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Danny Mac On Tv Tonight


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Am I the only one who didn't think the high rope thing was in the least bit risky? The dodgiest bit I imagine is setting up the abseil to set the thing up in the first place! Any kind of free climbing or tightrope/high rope without a harness and rope has risk associated with it but with the safety gear it's 99.9% safe surely?

I guess the thing is is that if anything does go wrong, you've got a fairly extensive fall and then death to look forward to. It also sounds like they weren't quite so confident about their equipment with the way they were talking about manufacturers finally starting to improve products and so on - I guess when you've got people pushing a "sport" (not really the right term?) like that there's always going to be a delay between what end users require and what manufacturers provide.

I thought it was pretty cool overall though. Zane Lowe not being able to say "Danny" properly was sort of annoying, but aside from that it was entertaining. Pity the wing-suit dudes didn't get to send it, but you can't win 'em all.

Oh, and hearing the surgery noises on Danny's back was grim.

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