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The Car Thread


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Old people piss me off so much, their incomprehensible misery is just aggravating.

I've just driven to the pub for lunch with my dad.

Old people walking their dog through the village which is a 30 zone, about 50 yards before the 30 zone I was doing 45, so I knocked down to third to get down to 30.

I was probably doing 35 as I came into the 30 zone.

Certainly a lot slower than the Mercedes estate in front of me was going.

Stupid old coffin dodging fanny starts waving his arms around at me shouting "SLOW DOWN ITS A f**kING 30."

Thinking no more of it I drive the remaining mile to the pub through the 30 zone, at 30.

Sat having my lunch and this stupid old fanny walks into the pub and starts giving me ear ache about driving responsibly and that it's a 30 limit not a race track.

This annoyed me.

So after listening to his barrage of bollocks for about 5 minutes I said.

"Are you done yet? You doddery old f**k. Because you're ancient I would make allowances for the fact that your senses aren't what they once were, had you of not been a total bellend and following me into the pub just for a confrontation.

I was doing incredibly close to 30 as I entered the 30 limit, and continued to do so through the duration of the 30 limit until I reached my destination.

Just because something is not quiet, doesn't mean it is being driven too fast.

As I said, I can make allowances for the fact that your dulled coffin dodger senses are not what they were, and that your vision and hearing maybe don't work quite like they used to. But your age should have at least bought you some wisdom. And following me into a pub to have a go at me wasn't the wisest thing you've done today.

So f**k off and let me eat my dinner you stupid old c*nt."

Then I came on here to post that after he'd left.

And now I'm going to eat my dinner.

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Have you worked out what the box is/was? Some sort of daft tuning box?

Yeah. It intercepts the n75 (electronic wastegate valve) signal before it reaches the ECU and modifies the reading so that it gives more/less boost according to input. Evidently this had been set to low boost for some reason and then disconnected.

Full long post to follow. Prepare for boredom!

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On a similar old twat who knows best story, the lanes down to my old house in Cornwall were quite narrow so when you end up following someone for 5 miles doing 10mph or less it gets on your tits a bit, so I overtook one of these idiots who wasn't pulling in for anyone. He then caught up to me parked up at home/work/the village pub 15mins later and starts giving me a load of shit about driving like a hooligan, so I called him an inconsiderate old prick and suggested he should perhaps consider other road users who have places to be such as home/work/the village pub.

Obviously didn't realise I was the live in manager of said village pub in the village he was holidaying in for the week so he came in rather sheepish an hour or so later claiming misunderstanding and no hard feelings before ordering a beer and offering me one :lol:

I accepted :P

Edited by Jolfa
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Some of you know AP, some of you don't.

He's been very unfortunate with the rebuild of his S4.

Last week I went and watched and helped with menial tasks as the engine went back in.

Today he drove it out under it's own steam and I washed it.

Next week I'll machine polish it for him and probably get it MOT'd again.

Awesome car :)


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Some of you know AP, some of you don't.

He's been very unfortunate with the rebuild of his S4.

Last week I went and watched and helped with menial tasks as the engine went back in.

Today he drove it out under it's own steam and I washed it.

Next week I'll machine polish it for him and probably get it MOT'd again.

Awesome car :)

I am do not really like audis, but damn, this car is gorgeous.

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Did a sprint today, my first one. Came 2nd in class and 2nd fastest time of the day behind another Westfield that's about 25bhp up on me, 65kg lighter and has a dog box - pretty chuffed with that! Also beat a guy who's been doing it for 15 years and has a 'Blade engined car with only a few bhp less than me, full slicks, paddle shift and it weighs 405kg....!!!

Oh, and I nearly stalled it off the line :giggle: Retard.

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LSD built up, selector forks reinforced, box stripped and ready to be reassembled:


Everything back in its place:


Casing back on, gasket seal applied between the two halves, and all bolts torqued up. Just waiting on driveshaft flange seals before filling with oil and putting it on (at last!):


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I was a bit anxious, but it's actually fairly straight forward. Soooo many gears and stuff, but it can only go together one way, so it's not really that difficult. Everything is bloody heavy though, and the parts I needed to drill were made from the planet's hardest metal!

