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Depressed But Happy?


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I've been feeling really shit for the last 1,5 months, finally went to the doctor recently and after a lengthy check up which found nothing wrong in my blood, heart etc. he suggested that the most possible reason is depression. This made me wonder - I have a great life. Great job, lots of time and lots interests, great friends, recently a gf. Nothing is missing, I wouldn't change a thing about where I am now. Obviously some matters trouble me but surely that's completely normal. So I'm kind of wondering - can one be medically depressed but happy? I recall there being some people on here who were depressed, so looking forwards to some insight.

edit: furthermore, if happiness and medical depression can go together then what is the downside of being depressed other than being tired most of the time? It just sounds like someone is using the word "depressed" rather than "tired"?

Edited by Greetings
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You don't sound depressed to me... Depression seems to be one of those annoying 'catch all' phrases doctors use these days. There are no badly behaved kids or lower ability/lazy kids, they're all either diagnosed with ADD or dyslexia or whatever. Similarly with 'depression' it seems to me like doctors diagnose 50% of their cases as that and send them away with a bunch of pills.

In your case I'd be googling potential other causes for your tiredness- obviously not diabetes but potentially dietary problems (lack of X, Y or Z) or something else?

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Tiredness is often caused by shit sleep leading from stress, which can also cause depression? Meh.

Are you feeling stretched/stressed? Could just go on an old-school seaside holiday and sit on a beach for a week.

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I dont think im ever happy with anything, But i live life to the max nonetheless. I wouldn't say im depressed, but if i was to go to the doctors i would more than likely say i am.

I find that i go through on and off days, some days i can be happy, funny blah..... and then others i just want to be alone and feel the need to be unsociable i wont answer the door, pick the phone up even speak. It only lasts a day or two though. I cant describe why i do it, just it feels right?

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I dont think im ever happy with anything, But i live life to the max nonetheless. I wouldn't say im depressed, but if i was to go to the doctors i would more than likely say i am.

I find that i go through on and off days, some days i can be happy, funny blah..... and then others i just want to be alone and feel the need to be unsociable i wont answer the door, pick the phone up even speak. It only lasts a day or two though. I cant describe why i do it, just it feels right?

People act like wanting time to yourself away from the constantly plugged in buzz of modern life is something that shouldn't be normal, it is.

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You don't sound depressed to me... Depression seems to be one of those annoying 'catch all' phrases doctors use these days. There are no badly behaved kids or lower ability/lazy kids, they're all either diagnosed with ADD or dyslexia or whatever. Similarly with 'depression' it seems to me like doctors diagnose 50% of their cases as that and send them away with a bunch of pills.

Sounds familiar, definitely aware that ADD and dyslexia are being properly absued nowadays. Hope it's the same story here. I'm not a health nut and don't visit doctors unless I really have to but if someone tells me something is wrong with me, I tend to overreact. So it's comforting to know that this depression thing could just be a meaningless label.

Tiredness is often caused by shit sleep leading from stress, which can also cause depression? Meh.

Are you feeling stretched/stressed? Could just go on an old-school seaside holiday and sit on a beach for a week.

There's one thing that worries me a lot but I only think about it once a day maybe? It doesn't consume my life. Don't feel stressed either, more like bored perhaps. Too much routine. Could definitely do with a classic holiday like you suggested, went up into the mountains for the weekend but that was too short and I spent one night not being able to sleep. Haven't had a proper holiday for almost 10 months.

People act like wanting time to yourself away from the constantly plugged in buzz of modern life is something that shouldn't be normal, it is.

Exactly my thoughts. Everyone needs some solitude, some need more some need less.

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There's one thing that worries me a lot but I only think about it once a day maybe? It doesn't consume my life. Don't feel stressed either, more like bored perhaps. Too much routine. Could definitely do with a classic holiday like you suggested, went up into the mountains for the weekend but that was too short and I spent one night not being able to sleep. Haven't had a proper holiday for almost 10 months.

Sounds very gay and zen, but it does help to get away from it all. I went away to Alderney a few weeks back, left my phone off the whole time, was bliss.

If you're just feeling bored, make changed in your life! I'm driven/made happy by achieving things, so I kind set targets for myself all the time, like improving my climbing level, learning to cook new stuff, etc.

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Sounds very gay and zen, but it does help to get away from it all. I went away to Alderney a few weeks back, left my phone off the whole time, was bliss.

If you're just feeling bored, make changed in your life! I'm driven/made happy by achieving things, so I kind set targets for myself all the time, like improving my climbing level, learning to cook new stuff, etc.

Nah, totally understand the appeal of a good old holiday! It's just that I can't leave work and go off for a few days. Guess friday - monday would be possible but that's not long enough. Definitely going to give it some thought. As for setting oneself goals - yeah that is a good way. Need to do it more often. Makes you feel good about yourself too (Y)

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This sums up how I can feel allot of the time.

Quite down and sad, but for no apparent reason. Yet I can still socialize and lead day to day life reasonably happy.

Could be to do with the added stress my exams are putting me under.

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Experiencing depression has nothing to do really with how good your life is going. But what can effect it is how your life is now relative to what it once was.

Stress is the biggest source of depression for me.

I also recently discovered that my increase in drinking it's stopping vitamin C from getting into my system which was causing me depression. Bottle of OJ in the morning cures my hangerover depression in 1 hour.

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Fulfilment isn't attaining the social ideals it's something beyond that centred far more on yourself and your view of reality. You can easily be depressed with lots of money, friends, gf, etc.

I find it interesting and potentially telling that you claimed happiness not on the basis of feeling such but rather on the basis of having things in your life.

Depression is considered to be a significantly under diagnosed condition and I suspect that's the case. We're all being pushed to find happiness in the wrong places and, in the process, are becoming totally desensitised to the actual location of contentment which means it becomes increasingly inaccessible. Just consider the amount of technology stimulation people need these days. I go round to a friends house and they've got a laptop and tv with two different sports on, they're playing xbox, listening to tunes and surfing the web on their mobiles all at the same time...

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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That sounds quite depressing...

Only if you think about it ;) I just don't.

Cheers man, good point. Will give this some thought.

Just to add to the first post, I took another blood test yesterday (the one we went by previously was from April) and it did find that I have some sort of an infection which could be causing this feeling of tiredness. Suspecting a tooth since my gland under the jaw is pretty swollen. Going to sort that out before considering some mental health issues.

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I've had shadows under my eyes for quite some time now, if you do find out what the cause of the swollen glands are do share as mine are the same.

When I taught English abroad it was a new experience. After 6 months the headteacher said 'have you hit the flatspot yet.' I hadnt realised it but there was no new material in my lessons and I was just going through the motions. This is being lethargic. Put more effort into things.

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I've had shadows under my eyes for quite some time now, if you do find out what the cause of the swollen glands are do share as mine are the same.

When I taught English abroad it was a new experience. After 6 months the headteacher said 'have you hit the flatspot yet.' I hadnt realised it but there was no new material in my lessons and I was just going through the motions. This is being lethargic. Put more effort into things.

yeah I get the shadows.too. always had them. decided to live with them although ive got a weird way of life with them that ill explain abother time.

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