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Mech Hanger Bolts (Photo Added)

1337 Trials

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Hello. Im looking for the size of the three small mech hanger bolts which attach the mech hanger to the frame. I have some which go through the mech hanger and they are the correct shape (heads) to sit in the mech hanger but when I go to screw them in to the frame they don't screw in. Can anyone confirm the size of the bolts and I can order the correct ones. I have vertical drop outs using a da bomb grenade frame.


EDIT: Just found out I have two mech hangers and the reason the bolt fits is that one of my mech hangers has been drilled out to allow for bigger bolts. Here is a photo of the other mech hanger which requires smaller bolts in order to fit my frame. The other mech hanger I have has slightly bigger holes due to someone drilling them out.

This is my mech hanger that I need the bolts for:



Edited by 1337 Trials
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