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How To Remove Cups On A Headset


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I'm assuming you don't have the tool? I'd say goto the LBS and get them to whip it out with a tool.

If you're determined to do it yourself without the tool then you can use a hammer and a metal rod to punch the cup out from the inside of the headtube, i.e. rest the metal rod on the inner cup lip and tap it round in a circle to try loosen it evenly. This method may cause damage to your headtube and headset if you're not careful, so not ideal, but does the trick most of the time.

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As above, that'll do the job just be very gentle with it and make sure it comes out straight as possible.

If you say it's been wobbling you might have flared the head tube (i.e it's not round/ the original size anymore) in which case it's serious bodge or new frame time.

Some headsets like FSA pigs are known for being a little fatter though so could be worth a try.

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I've done it now. I wasn't worried about the old headset it wobbled since i had it but it was getting worse and so i decided i should replace it before radfest. I hope the headtube isn't flared but the new cups aren't going in too easily either which worries me. I'm having to very gently hit the new cups in but keeping the bike still while hitting it in is a challenge.

Thanks for the advice.

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If they new ones are going in slowly that's a good sign the head tube's not f**ked - if you are having trouble though see if your lbs can put it in for you with their headset press, or make one if you've got some threaded bar and some big washers (Y)

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Defiantly works, done and tested. All you need to do is file 2 flat sides allowing you to slide the piece of material into the headtube and then maybe depending on size ect of whatever you are using in my case it was a machined piece of steel about 1cm thick if i remember right but could easily be a washer, file a curve to one the the edges ( one side and one edge on that side only) to allow you to turn the piece of material inside over so it is resting on the cups then hit it out as normal but hitting your piece of material instead of the cups with what ever you were going to use previously.

Ill get a pick up tomorrow if i can find it :).

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As other's have suggested there's numerous ways of removing and fitting headsets, all of the above suggestions will do the job fine, some better than other's.

Here's a couple of tools i knocked up @ work when i had a spare five mins,

Headset remover


Headset press


i have removed and fitted two ck headsets with the above tools and they worked a treat, not one mark was made on either headset. if you can find the materials they are well worth making.

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I just used some old bars and tapped it out evenly round the cup and it came out.

ezgondo they do actually look really good considering they're homemade. I was watching videos on how to get it out and i saw a headset remover just like that used. It's a shame i don't have the materials or i would give it a go. That and i would make myself a bikestand because a few of my mates have done it and trying to hold a bike and carefully tap in a headset seemed almost impossible yesterday.

Thanks for the advice everyone!

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