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Hope Water Bottle From Tarty

Sam Song

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I agree, it's the principle of it. if you got a pub meal that cost a fiver and it was shite or not cooked right, you'd take it back wouldn't you? same principle

Similar principal, but in the end pretty much irrelevant. Don't know about you but I'm yet to have a pub meal delivered by Royal Mail and I know for sure I've never asked a restaurant to warranty a pie.

The water bottle is £4.60 but costs £3 to post. So ignoring the fact he probably got it along with other things, to return it will cost him £3 so that £4.60 water bottle has cost £10.60 to then return it for Tarty to 'warranty'. In order to do this Tarty would then most likely have to send the bottle back to Hope (who would most likely just laugh at them) which would cost Tarty £3 in postage and another ~£5 in time for whoever it is who has to deal with it. I hope you can see where this is going. If the bottle had been delivered with a hole in it or missing the lid or something then there would be a case to answer but a slightly drippy cheap as chips water bottle is life to be fair. If it were me I'd be breaking out the stanley knife and modifying the mating surfaces to get a better seal.

And Dave33... Issues much?

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SimilarI principal, but in the end pretty much irrelevant. Don't know about you but I'm yet to have a pub meal delivered by Royal Mail and I know for sure I've never asked a restaurant to warranty a pie.

The water bottle is £4.60 but costs £3 to post. So ignoring the fact he probably got it along with other things, to return it will cost him £3 so that £4.60 water bottle has cost £10.60 to then return it for Tarty to 'warranty'. In order to do this Tarty would then most likely have to send the bottle back to Hope (who would most likely just laugh at them) which would cost Tarty £3 in postage and another ~£5 in time for whoever it is who has to deal with it. I hope you can see where this is going. If the bottle had been delivered with a hole in it or missing the lid or something then there would be a case to answer but a slightly drippy cheap as chips water bottle is life to be fair. If it were me I'd be breaking out the stanley knife and modifying the mating surfaces to get a better seal.

And Dave33... Issues much?

You've never complained about a meal? Or at least thought " If I didn't want to make a scene I'd complain"?

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I can't quite work out all the negativity about this. The lad has bought a product used it for a few weeks to find a problem with it. Just send it back explaining what it is majority of companies offer a 28 days returns "policy". Normally in a situation like this you would be entitled to a refund as you are dissatisfied with the product or get an exchange.

So what if Hope will laugh? If they pride themselves for a uk company manufacturing advanced bike components, them producing bottles is just shoddy.

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You've never complained about a meal? Or at least thought " If I didn't want to make a scene I'd complain"?

It's different though because in a pub you're paying for a service with food being quite subjective. It's not a product you'd like to return but your opinion that the meal doesn't meet your expectations. This is kind of like complaining about a meal because your yorkshire pudding is dribbling gravy from it's base.

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Without being flippant, I'd say it was more like a meal being uncooked/cold/miniature, i.e not what you were expecting when you pay for it. If its inedible its not fulfilling its 'duty' if you will. I'd say the same for the bottle - You want it to contain water and not let it out, thats its main 'duty'. If you put it in your bag to go riding and it leaks, its not fulfilling its role.

I know its a 'cheap' bottle (I say that cautiously, because I know first hand how much it takes to mass produce a bottle lke this...) but I think it'd be in Tartys interest to either send another one out, or send it back to Hope to deal with.

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It leaked a bit but I thought, whatever it was going to be mounted on xc bike, little bit of leak is still usable.

Going off this I'd say that if you rang them the first time you filled it and said look I'm not happy with this as it leaks they'd probably have swapped it but the fact you disregarded it yourself and used it for 3 weeks is a different matter. Be it a water bottle or anything else you've decided to keep it, if you got a frame from them which had a small mark in and did the same would you expect to get a refund?

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if you got a frame from them which had a small mark in and did the same would you expect to get a refund?

I know it seems a bit off topic..

I bought a frame from Tarty about 5 years ago and it arrived with a small dent which must of been caused from transit. So i rang em n they asked to see pictures so i sent some as they requested. They rang me back an hour later and gave me two choices.. either send the frame back for a exchange or a set of free echo brake pads, stickers and a t shirt. Because you know a frame is going to get bashed from trials i took the 2nd offer. Adams top geezer for doing that.

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Awhhhh dont cry now son!

You seemed to be fine to write 'Yeah' fine there. Also the 'Quote' button is there for a reason...

Yeah has many ways it can be written, and the Quote button on mobile does f**k all.

Just went on my iPhone to see if it does f**k all. You appear to be incorrect.

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Awhhhh dont cry now son!

You seemed to be fine to write 'Yeah' fine there. Also the 'Quote' button is there for a reason...

Yeah has many ways it can be written, and the Quote button on mobile does f**k all.

Just quoted you using a phone.

For the people saying what's the point complaining as its just a cheap bottle I'd like to know what the cut off point should be at which you should complain.

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Lol that's all part of being a retailer, oh and the fact that they are probly doubling their money

Oh and what do you get for arse licking tarty ? Free stickers ?

SimilarI principal, but in the end pretty much irrelevant. Don't know about you but I'm yet to have a pub meal delivered by Royal Mail and I know for sure I've never asked a restaurant to warranty a pie.

