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Whilst I know it's fun to pick on Jardo, you guys need to give him a break here.

there are PLENTY of situations where you can go into the back of someone and not be at fault, I've seen it happen many times.

Say you're following someone on the motorway at a sensible distance, and some cock forces his way inbetween you and the car in front when really it's too tight, then suddenly the car you WERE following does an emergancy stop. the moron who's just squeezed in hammers on the anchors, and before you've had time to pull back to retain a sensible distance, it's all too late, and you hit him.

That would be 100% his fault, not yours, even though you went into the back of him.

A chap at work had his daughter involved in a similar accident, minding her own business, and some cock joining the motorway came down the sliproad and tried to cut straight across all 3 lanes to the fast lane, he tried to pull out into a gap in front of her that didn't exist, and cut it so close he actually hit his rear bumper as he came across the front of her car.

Insurance only saw front wing / bumper damage to her car, and rear bumper damage to his, and settled in his favour, saying she was at fault.

2 perfectly legit situations where making contact with the back of someones car are non fault.

Then of course there are the crooks jardo mentioned, the kind that disconnect brake lights then jam on the anchors to trap you, and those that disconnect reversing lights and back into you at the traffic lights and say you hit them. All arseholes.

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With absolutely NO track preparation, I have to say, I was mightely impressed; cornered well, was boosting REALLY strongly, and was stopping really well too (until I boiled the fluid after 3 laps, but a re-bleed sorted that).

Seemed MUCH better than my Audi was, which is nice, considering the money I've spent haha!

Better brakes

Bigger turbo

Far better suspension geo (wishbones, camber, caster, quick rack etc)

Looks SuperBadAss.

All reasons why your LCR was always going to be 10x the car on track that your A3 was. Also the reason why under the 3 door audi shell, all my running gear comes from an LCR :) out of the box, they're the best hot hatch VAG ever made, by a long shot.

Really glad you enjoyed it dude! I'll be looking to do Snett as one of my next TD's, current list of wants are Brands, Snett, and Oulton Park.

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So, instead of passengering Tarty at Snetterton, I ended up taking my cupra R out (Would say due to peer pressure, but it didn't take a lot haha tongue.png )

Haha, yeah you didn't need any coaxing at all :P Car looked great though, love those Cupras...

Glad you enjoyed it - shame you couldn't stay right til the end. Next time...

Really glad you enjoyed it dude! I'll be looking to do Snett as one of my next TD's, current list of wants are Brands, Snett, and Oulton Park.

You will get on well at Snett - you need power for those huge straights! If you do Oulton let me know :)

Pics or it didn't happen George.

Lol, it happened :P I was there too. But I still want to see pics :)

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Whilst I know it's fun to pick on Jardo, you guys need to give him a break here.

there are PLENTY of situations where you can go into the back of someone and not be at fault, I've seen it happen many times.

Say you're following someone on the motorway at a sensible distance, and some cock forces his way inbetween you and the car in front when really it's too tight, then suddenly the car you WERE following does an emergancy stop. the moron who's just squeezed in hammers on the anchors, and before you've had time to pull back to retain a sensible distance, it's all too late, and you hit him.

That would be 100% his fault, not yours, even though you went into the back of him.

A chap at work had his daughter involved in a similar accident, minding her own business, and some cock joining the motorway came down the sliproad and tried to cut straight across all 3 lanes to the fast lane, he tried to pull out into a gap in front of her that didn't exist, and cut it so close he actually hit his rear bumper as he came across the front of her car.

Insurance only saw front wing / bumper damage to her car, and rear bumper damage to his, and settled in his favour, saying she was at fault.

2 perfectly legit situations where making contact with the back of someones car are non fault.

Then of course there are the crooks jardo mentioned, the kind that disconnect brake lights then jam on the anchors to trap you, and those that disconnect reversing lights and back into you at the traffic lights and say you hit them. All arseholes.

That's fair enough Nick and i apologise for Jardo bashing, i would still say that the majority of the time it's your own fault if you don't give enough space. But that's the thing, if everyone did it and gave enough room then there wouldn't be half the issues. Insurance is a pretty bent industry, thankfully I've got to the age where it's not too bad.

Beemer is in need of a damn good clean and a polish, few dents and scratches to sort. But for the money it's all good, bit of a change from the CTR!

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would anyone be able to give me some kind of idea what's up with my van from my symptoms?

Firstly my exhaust back box has rusted through and it actually fell off recently, so keep that in mind.

