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Not sure on the rules, but from an 'It'd be a twat to get a vehicle out from those gates' point of view, that's not a great place to park..

Agreed, not the worst you could've done but that's not exactly a parking space...

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Tried a few things with the mx5 and haven't got anywhere.

-Battery is at 14volts with car running

-Taken throttle body/idle control valve off and given them a quick clean/blast with the air line.

-Had a rummage under the bonnet but couldn't find anything obvious

-Tried an Italian tune up and nothing

Symptoms are fairly intermittent, the revs drop when ticking over and so runs a bit lumpy. It can then sometimes run a bit lumpy after when you want to pick up the revs gradually. But when it's not doing it it runs rather sweet otherwise. Any ideas?

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It does all of those things, sometimes.

I raised the suspension up a bit more, and tracked it better with bricks and string. Then added a bit more camber. Seems to go round corners well enough for now.

It starts and stops, sometimes.

Always starts from cold first time with no issues, sometimes it stalls when you come to a stop and eventually starts again.

It's not left me stranded at the side of the road yet, so I assume that means it's reliable?


On the subject of handling, I found out today I've got polybushed rear top mounts and the rear beam bushes have already been replaced. The wandering I was feeling was actually a loose wheel bearing.

I can't wait to get it all back together and on the road again, when I get paid in April things are going to be changing pretty quickly :)

I've spent most of the afternoon looking at cages and internal gear linkages/towers.

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It's not left me stranded at the side of the road yet, so I assume that means it's reliable?

Sounds good to me, crack on I say :lol:

Look forward to seeing further progress (and hopefully getting on a track day again with you sometime!).

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Absolutely! Got a temptation to buy a Mk1 MX5 just to have something to track-attack while I finish the Mk2.

I'm hoping to have it track worthy by the end of July, so I'll book some bits up then ;)

Have you got anything planned for later in the year that I can put in my diary?

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i finally stopped being a pussy, put up with the rain and fitted my inlet manifold:

Need to change the TIP pipe as it's no-where near close to the original mounting holes, and not happy with the rubber hose and sprung clips, more on the to do list!

TIP out of the way


the old manifold off, nice and clean!


new manifold on:


Thread was stripped, so bodge:


old hose jammed on:


The difference is like night and day. Going from a clogged standard manifold to a clean, larger bore one has made hell of a difference. It feels like there is more torque across the entire range

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Fun with the car today:

A litre of GTX spilled in my boot. Currently got the carpet out, covered in salt to soak it up - which is working, but still sucks.

Tried to remove my dash and managed to snap it.

Previous owner bodged the windscreen replacement so there's bits of glass everywhere, obviously whilst snapping the dashboard I managed to get a big shard stuck in my finger.

One of those days...

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I changed the other mount today. Jeeeeeesus that was incredibly easy compared to yesterday haha, literally 8 bolts!
I haven't had chance to fully spank it and test it but so far so good, no horrible noises and the engine doesn't move AT all now which is ace :D
16813878337_9876b80bd8_b.jpgIMG_0321 by dann2707, on Flickr
We love an action shot haha
16835063879_2ffd9d508f_b.jpgIMG_0322 by dann2707, on Flickr
16398850604_36d4291e89_b.jpgIMG_0323 by dann2707, on Flickr
mmmm rusty
16401122863_49ef9ba393_b.jpgIMG_0324 by dann2707, on Flickr
And the gaping hope hehe! I found a nut in there so today was a good day :)
16401119003_7ef5809fd0_b.jpgIMG_0325 by dann2707, on Flickr
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