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It's more the chassis I think. The camber correction of the wishbones is amazing. Soft suspension works well in some cases ;) The MX5 is 960kg with driver, and we're on 195 section tyres.

Makes sense and I would agree. Prime example right here at the front of our grid. Check out how the red and white car gets a crap start then somehow is in front into turn 1! That's just a plain power difference...

What camber are you running front and rear?

960kg with driver is amazingly light!

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I'm not sure changing gear at 5k when the limiter is at 6 counts as thrashing it :lol:

the car shakes as hell, the enginemounts are crap, and there is no extra power around there just noise

it does feel like it is going to get trashed, kinda scary

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Alex - Front is 2.6 (maxed out) and rear 3.1 (best handling balance is about 0.5 more at the rear than the front). I would have a little more if the car allowed me.

The camber gain is what makes everything so good though: http://www.virkki.com/jyri/miata/camber/camber_NA_R.png

Yeah, guess it is pretty light considering the cage is 46kg and I have to add 4kg of ballast to make minimum weight :)

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VAG-COM/VCDS folks: Running 409.1 and trying to track down the cause of my problems.

When logging block 115, the 4 outputs are rpm, load, absolute pressure and absolute pressure (ie last two labelled the same). Am I right in thinking the former of these is specified boost whilst the latter is actual?

If so then I'm definitely not making as much boost as I should be which (if I'm not mistaken, though I may well be!) points to one of the following:

  • Boost leak (fairly confident there isn't one)
  • Sketchy N75 valve (I have a replacement en route)
  • Buggered actuator
  • Turbo go bye bye

Here's a quick extract from a 2nd gear pull earlier (I didn't have the time nor the road for anything else). Will head out tomorrow and get some more comprehensive logs but initial thoughts from this are that something is screwed. Blue/red are requested/actual boost respectively if my thinking above is correct.


Am I on the right lines with my thinking so far? Hopefully some better data will help to reveal the issue a little more, but I'm keen to track down the root of this as it's getting very annoying now. Would have been on it sooner but have been away for a fortnight with work.

Edit; Martin - Now that I'm back let's get this rARB sorted (Y)

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Those headlights look great with HIDS, my ex had some (I've now raped the headlights for the projector units :P)

I can't really afford to paint my cars front yet so figured I may as well put it together and use it :) I'm wondering about attempting a vinyl wrap on the car, has anybody done anything that big on here?


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t'interwebs, plenty about.

I should only ever encourage you to go through official channels, of course. Do as I say, not as I do (or maybe don't...)

i wasnt asking for your credit card details :P

i know the software can be picky, i was more refering to the hardware :wink:

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i know the software can be picky, i was more refering to the hardware :wink:

t'interwebs, plenty about.

I should only ever encourage you to go through official channels, of course.

As was I.

http://www.ross-tech.com/ are the legit folks. If you would rather avoid them for whatever personal reason then it wouldn't be difficult to work out an alternate source, there are literally thousands of people selling cables :-

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This contest worthy? What are the rules against stuff like this.
But then again there must be some clause against parking against the kerb or some shit.
Willing to stick my hand up and admit when i'm in the wrong but to me it doesn't seem like a problem.
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