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Tf Computer Nerds (Gamers, Overclockers, Server-Ists Etc)


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it's going to be free for 7 and 8 users for the first year and is pretty similar to the 7 guy.

What does this actually mean? It's free for a year and then you pay, or you can upgrade for free so long as you do it within the first year?

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All reports are saying as long as you upgrade within the first year it's free, not sure about subsequent installs though. After the year then people switching will have to pay as normal, I think it's to get people to move off 7 as it's now their outgoing os and given the farce of and response to 8 they can't really charge people until it's become widely acceped as not shite :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

yess, learnt to program in C ( more like embedded C style, for PIC microcontrollers) and now I can create a bitmap screen with an LED array!

Also did some fault finding at an electronic work place, t was amazing..

Today I will turn on a hot air de/soldering station, it really interests me as I got it from school to use it at home:)

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Wife has started a business. I've given her a desk in the office, as well as the old MacBook I started stuff on. Alas she does not want to continue using it, as its admittedly a piece of shit. She wants to get a tower to use. I don't know what's current hardware wise. What should she get for a MAXIMUM of £200? Obviously just starting out we've got enough pressure on the two businesses without her spending what she has on hardware!

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Does it have to be Apple? I'm assuming not with that budget.

Probably receive a bit of flak for it but most of the Zoostorm branded towers from eBuyer are a pretty reasonably entry-level spec and easy enough to upgrade the majority of them to a decent standard. They have them on promotion frequently too, so could be worth keeping an eye out. They're certainly no top-level-gamer, earth-shattering bit of kit but are more than enough for most day to day tasks. Have put a few into dad's office over the years and have always been pleasantly surprised with how well they seem to do the job (Y)

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Aye, she'd like to be on a windows machine, the weirdo ;)

I've actually got a Zoostrom box in the office which is used for some automation tasks, and it's performed pretty flawlessly being as its on 24hours a day. Had to replace the PSU this week but that's hardly awful! If I was going to buy something for her right now it'd be one of them, I just wondered if anyone had seen something I should definitely get.

Cheers :)

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Buy second hand components on eBay and build it yourself, for that money you could put together a 4ghz i3 with 8gb ram which will more than trounce anything she's likely to throw at it :)

gigabyte h55m ud2h motherboard

core i3 530

suitable heat sink/fan

8gb 1600mhz ddr3

ssd to run it all on

400w psu

case to suit

Shouldn't cost you more than 150 quid or so, I'll tell you how to overclock from the cpu if you're not sure and you will have a startling fast machine for bugger all money :)

edit: board and cpu - eBay 151602410890

I've got a few spare sticks of 1600 ddr3, no spare 8gb kits but to be honest 2x2gb will cover it; got a corsair xms3 4gb kit you can have for 20 quid.

edit2: if you want more horsepower then you can pick up a Xeon x3430 to suit that board for 30 quid, dirt cheap and should push up to 3.5ghz without an issue.

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Since the original question she's decided she wants a laptop, sorry for wasting your time guys!

Any recommendations for £200 laptops? (He says, knowing the only answer is 'spend more, you tight b*****d' but pleading to the converted that wives do not listen to logic)

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I strongly, 100%, totally recommend against laptops, spending £200 on computers, Windows and wives.

This thread is for expensive toys and overclocking! Not for cheap workstation help. :P

(I blame tomturd for closing the tech support thread).

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I strongly, 100%, totally recommend against laptops, spending £200 on computers, Windows and wives.

This thread is for expensive toys and overclocking! Not for cheap workstation help. :P

(I blame tomturd for closing the tech support thread).

Isn't the 200 quid i3 machine I posted above more powerful than your workstation? :P

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You mean workstation as in my computer at work? That's got an i5-3340. No SSD yet but we're trying to get budget. Don't really need it though as I run Ubuntu so never have speed issues really.

Only 8gb of RAM which can be a pain at times with the number of VMs I use for testing but it's running at 1600mhz so not too bad.

That spec you posted is less powerful than my file server. :P

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Aye, she'd like to be on a windows machine, the weirdo ;)

I've actually got a Zoostrom box in the office which is used for some automation tasks, and it's performed pretty flawlessly being as its on 24hours a day. Had to replace the PSU this week but that's hardly awful! If I was going to buy something for her right now it'd be one of them, I just wondered if anyone had seen something I should defiynitely get.

Cheers :)

I might need to source a new PC for my dad, but needs to be Windows 7.

Any help?

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Can anyone suggest how I can copy a large database (~500meg)? I'm trying to copy an entire forum so that the copy is totally independent of the original.

Stuff I have access to include phpMyAdmin, DirectAdmin and also root access to the VPS server through SSH - using WinSCP. The server is running Apache.

The forum duplicate will be on the same server and domain.

I'm a complete dummy when it comes to this so if you could keep it simple :P

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