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CopyPasta from SCN. You'll need a cuppa and/or a crate 'cause this could take a while:

If anyone has actually read through the boring drivel so far, you'll be aware that I've been having some power issues. To date I'd replaced the MAF numerous times, coilpacks and plugs as well as several fresh doses of fluids and filters plus a new oil cooler as above but to no avail.
This was all stuff I wanted to get done in the next 6 months anyway but chasing lost ponies forced my had a little to doing it earlier than planned. Anyway, as a result the car was running well but still not right and it was doing my head in. Most people were telling me to get it booked in with a specialist and pay to get it sorted once and for all, but this car is a bit of a learning curve for me and I'm keen to do as much to it myself as possible (plus I'm a stubborn, tight old b*****d...)
I got in touch with Gareth over at GHE Tuning here in Plymouth and he offered to do a bit of logging with me and pop a standard map on there so that at least I knew for sure what I was working with/towards. As much as reducing the power on the car wasn't exactly the most appealing strategy ever, I was keen to get the car back as Seat intended so I can move forward and improve upon it from there.
I arranged to meet Gareth after work on Wednesday just over a week ago. Pulled up at his place and spotted his Cupra sat across the road. From a brief chat about it it's running a K04-001, 3" Cobra/Blueflame setup, FMIC and custom map and is pretty pokey. Didn't have time to go for a spin unfortunately.
Gareth plugged the car in and we took some logs on a stretch of private road. N75 signal was intermittent and looked horrendous, lambdas were all over and (as I'd previously found) boost wasn't meeting the request from the ECU by a fair whack. Got the lamda sorted nice and quickly then he had a quick snoop under the bonnet for anything I might have missed. I was pretty certain I'd checked everything thouroughly and fortunately nothing else turned up. Nice to have had a second set of eyes cast across things though for sure!
Next up, double checking the map that was on there. The previous owner had said it was a Revo, but had no proof at all - I'd emailed them to see if they had any record of the car/ECU but they hadn't. After a little faffing about, Gareth was able to read the existing map and confirm that it was Revo code. Much like you'll see on various forums/threads, Revo are a pain in the backside in terms of putting read protection on there to stop people copying their code which makes sense, but as much as their official statement says otherwise they lock the ECU into Valet
Mode once they detect a read. This results in a car that won't boost at all and is incredibly restrictive - logs showed a mere 99bhp and a very boring drive!
At this point we both had things to be getting on with, so I headed home. We fast forward to Friday next as Thursday was filled with too much work and house viewings.
This time, Gareth popped out to my place and got the car plugged in again. 5 minutes later, the car was no longer on the Revo map and back to stock. We went back out with VCDS for some more logging and whilst figures weren't a million miles off, the car was still underpowered and the N75 still wasn't right. Either way, I now knew what I was working with for sure. Gareth reluctantly accepted some beer tokens and biscuits for his time and headed home, but has kept in touch out of interest in the car. I'd definitely recommend him for anyone in the Plymouth area needing a hand - http://www.ghetuning.co.uk - tell him Luke sent you ;)
Fast forward a week to Friday just past and I had an afternoon to play with the car again. First job; double check that everything was in order under the bonnet.
Checked over all the boost hoses, TIP, N75 connections and so on. All spot on. Pulled the charge pipe off to have a proper check of the actuator; spot on. Connected the actuator up to check its opening pressure; ~10psi as usual. Checked the turbo; minimal play etc. Finding this issue wasn't easy at all!
Right then, if the problem can't be found under the bonnet and it's not code, something else is iffy.
I'd seen a little info on sketchy tuning boxes and electronic boost controllers. As much as there was nothing obvious, this car has been full of random poor aftermarket wiring so I wanted to follow this avenue and see if there was anything along those lines at play. Good bloody job I did...
Dash pulled out, torch out for a snoop. What's this then? Doesn't look standard...
Nothing connected to the 3.5mm jack, but the other wires seemed to head to the fuse panel for power and the ECU. Smells fishy, let's rip it all out!
Fuse side pulled out, removed the nasty snap connectors that he'd used and sealed up the leftover wires.
Removed from the earthing point under the dash.
One wire left, heading out through the firewall somewhere. Time to get chasing...
Out through the grommet under the scuttle panel.
Joined right up to the ECU. This could be awkward!
Pulled out the ECU connection, stripped back all of the non-standard wrapping.
Now, I'm no electrician and have next to no experience in this sort of thing, so if I cocked it up this was going to be pretty fatal. I'll make it very clear that I wouldn't reccomend anyone does this sort of thing themselves unless they're confident in their own abilities - Don't screw it up as it'll cause a world of pain!
Fortunately, I didn't balls it all up and managed to remove all the offending additions. It seems that the tri-core cable was intercepting the signal from the N75, running it to the tuning box where it was reduced/amplified then sent back to the ECU. I patched everything back up (had to use one set of connectors to give a little more reach where one wire was shortened) and secured/sealed/insulated and put it all back together.
At this point I didn't know if I'd reconnected everything, shorted anything or even killed the ECU itself so was a little apprehensive about firing the car back up. Screw it - I'd come this far. Held my breath, turned the key and...
...straight into action. All nice and smooth on tickover, bingo.
Before popping the dash back together, I figured itd make sense to finally wire in the mic for my hands free setup. Pulled out yet another badly-fitted electronic gizmo in the process.
And some more (I think this one was a switch for the light on the old boost gauge)
Unfortunately, there was a little bad news to come however fortunately it's a fairly minor issue. In an excited hurry to get everything back together for a drive I thre on the wipers and sheared one of the mounts. Mong! :(
Will have to rock a single wiper for a couple of days until I can sort it out. Hoping that a JB Welded thread on the top should be solid enough but may need to replace the entire pin itself. I'll cross that bridge if/when I come to it.
Pissed off, I went for a test drive to see if things were working as they should again.
Hell. ****ing. Yes!
Ok, so being on the standard map power was down to ~210bhp but the car was boosting properly and pulling really well. Most importantly though, the N75 logs were finally doing the right thing for a change.
So that's this thread all up to date for once. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing new, but this car is now on the right lines to move onward and upward and get to playing...
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Cheers man. Realistically it's only taken a couple of weekends to sort in terms of actual work/not being away etc. Just a shame it wasn't done before Curby last month!

