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Got in from work and remembered i have a pack of foxes chocolate covered cookies.. They are by far the most superior biscuit!

Least favourite has to be rich tea they are the male of the biscuit world.. One dunk and it's all over.

Bored and happy about the biscuity goodness so i thought i'd share, not the biscuit's just the fact i have them.

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I have too many favourites it would be so hard to narrow it down to one!


Fox's chocolate cookies


Fox's golden crunch creams

milk chocolate digestives

ginger biscuits

And so on...

Without biscuits my brews would be boring

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Foxs chocolate fudge creams hands down. I used to buy variety packs to get hold of them because they were never sold on their own. Second goes to the ginger creams.

I was a big fan of the fox crunch creams till I realised how much fat and s**t was actually in them, think you can hit your days sat fat intake from about 3 of them, that's a heart attack in a packet.

I'm a big fan of the simpler end, malted milk biscuits (with a cup of milk of course!), nice biscuits (though years ago Tesco sold some MR Men ones that had chocolate on one side side, awesome) and my favourite has to be Party Rings!

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The most over rated biscuit has to be those Quirk things they look so good on the advert and should be good but they are just so average and don't get me started on Fox's Munch chocolate chips they can bugger off. My favourite at the moment has to be the chocolate hob nob they have the perfect blend of crunchiness and chocolateness.

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Here's something biscuit related, has anyone ever had an orgasm in their mouth's?

Basically get a penguin bar and a cup of tea and bite both ends off the penguin and then try to drink your tea with it and wait for it to happen!

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I was a big fan of the fox crunch creams till I realised how much fat and s**t was actually in them, think you can hit your days sat fat intake from about 3 of them, that's a heart attack in a packet.


Jammie dodgers are best, end of.

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