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Dear Trials Forum

Dave Anscombe

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Why is there such a hugeee rift between people theese days?

i used to love this sport and respect it on so many levels'

other trials forums laugh at this one!

i dont see why we cant pull it together or have harsher rules with longer periods of suspentions ect ect ?

just a thought or is it illegal to think here now aswell?

Just think about it !

peace x

Come on Dave you flipped the other day and over reacted to a comment I made in the thread about G!'s new video. So surely you're contributing to it too? I didn't reply in the thread because i didn't want to start an argument.

I think in general the forum is great. The majority of people in the trials community are awesome people, friendly, helpful, polite and a lot of fun. But there are the few ego's out there that do sour the mood a little. It's a shame but there does seem to be a theme of a lack of respect, arrogance and rudeness within some of the younger riders. I don't want to make general sweeping statements because i've met a lot of new people this year, young and older who are exactly what this sport need and I think that's why the sport is growing. And long may it keep growing.

Edited by craigjames
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It could be that people aren't speaking to certain other people on rides because they don't have any interest in speaking to them or getting to know them? There are people on here who come across as total dicks who I have absolutely no interest in speaking to, yet I've been on rides with them before. I don't speak to them and don't make contact with them because I don't see the point. I can think of quite a few people on here who've given me and people I'm friends with shit, yet on Facebook they ask for help with things or on rides they try to be all friendly and nice. If you're a dick on here, people ARE going to judge you whether you want them to or not, or whether it's "right" or not. I generally try and treat people's online personas as different to their "offline" persona and give them the benefit of the doubt, but there are exceptions to this.

Just because we all ride bikes doesn't mean we all have to get along, and it seems strange that people constantly propagate that myth that we should.

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I'm not to sure about this idea of younger riders being arrogant and rude all of a sudden either. Kids will always be like that. I find my self increasingly less tolerant of others on here and in person. There's only so much idiocy you can suffer silently. And after 15 years, security guards and samaritans in the street taking issue with me and the bike get short shrift aswell!

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In fairness I'd say that there has been a change in attitude from young people in terms of how they deal with others, the sort of respect they have for people, etc. I don't specifically mean in trials, but in society as a whole. When I was younger you'd get the usual chavvy teenagers shouting abuse at people, but I've seen kids under 10 shouting and swearing at people. Some tiny little foetus riding a scooter at Prissick called a BMXer in his mid-to-late-20s "A f**king wanker" - when I was that sort of age I don't think anyone I knew would've done something like that, even from the group of people who've subsequently ended up in prison...

Andeee - Why? If people are dicks, why should they instantly be forgiven just because they happen to ride a trials bike too? I'm not trying to sound like an angel or anything, but if I was "Selfish and anti-social" why would I have organised that Section 1 thing, and have plans for another this year? Me not wanting to speak to people who I don't like isn't an "anti-social" thing, I'd have said that was pretty normal...

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'younger cocksure generation is coming through'

Your generation of teenagers.

It's not absolute, there's gonna be some decent ones but from my perspective the amount of dickheads to decent kids there are is a lot worse than my generation.

The cause is parents who buy their kid's silence.

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To Mark W

Who says somebody has to have forgiveness? As long as you talk n get on for that one day then where is the harm in that.

People who don't talk or engage in a group really do piss me of. I have met many on rides who have been like that n all of a sudden start speaking magic over a keyboard.

EDIT: In fact i remember some guy and his brother who fell out with me for a stupid pathetic reason to do with the forum were once sending me shit long messages on facebook which i just switched of to when i saw them. I then noticed they had deleted n blocked which i really did not care less about.

Many months later when i found out Corel, Tomala n Rob ( some very good riders from Poland) were coming over for a week n wanted to ride everywhere. I then get 2 friend requests and a massive long private message from each one saying how sorry they was n it was out of order for them n asked if they could come along on the rides and to be friends again... What da fuq???

Am telling you man there is some right morons about!

Edited by Andeee
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Who says somebody has to have forgiveness? As long as you talk n get on for that one day then where is the harm in that.

People who don't talk or engage in a group really do piss me of. I have met many on rides who have been like that n all of a sudden start speaking magic over a keyboard.

So you'd rather I faked small talk with someone I don't like for a day and pretend to be friends? Surely being massively false and putting up a big front is significantly worse than just not speaking to someone? You talk about how people are 'quiet' in real life but chatty on here being bad, but I'd say it was infinitely worse to pretend to be friends with someone in person.

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i agree that the younger generation are going mad. Ive just turned 21 so im not exactly "young", but in general i will treat people with respect unless they abuse that, then i obviously wont.

I hold doors for old ladies and carry bags etc, but most old people are scared of us nowadays, due to the amount of disrespectful teens. Im not sure really hw this all relates to this forum, cos i really only use this if i need to buy/sell or need mechanical help. but i have noticed people do try to argue alot on here.

i think because its a more computer-orientated generation (where people will text/email people in the same room without speaking), kids can abuse people online without having to face them, its when they take this mentality to the public and end up shouting the wrong thing to the wrong person that things are going to get messy, and they hopefully will learn from their actions.

i know this because kids in my village hang outside the shops.. and i take my dear old nan down the shops to do the lottery.. and if one of the little 15 year olds shouts the common saying "suck my d*ck you old b*tch" to my nan... they will be handed a beating. haha

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To be honest Trials-Forum is the best thing I've discovered, its helped me an awful lot with bike problems, and has helped me to become a better rider with all the positive comments and tips i get when i post videos.

