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Wacky Rally Barmy To Barcelona 2012 Pirate Ship. British Heart Foundat


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Hello people I've not been on here for a while. Anyway me and my fellow members of Team Super Stud are entering the Wacky Rally Barmy to Barcelona (http://www.wackyrall...2012&routeId=17).

Basically I'm here to bum some money off you for the British Heart Foundation. If you've got a few quid kicking around in your paypal account or if you're feeling generous please make a donation here http://www.justgivin...m/TeamSuperStud

There's pictures of the Pirate ship on our Just giving page. Enjoy the pictures and I'll try and keep things updated here.


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Last year me and some mates did the wacky rally, there were six of us in two different cars. This time round theres just the one car with 3 of us which looks like this:



Obviously its a pirate ship!

The route we are taking is documented here:


And the charity were doing it for is the British Heart Foundation http://www.bhf.org.uk/

Sooooo, if you would like to donate to us doing the rally for a very good cause, you can do so either via bank card or paypal at this site:


Thankyou very much!

Thought I may aswell copy and paste what Ive put on other forums here

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Same here pending Dannys reply to my pm :) (he's pretty much tied in now I've said that though :P)

Car looks awesome, hope its sturdy, noone wants a crows nest to fly off the car in front of you on the motorway.

I see theres a meetup in souzy doo (dunno how you spell it) - went boarding there a few years ago. Nice place for cheap booze!

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  On 6/21/2012 at 1:15 PM, tomturd said:

Same here pending Dannys reply to my pm :) (he's pretty much tied in now I've said that though :P)

Do it :P

I saw the pictures on facebook and wondered what the hell it was for. Good work guys :)

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  On 6/21/2012 at 5:31 PM, wally said:

Looks awesome! We did the Wacky Rally to Barca a few years back, here's the video I made of our travels.


Haha nice one we did it last year in a Camo BMW it was a good laugh like.

That's us at the start still very drunk from the night before.
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