The water bottle is £4.60 but costs £3 to post. So ignoring the fact he probably got it along with other things, to return it will cost him £3 so that £4.60 water bottle has cost £10.60 to then return it for Tarty to 'warranty'. In order to do this Tarty would then most likely have to send the bottle back to Hope (who would most likely just laugh at them) which would cost Tarty £3 in postage and another ~£5 in time for whoever it is who has to deal with it. I hope you can see where this is going. If the bottle had been delivered with a hole in it or missing the lid or something then there would be a case to answer but a slightly drippy cheap as chips water bottle is life to be fair. If it were me I'd be breaking out the stanley knife and modifying the mating surfaces to get a better seal.

And Dave33... Issues much?

Edited by dave33
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Lol that's all part of being a retailer, oh and the fact that they are probly doubling their money

Oh and what do you get for arse licking tarty ? Free stickers ?

Probly not I'd say. The markup on trials stuff really isn't that big, and certainly nowhere near double.

It's not arse licking, it's showing a bit of sense, not being a complete f**king dick and generally defending and supporting one of the most successful trials retailers in the world who have done an absolute ton of good to help promote and support the trials world.

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Lol that's all part of being a retailer, oh and the fact that they are probly doubling their money

Oh and what do you get for arse licking tarty ? Free stickers ?

Mate you seem to be the only person here who has a problem with Tarty , they are awesome guys and accusing them of being "thieving c*nts " is a real good way to make people not like you in the trials world considering as they are if not the , one of the best retailers in the hobby and in my experience the best retailer I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with out of any field.

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Let me just get a few things straight here:

I'm not interested in bashing tarty give any bad rep for them. I did have good luck with tarty in the past and until now.

I made this thread after I talked to them, and after I got a message it can't be warrantied.

I wanted to see if asking for a replacement for a leaking bottle that was bought a month ago was that bizarre of a request.

All in all, I just want a water bottle that won't wet my shirt when I drink from it.

It's not a big deal if I have to get another one, but I am still sensible with spending my money :P

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Obviously I was incorrect about the quote, but still thats not the main issue here.

What phone are you using?

Mine and several others works fine. No big issue about quotes though, try downloading Opera mobile browser.

The old voting for validation system needs to come back :helmet:

When it comes to mass branded or mix branded products i always do my research! Take BMX front hubs for a prime example a large percentage of them are the same but re-branded, but even though the price can vary from one manufacturer to another, there still inevitably the same crappy cheap hub! I try always to avoid these sort of items because you know no matter how good the company is, the product is tat.

EDIT:interesting how non of the Tarty lads have commented on this topic though! (I cba to find out if there logged in)

Edited by TROYston
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unusual? can you copy and paste the message you sent to tarty?

normaly an online shop doesn't do a warranty on a cheap thing because the customer has left it to late for the returns policy or they are just being rude in e mails.

i think your best bet is to picture the leaking bottle and e mail the pic to hope they will probbably send you a new one out free.

on a posotive note tarts have warranted every faulty part i have had and all my mates have had. and with quick turn around in under a week. a great service in my opinion.

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If I bought a frame and it come with a small crack but I continued to use it and it snapped I wouldn't send it back I have no argument. You continued to use the product even though it was defective thus invalidating your warranty. (Not that there is one on water bottles.)

This thread is ridiculous can we add some Jardo to this just for a laugh?

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Just seen this thread. Wow. Being called a 'bunch of robbing c**ts' is pretty strong. Not sure how to take that really. I don't think it's a joke? :ermm:

A lot of mis-information in this thread, here are some facts:

- Sam is based in Canada.

- A water bottle is fit for purpose if it holds water. Unless there is a hole in the bottom, it holds water.

- Stan's Hope bottle that he has had for around a year, which we drew experience from, does exactly the same thing as Sam's. He is still using it.

- Sam explained to us in a subsequent email that the lid 'pops' off the threads when tightened super tight trying to aid sealing.

- We have agreed to send a new one to him in his next order as a goodwill gesture. This decision was not influenced by this thread.

- In case Sam wants a refund instead, so he can buy one locally, I will offer that too.

It's a bit of a grey area to provide warranty, over one month after purchase, on a cheap consumable item like this. Still, given that the lid pops off when tightened really tight and the ones we have left in stock don't do this, it's worth trying a different one.


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Usually I think topics like this are a bit pointless, but I agree that even if a product is cheap it should still be fit for purpose.

Or if there are flaws in the product, such as a tendency to leak, then this should be stated in the product description.

Here is Tarty's description:

- Water bottle from U.K. manufacturers Hope.

- The ideal size (capacity: 800ml) to pop in your riding bag so you can keep hydrated while you're out riding.

- Printed measuring gauge on the side makes it perfect for mixing any sports drinks you might use.

- Stylish, ergonomic design makes it easy to hold.

- Easy-to-use valve provides good flow.

There's no mention there that these bottles are cheap and leaky, so why should a customer buying this product expect anything other than a fully functioning water bottle?

Maybe TartyBikes should state in there description that these bottles have a tendency to leak as noticed by Stan and Sam:

Stan's Hope bottle that he has had for around a year, which we drew experience from, does exactly the same thing as Sam's.

Anyway I'm glad that Sam has got a replacement bottle, albeit not because of this topic.

I also want to make it clear that I do not have a problem with TartyBikes or Hope.

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