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Drunken Escapades And Injuries

Duncy H

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That walk home also threw up the quote "If someone has paid for a 3 litre Audi then they deserve my dick on the roof" and "I would sleep with this car right now for falafel."

This post is why i can't wait to be living within walking distance from Charlie for 3 years.

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My uncle who used to live in Gravesend went for a night out in London and missed the last train back. Him and a friend proceded to steal a rowing boat with the idea of rowing pretty much the whole length of the Thames back to Gravesend. They woke up in the early hours of the morining in thick fog and assumed they were at sea. After around 5 hours it cleared and they rowed to the shore. Cant remember what happened from there.

I have also witnessed a mate of mine insult someone at a campfire only for the guy to grab a piece of wood of the fire and chase him through the wood trying to hit him with it shouting 'now you must die!'

Personally the only thing I've done is sewn myself to a randomer I only met at that party using a sewing machine. It hurt like hell and we only intended to sew our sleeves not our arms. Cant even remember how we got separate! :/

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Went for a night out round York with my mates, we were all hideously drunk and went to Tokyo. I fell off a stage in there and split my chinos right at the crotch. Massive gaping hole.

Prom night year 11 we had to walk across a massive field to get to my mates house. My friend ended up tripping over a f**king hedghog, fell down a banking and sprained his ankle. It was too funny.

Year 11 again and through my mate niko from the other story, his cousins friend was hosting a mad party in Leeds. It wasnt a normal house party it was like one youd see on Skins tv program. Stupid amount of people crammed into a house with strobe lights, massive music system and people passed out on the floor. Anyway there was a mirror on the wall and it was like shards of glass. Gilly thought itd be cool to touch it and ended up slicing his hand open and had to go to A and E haha. Then 5 police vans came and shut the party dowb. surreal. The house was absolutely trashed.

Then there was my 18th which went tits up.

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Got claw like scrape looking scars on my back that I cant remember being there before a party a few months ago.

No idea how I got them either.

Also managed to cut a huge gash in my shin after trying to jump across her pond, that still hasnt healed properly. Pedals are the pain of my life now.

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got a bit drunk at a names house party. eat a raw potato...... As you do! the same night we ended up in town. the pub was kicking out, and me and my mate decided to run across a car.(not a good thing i know) Ended up getting chased by the 50. I hid behind a car. while my mate was unlocking his house, they saw him. he ran off. but he kinda of left his keys in the door!

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  • 5 months later...

tried to ride my fixie round my house a little while ago, seemed like a good idea, which lead to me trying to axle stand in my front room and falling off into my TV.

Also on the way home about two weeks ago I decided to climb a fence and stand on top of it while peeing off; i balenced for about 15secs while peeing before falling off and landing face first in my own pee-mud. But after that I bought a McDonalds so it was fine :)

Edited by onza pro series guy
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When I was 14 on a family holiday, my parents went to bed leaving me and my brother at the bar, then climb through the window when we were done.

Got utterly wrecked with another lad we met there, blew like 200 euros then found out he had a tab so spent the rest of the night putting drinks on that.

I woke up in the bathroom surrounded by my own vomit next to a toilet that I broke when I fell on it.

My parents didn't speak to me for a few days they were that angry... I still can't drink tequila, even the thought of limes send me queasy.

My b*****d brother still made me climb through the window though -_-

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got paralletic with some friends and thought we would do some freerunning on some roofs ( loyds bank to 99p store )lol

well we got up there and needed to get passed this barbed wire fence that had a pole at the end of it.

being me i decided to swing round on the pole hoping to reach the other side and it snapped (rusty but didnt no at the time)

when it snapped i fell from a 30ft drop sideways onto another roof half way down breaking 3 of my ribs then went head first another 15ft cracked my head open on the floor.


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