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This Tube Situation Is Getting Ridiculous


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So, I pinch a gazillion times a month. Where's people mail ordering bulk tubes? 24" is what I'm after, and something not made of 'definitelypunctureflon'

Yes, I should ride better. Hush.

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Fark knows off the top of my head... What rim am I running Sam?!

It's got quite possibly the largest amount of duct tape ever inside it though, which has never failed me back when I was hoppy hoppy. I think it's just because I can't ride bikes.

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All very helpful lads, but my lack of riding skill does not equate to being a complete and utter numbskull who hasn't tried more psi and whatever else (except riding more good, I'll try that). In the mean time, anyone got an answer to my question?

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Tesco tubes are pretty cheap. They're not the best quality, but I run the 26" versions and they're fine, all probably come out the same factory anyways. Thats the 'buy lots for cheap' option. Or http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=30312 these Contis are higher quality and £3.99 if you buy lots. I can't find a dh tube for 24 on CRC for some reason.

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Tesco tubes are pretty cheap.

I use Tesco tubes (24", £1.97 at last check I think) and run 30-35psi and only occasionally pinch (2.4" Holy Rollers). What tyres you running?

Options I can see are: slime tubes or slime to seal the tube once pinched (not sure how well that works with trials pinches as opposed to thorns etc.), running tyres with thicker sidewalls (Kenda blue grooves may be heavy but you can run them at about 10psi and still not pinch), running fatboy DH tubes or at a push running a second tube, slit around it's internal surface, wrapped over the new tube to try and increase protection (with a bit of talc thrown in for good measure). Riding more good would definitely help though :P.

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I use Tesco tubes (24", £1.97 at last check I think) and run 30-35psi and only occasionally pinch (2.4" Holy Rollers). What tyres you running?

Options I can see are: slime tubes or slime to seal the tube once pinched (not sure how well that works with trials pinches as opposed to thorns etc.), running tyres with thicker sidewalls (Kenda blue grooves may be heavy but you can run them at about 10psi and still not pinch), running fatboy DH tubes or at a push running a second tube, slit around it's internal surface, wrapped over the new tube to try and increase protection (with a bit of talc thrown in for good measure). Riding more good would definitely help though :P.

I'll give them a go when I work out where a big enough Tesco round here is, I've heard good things for the money. Also on 2.4" Holy Rollers - I just go through phases where I don't puncture for ages and then I'll have 3 per ride. Get's frustrating when I struggle to find the time to get out only to have it cut short by a pinch. Catch 22 situation - don't ride enough to ride more good, can't ride more because I flat within half hour! Bring on the bag full of tubes! Cheers all.

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Depending on how bad your pinches are, might be worth getting some patch sheets, basically 6"x3" repair patches that you cut to whatever size you need. Not gonna cover all eventualities but you can repair small pinches with them.

FWIW the last pinch I got I figured I would go get a cheap tube from tescos only to find the 26" tubes had gone from summat like 1.99 to 4.80 in a fortnight! :(

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This was like 18 months ago, I had been in only a couple of weeks before and noticed they were about 2 quid, made a mental note of the fact and then got stung for almost a fiver when I actually needed one :(

No idea what the prices are like now, not had a puncture since, thank you rain king! :D

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I'll give them a go when I work out where a big enough Tesco round here is, I've heard good things for the money. Also on 2.4" Holy Rollers - I just go through phases where I don't puncture for ages and then I'll have 3 per ride. Get's frustrating when I struggle to find the time to get out only to have it cut short by a pinch. Catch 22 situation - don't ride enough to ride more good, can't ride more because I flat within half hour! Bring on the bag full of tubes! Cheers all.

This happens to me, its weird

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Maxxis dh tube. 45+ psi and I doubt you'll ever get a puncture. In over 3 years of that set-up I only got my first rear puncture the other day and that was only because a spoke snapped and spiked the tube.

Even hitting the rim hard and using a tyre well after it should of been put in the bin it still won't pinch.

I reckon 1 good tube is better than lots of shitty ones.

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Theres a few tricks from the old days of tioga tryes you can use.

Stick a car seatbelt inside the tyre

Cut the valve off an old innertube, and then cut all the way round it on one skin, and wrap your innertube it it.

Cut the sidewalls off an old trye and stick them inside yours

Run a smaller tyre inside yours

Or use a tubeless tyre. I used use a michelin comp 24 with an innertube in. Impossible to get a pinch flat even at 10psi.

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