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Drunken Escapades And Injuries

Duncy H

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Come on guys and gals. What have you done after you've had a few? Or what injuries have you gained?

I was chopping wood for a fire tonight with a spade and the wood split and I smacked my foot and have rather a large lump on it now.

Also once walked about 15 miles of countryside to get home with a few mates after drinking some strong cider, took is quite a few hours and we saw some real dodgey sights at that time in the morning.

I've probably got plenty more to share but nothing crops to mid at this hour currently

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That "f**k it i'm walking home" stage of being pissed is great. First time i got with my girlfriend was after a gig in London, decided to walk home from hers at about 1am, finally got back to mine at quarter to 5. That was an error.

So many stories but they can be posted over time...

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Oh yes, walked home a few times, delivered a load of sunday magazines that had been dropped off outside a newsagents on the way once, also did a 7 mile walk home on my own one night and lost my socks at some point en route???

My old thing used to be getting home about 2ish then packing a bag with butties and lager and going for a bike ride.

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I was chopping wood for a fire tonight with a spade

how could this go wrong? its clearly an awsome idea.

when I used to live with a mate years ago i woke up to a garden bench, 8 gnomes, a no parking sign and a for sale sign in my kitchen, don't remember bringing them back or going out. must have been a good night.....

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I Went flying over the handle bars of a bike outside Razzmatazz once. Bloody Spanish have the Brakes the wrong way round, I had all my weight forward ready for an amazing skid aswell.

Another time I opend my eyebrow falling of my bmx riding home. That was allright though because I got to go in the ambulance with the sirens on.

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Not me but my best mate Niko and it's a story that proper sticks in my mind cos it was hilarious.

A night out in Leeds, we went to Faversham and after it closed we started walking home, we saw a load of bins next to each other and it looked like dominoes at the time so my mate (and us) thought it would be a brilliant idea to kick one to see if the rest would topple over (not a chance as they were bins) lol. But anyway he kicked the bin and ran away instantly as not to get caught.

But as he ran away he tripped over and fell, but he didn't like traditionally fall, he RAN to the ground with his arms going up and down like a sprinter would in a 100m race but running TO the ground. It was such a bizarre image. Anyway it gets better because as he's falling his dark brown chinos come down ALONG with his boxers. So there he is on the floor headfirst with with jeans and boxers around his ankles and his bum sticking in the air. Very hard to recreate via keyboard but it was incredible.

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Few years ago I remember walking back to Charlies with him and Haz from a night at Prawn's.

On the way we came across some cones outside a newly finished and recently moved into block of flats, Haz had the brilliant idea of throwing a cone up onto someone's balcony to confuse the hell out of them in the morning... If one thing that drunken escapades had taught me and Charlie that it hadn't yet taught Haz, was that these things never end well. We couldn't stop him so legged it round a corner without even watching, waiting for a massive noise from something that used to be a window/car. We waited a few seconds, then a few seconds more only for Haz to appear round the corner. "Done!" "Whaaaaaaat?!" We look over and sure as hell it's there, upright, on their balcony having safely sailed up two floors, over a railing and landing perfectly on the flat without a sound. Voodoo I tells you.

That walk home also threw up the quote "If someone has paid for a 3 litre Audi then they deserve my dick on the roof" and "I would sleep with this car right now for falafel."

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Threw a party while my housemate was on holiday. One of my mates got paralytic so we coloured him in with shoe polish and selotaped all our cutlery to him. He proceeded to stumble about, getting black shoe polish all over the walls and cream carpets. Someone threw jelly on the living room ceiling, people were sledging down the stairs on each others backs, some of the lads went to town and came back again with a load of house for sale signs and a wheelie bin and left them in my bed/living room. The best bit was when my little brother puked in my housemates bed when he had specificly asked me not to let anyone in his room.


I had to redecorate the entire house, there were a load of holes in the walls upstairs, took me a week to clean up from that party. Safe to say, Im never hosting one again!


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I've fallen through two roofs in my time, never fun at all.


I got robbed by a kiddy with a gun in Brazil and spent the rest of the night absolutely battered with no money trying to kill time till the morning busses in the most sketchy area, hiding under piers and in dark corners etc. I eventually found a toilet round the side of a hotel (for the hotel porter/security I think), locked the door and crashed in there using a security uniform that was hanging up as blankets. Woke up around 7am to banging on the door and two aggravated security guards talking Portuguese (I'd been there a week so hadn't exactly grasped the language) who called the police after shoving me about for a bit.

Police arrived and mistook my drunken attempts to mime someone holding a gun to my head and robbing me as a threat saying I was planning on shooting them, and started to get VERY aggravated. Eventually I managed to convince them otherwise, they basically just threw me back into the gutter and I walked about 20 miles back to my hostel.

And that is the maddest drunken escapade of my life.

Edited by Max Quinn
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In Koln, I somehow ended up in a gay club, sh*t just got weirder and weirder from that point in. I wouldn't want to go into detail. :P

In Brussels, I thought it would be a great idea to follow some random guy into some dodgy club, I think I left unharmed.

After a new year's celebration my mate and I decided to ride our bikes down a mountain in the pitch black. It was extremely exciting.

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Just remembered something, this year sheffield wednesday got promoted. Me and my mates consumed our fair share of alcohol and i ended up dancing on a pool table with my mates dancing round the table in my local. When we got back we ordered a curry and when it came we started singing to him and rocking his car and hugging him haha. He didn't know what was going on.

Got more stories later.

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Being too drunk whilst helping a mate move house, We managed to find one of his old inflatable dingy things. Nipped to adsa bought 3 more crates and slapped it on the canal got so drunk i fell asleep and ended up waking up in Tamworth being towed by some fellow drunkards in a canal boat. Bad times.

Got off with a 60 year-old (probably) in derby to get my drinks paid for all night, she followed my into the toilets and raped me. :geek:

Comendeering golf buggies of unsuspecting golfers was pretty fun, but there is literally no where to hide one as we found out, so we left it on some randomers drive and posted the starting card through the door :)

Trying to ride drunk is such a fail, pot-holes actually have the ability to become invisible! = Brand new pair of bars paint ruined, twisted ankle, dislocated little finger.

I hate being drunk now to the point of i dont drink anymore or i have one on a sunny day. Give me a glass of coke over beer anyday :).

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