Also i don't think arguments are much of a problem.

Unless of course your a trouble causer who likes to wind people up.

I've been a member for a year and a half and have never had any problems with anyone.

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It seems to me that a lot of people are disregarding street because it's just BMX riding to them, and there's always been a dislike to BMX from other cycling sports.

It's a shame because the street lads are some of the nicest people in trials, dave wells, ben rolands, nick cooke, JD ect are always really friendly and prepared to talk on rides and stuff. I think some people need to get a bit more open minded.

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EDIT: In fact i remember some guy and his brother who fell out with me for a stupid pathetic reason to do with the forum were once sending me shit long messages on facebook which i just switched of to when i saw them. I then noticed they had deleted n blocked which i really did not care less about.

Many months later when i found out Corel, Tomala n Rob ( some very good riders from Poland) were coming over for a week n wanted to ride everywhere. I then get 2 friend requests and a massive long private message from each one saying how sorry they was n it was out of order for them n asked if they could come along on the rides and to be friends again... What da fuq???

Am telling you man there is some right morons about!

Haha, the fact Corel, Tomala and Rob were coming over had nothing to do with me apologizing for what I had said at all :') It was a matter of weeks, not months. In fact, you only told me they were coming in your message to me following mine....


It was merely an attempt at a genuine apology so we could ride without any problems. You've always been a sound lad when we rode, and didnt/ dont see why that should change following a mere disagreement in ideas.

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Trials has gone down hill these past 2 years.. Maybe it is the economy that is affecting us all. To have the money to fix our bikes n other stuff relating to trials. There is not as many group rides or events there use to be years ago.. well thats how i see it.

Plus since the 24"/street bike scene has got a lot popular its made Comp/TGS riding not feel the same.

Maybe you're getting invited less.

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To those who asked....by 'younger cocksure generation with less respect' - i didnt have an age range in mind. Generally i meant people younger than me, probably mid to late teens. I expect someone to be 12-13 to be immature, its people slightly older than that which I worry about..

I generalised with the age range and didnt intend it at anyone specifically, so dont start protecting your 'age group'. If you looked around the country, not just limited to trials, you'd find many kids the same age as you who are good people, but it is my belief that this number is completely outweighed by those who are pricks.

I am 27, and i still like to mess about (note: alot), but, I have respect for people in general. I'd expect people in their mid teens to early 20's to have grown up a little bit more, however on here it doesn't come across this way. Many on here, I can't / won't specify anyone, just come across like kids who believe the world owes them something, and that they shouldnt have to work for anything (this includes, but is not limited too: respect, help, sponsorships, being the next big thing, being rich etc).

My opinion comes from having a younger brother that took far too long to grow up, but it has finally hit him, and he realises he has responsibilities now, so much so, that he is a much nicer person to be around. I believe that if many people on this forum grew up a little bit, it'd be a nice place to be around.

On the other hand, I do not frequent the forum as much anymore, the odd visit to see if there are any new videos / anything that interests me, so maybe it doesnt really matter whether things change.

I don't go on massive street rides, partly due to location, partly due to the fact that a Massive group ride is sh*t for actually doing any riding. However I agree that I shouldnt force myself to speak to people, I wouldn't not speak to them, but I wouldnt rush over to introduce myself.

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Firstly I am 17 and strongly disagree with us younger riders taking the brunt of the blame here. It's obvious looking over the problems we habe had on here that it is the older members of the forum who cause and/or are more involved with the problems; that is the only judgement of personality I will and/or have ever made on this forum.

I personally feel that without trials forum I would not have found the direction I found I wanted my riding to go down, and feel but increadibly privaliged and proud that the trials community as a whole has places like TF and such an open community. It is one which, thinking about, I would love to have more of a role in and I fully intend to have an active role in trials forum for some time, and would love to embrace and become even more involved in the tight community we have. This is because if, for example, if I started to ride BMX right now I could not simply go on a forum and gain advice or even simply talk to the person/people that have inspired me to start riding, just as I have been able to due to the closeness of our community.

Of course I am not suggesting that everybody should get on because we ride trials but that it does benifit everybody if the community is able to work together without friction and/or extreme cases of disagreements as we have seen on trials forum. It is however apparent that rather than saying we should all be friends because we ride trials it would be more suitable to say that the key to preventing the extention of the only divide in our community could be the common interest that we all have in riding bikes; trials bikes; whether we ride them in a way which others disagree with or dislike or not. The way in which one man rides his bike should not bother another, but in reality it does, therefore it is apparent that tension will arise from the situation, this is what we are witnessing here on trials forum and what has happened in many sports i.e the development of freestyle BMX from Racing and Flatland from Freestyle. The difference here is that our community is too small for people with different interests to stay separate from one another which causes creative criticisms to become mis-interpreted as insults or for good intentions to becme bad.

Ultimately, the way I see the future of TF and the trials community as a whole will probably result in a divide occurring between riders, this would be a real shame for the really friendly community we have and could still have.

In the long run I believe the only way to preserve the community would be to eliminate the tension in the community would be to limit the amount of filpancy we see on TF, although this is a shame as it is what makes TF special. It was fairly obvious this would occurr as by addressing the argument as directly as this, I for one, was able to assume that it would become a continuation of the argument that was already occurring, which, it is obvious, it has become and it has become both agressive and unproductive in nature.

Edited by onza pro series guy
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