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Sad News In Hastings


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Nobody is talking crap. The news was told as facts, end of. There was a discussion about safety to prevent this kind of thing happening again, which is surely a good thing?!

One more reply with bad attitude and you're gone. You're adding nothing to the forum, other than causing aggro in a thread which was meant to be informing people/ a place to show respect to your "mate". I put mate in speech marks, because I wouldn't class somebody that acted like you have, as a mate of mine.

Now...try again.

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sorry for being hot headed im still cut up about what happened! dont evan know why i went looking on here to be honest. i understand people are going to talk about it, im just really angry and horrified about loosing such a close friend in such a horrible way and to of wittnessed it! sorry again!

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Sad news, RIP and thoughts to all who knew him, especially those unfortunate enough to witness any of it.

sad news indeed, must have been horrible for the friends to have witnessed! I hope they can get over what they have seen and I give best wishes to friends and family.

With regards to Gouldy77 and without wanting to spark an argument, having rules to force people to have brakes and wear helmets would suck and be next to impossible to enforce. I ride brakeless quite a bit and it just wouldn't be practical to take a set of brakes with me to use when I decide to use a road to get where I am going. The reason a lot of riders cycle is because of the lack of rules and regulations, cycling is a form of freedom and the moment people are forced to obey rules it ruins the whole experience.

It sounds like a freak accident, as sad as they are they happen to a lot of people in all kinds of activities. It's not really a problem that needs to be fixed. It's like forcing people to wear helmets when running as you're more likely to trip and fall,

So yeah, not wanting to spark an argument or be disrespectful.


I have to disagree with some of that Ali. Riding on roads with a helmet should, IMO, be a legal minimum requirement, like wearing a seatbelt in a car, or a helmet on a motorbike. The amount of people I see riding on busy roads who clearly have no real control of their bikes, and still don't wear a helmet is scary. Regardless of experience of bike control a helmet should be a MUST.

With regards to brakeless riding I have no problem with that in set riding locations, but if you are riding on public roads with other road users then brakes should also be a minimum. What if you are approaching a crossing and don't see a woman cross with a child until the last second, or another car pull out of side road, how do you stop. I am not having a go at you Ali and respect you as a person and rider, but riding on public roads without brakes is asking for trouble.


Edited by fruitbat
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I see your point, but where do you draw the line? There are a hell of a lot of people out there who do wear helmets but wear them so badly they are useless, do they still get punished? If you're worried about people in traffic,then should children walking on the pavement wear helmets as they are not as skilled walkers as adults and might wander into the road?

I've been brakeless and had to stop suddenly, it is harder than with brakes but it is possible. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of legal requirement to have at least one brake anyway, but it's not strictly enforced (thank god!)

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I see your point, but where do you draw the line? There are a hell of a lot of people out there who do wear helmets but wear them so badly they are useless, do they still get punished? If you're worried about people in traffic,then should children walking on the pavement wear helmets as they are not as skilled walkers as adults and might wander into the road?

I've been brakeless and had to stop suddenly, it is harder than with brakes but it is possible. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of legal requirement to have at least one brake anyway, but it's not strictly enforced (thank god!)

Enforcement is the biggest problem hence why I don't think anything will ever be done about it on any real level. The police ..etc.. struggle to enforce the law for drivers let alone other road users. The cycling community itself should be the ones putting the pressure on the rest to ensure relevant safety levels are being followed, after all when something goes wrong many people will point the finger at the cyclist especially when he/she "wasn't wearing a helmet" or "wasn't following basic safety guidelines" ..etc..

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