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How much

I need rid, so make me an offer... Anything around the £80 mark will secure them :)

They come with centre caps, but some twat took the Seat badges off and sprayed the caps red, so I wouldn't bother with those to be honest... I'd imagine you could pick up a set of caps for next to nothing anyway if that bothers you.

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Happy about that!


Nick was happy.


I've really got to thank Nick, his precision drilling (lol), engineering thought and above average know how made this all really easy.


I got to the workshop about half past 6, when Nick turned up at quarter to I had the drivers seat out and that was about it.

Nick set about stripping the seat down to it's base.

With the seat stripped to the base Nick measured loads of things and ran around using a tape measure in an odd manner, with like two inches of the start of the tape not being used.

Very odd.

Then Nick put a seat on my bonnet without my noticing, and when I discovered I was furious and nearly killed him.


Nick mounted the seats to the subframes, I fitted the harnesses, hoovered out the car and removed the passenger seat.


Nick then gave me one completed seat which I fitted, adjusted and fed through the harnesses.


Then he gave me another seat and I did the same.


Then we enjoyed sitting in the new seats.


Then I drove it home at 10. So three hours work to fit two buckets, adapt subframes, remove belts and fit 6 points.

They're great. :thumb:

I say the standard seats EASILY weigh 50kg's a piece. The unused bracketry, seatbelts, nuts, bolts, wiring, plastics and rubbish I removed from the car is likely a further 10kg's.

New seats I would say weigh about 15kg's. (I'm fairly accurate with weight guessing after working in a very posh bike shop for years)

If we averaged it out at about a 65kg weight saving, I'm happy with that.

And the car feels totally different to drive now, I'm much happier throwing it around with some seating stability.

All in all a job well done, and thank you very much Prawn.

Edited by Pashley26
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With the seat stripped to the base Nick measured loads of things and ran around using a tape measure in an odd manner, with like two inches of the start of the tape not being used.

Very odd.

Probably to eliminate error from movement in the tip and it's also pretty hard to mark out using a rule that isn't flat, I normally measure from 100mm onwards, effectively ignoring the first 4" of tape - pretty basic engineering stuff :)

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I do the same. The lines have started to wear from 0-80mm, so I measure from 100mm, and just take 100mm off the measurement. The tip on mine has about 2mm of movement too, so its not accurate at all.

Reading all that back, it's probably time I bought a new tape!

Seats look good though, that's some speedy work! Didn't want the crotch strap then?! :P

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Ah jardo, that was a fun evening.

I genuinely laughed out loud at the 'strange use of tape' comment :lol: Hopefully that's explained above.

Also, that's why the end of a tape measure moves, for internal or external start.

The theory being, when hooked over something, the end pulls out by the width of the 'end' so it's zero'd at the object it's hooked to. When pressing it into a wall, the end pushes in by the same amount so it's measuring from the very end at zero.

When lining up hole centres, it's much easier to read from 100mm as you can be mm accurate, as shown by the seats going straight onto the mounts on the second seat without so much a test fit :)

Good quality seats. I'm impressed!

harnesses arn't so great, but are perfectly serviceable for now. In time they will ruin your seats though due to lap adjuster position. I'd look out for an out of date decent harnesses on ebay and keep the passenger one for now as it'll not get much use anyway.

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The theory being, when hooked over something, the end pulls out by the width of the 'end' so it's zero'd at the object it's hooked to. When pressing it into a wall, the end pushes in by the same amount so it's measuring from the very end at zero.

Learn something new every day! :D

Edited by MartMini
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I removed this.


I shoved a hose pipe in the pipe and undid the bottom radiator hose.

I left it for 5 minutes.

Then realised I hadn't turned it on, so I turned it on and left it another 5 minutes.

Then I fitted this.


And filled it up with a healthy G12 mix in prep for winter.

Then I cobbled together a battery box with parts George sent me.


I also replaced almost every jubilee clip in the engine bay.

Then I took this picture.


And now I'm waiting for some 85 shore pourable polyurethane to be delivered to I can solidify my engine mounts.

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What happened to the Porsche idea?

Still saving, I decided if I got a Porsche or not I would still want a toy to play with whilst I saved.

The S owes me very little money, so why not enjoy it for a year or so until I can afford a Porsche and have somewhere to keep it.

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I haven't lost any races to Prawn.

Every time I've actually raced him I've had a faster car...In a straight line.

*if you don't count that time at Castle Combe when he only had 190bhp.

**if you don't count that time he was faster than me at Curby.

Edited by Pashley26
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How much are you going to do mine for?



Things I have noticed in the 80 miles of thrashing I've done today.

I think it feels quicker. Which is probably largely psychological, but I have certainly removed 65kg's from the car in the front seats (accounting for adding the new ones) and 20 kg's from the rears.

That's putting my power to weight figure (starting from 1420kg's) to somewhere about 216bhp/ton.

That's not going to have made a he effect on how the car feels when you plant the throttle. But what it has done is almost transformed the way the car feels from turning the wheel to exiting a corner.

It has had a great effect on braking.

As I've said though the main thing is the way the car feels, much more purposeful and really rather cool.

With that in mind I spent some money on her today, seeing as she is going to get a beating in a couple of weekends time.

And she appeared in this months VW Driver!


Now that I know my steering wheel is the right size, I've ordered a replacement in higher quality.

My poly is here, and I've ordered a new engine and gearbox mount to fill.

I've also ordered an OBD2 data logger and diagnostic tool.

I'm working in some sort of way to bring the gear lever up slightly to bring it closer to the wheel because if I'm honest it feels a little odd.

Then I hoovered it to death and really cleaned up the inside, I mocked up some rear panels in plastic but after consultation decided that I would keep the rear cards because they make the fit and finish nice.



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