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Sprocket Removal, Any Ideas? Video.


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This is definitely better than it being in a vice,

How? The chain snaps because it's the weak link. The force you were putting in was going into making your wheel move a bit, your chain become taut and things flexing. If you put the wheel (well, sprocket) into a vice your energy's being directed at where it needs to be rather than f**king everything else you use.

If you use the 'pinched link' trick with a vice, it works every time as long as you make sure it's all set up right. I've never seen it beaten. If you get two of you on it with the tyre inflated you're basically set too. Just give it a "1... 2... 3..." and a heft and they always come off. Make sure your weight's pressing down on it too and it can't jump out of the vice or twist away.

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It's hard to explain without showing a photo - basically you start by wrapping the chain around the sprocket. Once you've got the chain wrapped around a few teeth, you sort of fold the chain back on itself so it makes a little point/triangle, then continue wrapping it. If you do it right, it basically looks like the chain's firmly wrapped around as many teeth as possible, but you have a little half-a-link deep 'point' sticking out of it. That 'point' basically stops the chain from being able to be pulled/slid through the vice.

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We tried the method Adam uses here, but clamped to stupid tension... and the chains snapped several times over.

I get what you mean about the pinch technique now, but are you saying to wrap the chain around and then drop that into the vice rather than the 'trailing' ends?

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It's not an echo hub with a lockring is it? You never know... :P

I've always used the vice then grab the tyre and twist method and it's never failed.

It doesn't have the lockring no haha. Wish it bloody did.

could possibly use some pipe freezing spray, iirc ali contracts more than steel when you chill it?

Sounds good, was trying to work out a way of chilling it, it's been bathing in gt85 since last night, will have another go later

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