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Pro 2 Trials Trouble


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Hey, I've got one of the original Pro 2 Trials (from '05, maybe '06 I think?) and recently the free hub/free-wheeling section has gone very stiff when the drive side axle bolt is tightened 100%.

When the disc side axle bolt is tightened completely everything is normal, and when the drive side axle bolt is tightened say 95% (so its just about ride-able, but your still a little scarred that the hub may fall out) everything is still normal,

once its tightened completely however the freehub section becomes very hard to turn (the hub itself still spins fine, its just the free hub part that's bad).

I've taken the hub apart and all the bearings are tip-top, and I oiled them up just to make sure they were not stiff.

The correct sized spacer is in place between the free hub bearings and the hub bearing.

The inside face of the spacer/end cap on the drive side is perfect.

I've checked the hub body inside and out for cracks as this model was well renowned for cracking at the hub shell - but it's all good.

It really is confusing me to what is causing this issue, any ideas out there, or comments from anyone who's experienced this problem before would be massively helpful (Y)

Edited by cai
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Cheers for idea but my problem is the complete opposite of that. Your idea suggests that I can't tighten the hub to the frame fully - where my problem is that I can absolutely tighten my hub to my frame, so much so that the free wheeling element on my hub is getting sort of clamped in place also.

You could be onto something with a washer though! If for example the 'end cap' on the drive side of the hub has mangled itself in some way it could be pressing on the whole bearing of the free hub and thus making it stiff, placing a correctly sized washer in between the end cap and free hub bearing would solve this. However the inside face of the 'end cap' on my hub doesn't look to have been damaged or distorted in anyway to be touching all of the free hub's bearing, so I can't see this being the answer.

Edit: If I can get a hold of a correctly sized washer than I will of course give this a try :)

Edited by cai
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If it only does it when you tighten stuff up, then it's basically going to be either a bearing (which sounds like they're all fine?) or spacer/washer problem. I'd imagine it'd be the latter leading to the former :P

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If it only does it when you tighten stuff up, then it's basically going to be either a bearing (which sounds like they're all fine?) or spacer/washer problem. I'd imagine it'd be the latter leading to the former :P

Cheers for the reply Mark. I'll take the hub apart again tonight in hope of narrowing this down.

Just to clarify, it'll potentially be a fault with either the 12mm spacer or 1mm spacer:


Or it'll be a fault with the drive side end cap:


Otherwise It'll be a bearing letting me down, correct? :)

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There is a little spacer that goes in between the freehub body and the inner bearing of the hub shell that you will more than likely of missed out if its stiff when you pedal but not when the wheel spins, i made the same mistake. This video should clear things up if so.....

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The 2mm spacer measured in at 2mm so no problems there. I couldn't get the 12mm spacer out (without causing damage to it) to measure it, but it doesn't look worn.

This leads me to believe its the drive side end cap at fault, again it doesn't look worn, but the 'lip' on the inner face that presses up against the free hub body looks to be very small.

Perhaps the whole face of the end cap is touching the free hub body bearing when everything is tightened up fully, not just the lip of the end cap, causing the stiffness?

I'm going to try a small spacer in there if I can source one of the correct size and see if that helps, if it does then I'll buy a new end cap.

If it doesn't then I'll be left scratching my head at which bearing is at fault :P

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