Tarty and Maxxis as it should be covered under warranty as if a tyre can't hold a tube it's clearly defective! :P

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It happened to me too on my old onza zoot... the hole in mine was no where near that big so i got round the problem with some duct tape. held it together just the treat.

The answer to your question however is that your not alone!

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Happened to me just before the DJ ride, pretty much brand new tyre. I didn't even contemplate a warranty to be honest, but that's because I was lucky to have Mark save the day and chuck me a spare.

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I would write a letter to maxxis, not as a warranty claim just saying what happend and not asking for a new one. I do it with anything that breaks, I get a lot of free stuff in return.

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