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Trail Building


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Thought I'd share a few of the bits of trail I'v started working on up at a local spot with you all.

Please excuse the photo quality, they're all taken on mois phone.




And another little trail I've started.




I'll keep updating as progress is made and hopefully get some better shots and some film soon.

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Solid as rock. Its made from 3x3 up rights sunk around 18" into the ground then 2x3 top rails which are 10ft long and are sunk under the ground at the start of the drop by around a foot. Its well braced and staked into the ground in a few places too. Its been up around 3 to 4 weeks now and I've ridden it more than 30 times..Its solid. Gunna be there for quite a while I hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

RIght then..All of the above is now scrapped.

New locaton, new bigger better build. Started work on the trail below around a week ago.

Starts above the log laying on the floor at the top right about 1/3rd of the way into the picture. Down round this little berm.


From the berm over this little kicker, its not high but it throws you a good 15 foot.



Land the above kicker and you're straight onto this drop almost immediately.


I did manage to finish it off and shape the run in trail and a bit of a run out trail and had a few goes, its mega smooth and rather fast. Gets a bit hairy after you land, the trees get a bit denser and come up rather sharp, tis muchos fun!

Much better photos needed...

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Theres quite a bit missing in the photos, they're just from the phone. The structure has a lot more bracing under all the planks and we added legs down either side. The thing is rock solid, bet you could drive a car off it. It leans just the right way as well, you sort of naturally whip off it and it turns you away from a head on crash into a tree too which is nice.

I need to look at building up another drop, a higher one, and a set of jumps further down to finish off this particular line. Then its on with building the next one!

Edited by Boumsong
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I'm fortunate in that there isn't even a farm within maybe 2 or 3 miles and the nearest village probably 3 or 4 miles away, I've seen 1 dog walker in the woods and my building is well out of sight of the main walk way.

Its Forestry commision land so I'm kinda hoping it never gets checked on and they'll survive for a few years...

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