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Dear Trials Forum

Dave Anscombe

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Why is there such a hugeee rift between people theese days?

i used to love this sport and respect it on so many levels'

other trials forums laugh at this one!

i dont see why we cant pull it together or have harsher rules with longer periods of suspentions ect ect ?

just a thought or is it illegal to think here now aswell?

Just think about it !

peace x

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I think the forum is a good representation of what the UK is like....the majority seem to be nice enough people, but a younger cocksure generation is coming through that seems to have a lot less respect for anyone.

I dont know if it is because I am getting that little bit older, with more life responsibilities, but I find a lot of younger folk aren't as mature as I think they should be. (It should be noted that I am generally the person who is immature / non-pc in real life)

The inability of some people to communicate with at least a little clarity / empathy / temperament for others annoys me as well. We have a multi-lingual forum, and it bugs me that some of the British Citizens on here are harder to understand than the foreign people, but that also many british members will be complete pricks at the shortest notice.

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It's quite bizarre that there are a handful of people who seem to complain that TF is going downhill, that it's full of bitchiness and that it's generally full of people who lack community spirit. Yet those few people that think these things are the most flippant, aggressive and contentious people on the forum. They lack any kind of tolerance to other ways of thinking about the sport and they fail to see that there is actually only a handful of them that ever cause contempt on this forum.

To quote Jannet Flanner; "They are like degenerates who are color blind, except that they see something which is NOT there, instead of failing to see something which is."

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I think the forum is a good representation of what the UK is like....the majority seem to be nice enough people, but a younger cocksure generation is coming through that seems to have a lot less respect for anyone.

I dont know if it is because I am getting that little bit older, with more life responsibilities, but I find a lot of younger folk aren't as mature as I think they should be. (It should be noted that I am generally the person who is immature / non-pc in real life)

The inability of some people to communicate with at least a little clarity / empathy / temperament for others annoys me as well. We have a multi-lingual forum, and it bugs me that some of the British Citizens on here are harder to understand than the foreign people, but that also many british members will be complete pricks at the shortest notice.

Spot on. God I hate British people.

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I don't know what it used to be like but even when i arrived on the site more seemed to happen. Admittedly it was mainly arguments between people or something that i had said that offended people.

Such members don't seem to be posting at the moment to my knowledge. What people need to remember is were british and we should stick together not just argue with each other, that don't just go for on here.

Do you know what i mean does anyone else remember when we used to have street party's and carnivals in our local areas, streets got closed and anyone was welcome. These days your lucky to not get told to get the F**K off my street...

But in my opinion the forum is less bitchy than it was 2 months ago, but now it's just boring....

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Some people some how spend majority of there life on a forum.

Also some who i have come across on rides before were quiet as a mouse n seemed orite then they start piping up on a forum. They are most likely the ones who would not dare say it to me than over the internet. Weirdozzz

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Maybe Britain has just become more stressed due to the economy being retarded in the past few years, I joined in 2009 and the forum doesn't seem hugely different. Seems like there's less topics and posts now though, the for sale section and the trials chat section in particular seemed a lot more active.

Also, when you say a 'younger cocksure generation is coming through' what sort of ages are you on about? I have seen a couple of 12-13 year olds saying they have an Onza and asking if they could have a go on my bike, but they didn't seem that bad. They would ask questions like "How do I drop off this pallet?" and I would do my best to explain, and they seemed pretty appreciative of it. Even offered me a can of coke and a packet of crisp as thanks haha.

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Trials has gone down hill these past 2 years.. Maybe it is the economy that is affecting us all. To have the money to fix our bikes n other stuff relating to trials. There is not as many group rides or events there use to be years ago.. well thats how i see it.

Plus since the 24"/street bike scene has got a lot popular its made Comp/TGS riding not feel the same.

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but a younger cocksure generation is coming through that seems to have a lot less respect for anyone.

What age range are you talking about?

Im only 16, but I have huge respect and passion for the sport. Im not going to say I haven't been involved in any arguments on here, just dont think its very fair to be categorized as "cocksure" and having less respect.

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And I wouldn't say its gone downhill at all. The likes of Ross Gardener and many others promoting the sport, slowly increasing media coverage, and the number of higher quality and choice of parts could never be better.

The likes of the "newer" street scene is fantastic, as it adds another genre of riding to trials.

Trials has still got a long way to go. Many older riders have indeed quit, maybe giving the scene a feel its going dead?

I dont know, I see it as the only way being forwards :)

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Agree with andee strangely. I have encountered a few on rides who could barely make eye contact with riders they hadn't met before. Only to find them berating and slagging people behind their backs on this forum. They know who they are.

It's also very easy to get into arguments, there's lots of nonsense ideas thrown about by people, who then refuse to acknowledge the error of their ideas.

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Im only 16, but I have huge respect and passion for the sport. Im not going to say I haven't been involved in any arguments on here, just dont think its very fair to be categorized as "cocksure" and having less respect.

Yeah same here, I'm 16 also. I guess it's just as you grow older, you think of people in different age categories differently. Like I find 11 year old kids at the skatepark on scooters they piss me off so much, but I was 11 once and was on a scooter at the skatepark.

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As a rough example I once encountered somebody telling others about frame material characteristics and properties, swearing that alloy frames provide a flexy, springy ride as it bends easily. And steel gives a rigid stiff ride due to it's strength. Nonsense, yet there it was, advice to everybody. That's just AN example, don't want to start something again lol.

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Also these people go round constantly liking peoples comments when there is negativity or sarcasm aimed towards someone in an attempt to make them look stupid just makes the people who like the comments look a wimp because they haven't got the balls to type it. PFFT

Lets start an event called cock days, will get meeky boy to get a warehouse sorted, bring what you ever want and do whatever you want.

Last one standing wins.

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Also these people go round constantly liking peoples comments when there is negativity or sarcasm aimed towards someone in an attempt to make them look stupid just makes the people who like the comments look a wimp because they haven't got the balls to type it. PFFT

Or maybe they just don't want to comment?

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