The only non-standard stuff that's left now are the remnants of an AutoWindows module and a reversing camera, neither of which are actually connected to anything now so it'll just be a case of pulling out the few small bits of hardware that are left. They're all out of sight and out of mind though, so no biggy on that front (Y)

Next few jobs will be FMIC, exhaust and manifold - all a little dependant on whether or not I get the house I'm putting an offer in on this morning though...!

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This week I get my new exhaust fitted, then at the weekend it's time to change:

Rear wheel bearings.

Ball joints.

Rod ends.

Steering rack bushes.

Once they're fitted, I can narrow down the remaining faulty bits - hopefully there won't be any!

My car wanders all over the road and doesn't feel great to drive at the moment so I'm hoping that sorts it out. I do need to change the suspension soon too, but fingers crossed that's not the cause of the problem.

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Cheers dude. Bit of a fiddly one but stoked to have it all sorted now and other than throwing Gareth some hobnobs it's cost me nothing but a couple of hours of my time really. Yeah, so I've replaced a few other bits, but as I mentioned before they'd have been done at some point soon anyway so they'd have been done shortly and therefore don't really count :P

Edit; Randomly Googling some 1.8t info for Craig this morning pulled me into this thread ~Prawn's crash at the 'ring. Quite entertaining reading stuff from page 50-something onwards. Jardo whinging about the fake OMP wheel, Ticcy being in the UK and driving the Leon, Bucky in a beemer etc.

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Cheers dude. Bit of a fiddly one but stoked to have it all sorted now and other than throwing Gareth some hobnobs it's cost me nothing but a couple of hours of my time really. Yeah, so I've replaced a few other bits, but as I mentioned before they'd have been done at some point soon anyway so they'd have been done shortly and therefore don't really count :P

Edit; Randomly Googling some 1.8t info for Craig this morning pulled me into this thread ~Prawn's crash at the 'ring. Quite entertaining reading stuff from page 50-something onwards. Jardo whinging about the fake OMP wheel, Ticcy being in the UK and driving the Leon, Bucky in a beemer etc.

Hey we've got to get something productive done at work today! Need to get out this office for a coffee meeting to dicuss "work" this week.

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