I was driving up the M6 doing about 68mph, van was running fine, good temperature, no noises. I then heard a "thud" (like running over a cats eye) and the power of the van really reduced and grey/blackish smoke started to come from under the van.

The power was seriously reduced and going up hill was a real struggle (35mph on motorway hills, eeek!). If I put my foot down, the van would accelerate in pulses and if I really put my foot down, the engine would just rev and not seem to put it to the wheels, the harder I revved the more smoke there was.

now the weird thing is that when I came back home it seemed to get a bit better, I could get up to and keep speeds of 70-80mph which I couldn't do before and the smoke seemed to die down. All the while the engine still sounded fine with no whining or knocks, temperature is normal too.

turbo blown? I don't have a weird "dentist drill" noise though.

exhaust issue? (bearing in mind I have had issues with it recently)

Fuel pump?

Going to take it to a garage anyway, but it would be nice to have some kind of a heads up on what will need replacing/fixing

any ideas?

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I just don't get it, I LOVE the car, the concept, I think it's epic, but the seats?

Why would you build a no limits car like that, then fit £120 steel framed shit seats, that have been badly retrimmed and given the wrong logo?

my only assumption is, that it's owned by a fat b*****d who can't fit in a proper seat at all, hence the fatboy seats, and he doesn't want people to realise. That might also explain the very low single door bar on an otherwise mental car.

OK, more ranting. the harnesses as well? What the fu<k?

When you crashed that thing (and you would!), those harnesses mounted to the floor like that are ready to kill you, if the unforgiving steel frame seat hasn't already!


Built by Morons.

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I'll get pics up as soon I get them off him. You'll love it Nick, I think you're car will be perfect there. Unlike in the Audi, I wasn't willing the car along the straights, it seemed to have just the right amount of power. Suited it just right. All I would want next time is better brake fluid.

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it has got a turbo, I looked for any lose pipes but it was dark and the engine layout makes it tricky to see.

the power hasn't totally come back, but it is weird. I also thought about the clutch, but it changes gears as well as it's ever done. I would have thought it would have been pretty noticeable if the clutch was playing up.

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I do, there are plenty of cases of people just throwing the land anchors on as insurance jobs etc.

Didn't you once slam the brakes on so the car behind slammed into you intentionally?

*That could be totally out of line I honestly can't remember if it was you or someone else or even on this forum*

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RIGHT! have a odd one here! At work we had an old E reg mk2 golf in for MOT, failed on a few things minor things really, but needed a back calliper and pads.

Fitted 2 rear callipers ads the customer had new ones in the boot. Bleeding them was no real heartache, just gravity bled one side, them popped the pressure bleeder on to push any more air out. One side is done. move onto the drivers side, no fluid come out at all! Asks one on the lads to jump in and give me a hand. with his boot on the pedal no fluid come out! Problem!! so the new one came, fitted it all up and bled the brakes again no air in the system at all. jobs a good un.....

Gets the car on the ground and the pedals gone. spongy as hell! bleed them again. no air in the system at all. done the fronts just to make sure. SO scratches my head. make sure the everything right.pedals still crap! changed the master cylinder and bled them again. still no pedal!

BUT if I clamp the passenger side rear hose off. and pump the brake it gets better!!! any input?

Sorry for the long read!

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Care to explain more? Seats look like seats and harnesses look like harnesses to me!

See here -


I just don't get it, I LOVE the car, the concept, I think it's epic, but the seats?

Why would you build a no limits car like that, then fit £120 steel framed shit seats, that have been badly retrimmed and given the wrong logo?

my only assumption is, that it's owned by a fat b*****d who can't fit in a proper seat at all, hence the fatboy seats, and he doesn't want people to realise. That might also explain the very low single door bar on an otherwise mental car.

OK, more ranting. the harnesses as well? What the fu<k?

When you crashed that thing (and you would!), those harnesses mounted to the floor like that are ready to kill you, if the unforgiving steel frame seat hasn't already!


Built by Morons.

Long and short of it is, that vehicles safety devices are fundamentally unsafe. I would feel happier in my road car having a crash than I would with that cage, seat and harness combination.

The seats are steel frames, cheap, nasty, bendy seats which in the event of any real impact will deform and probably break your spine. If the seats didn't kill you then when the floor twisted or moved the harnesses almost certainly would. The harnsesses look like 2.5" to me, and being 6 point even in the smallest bump those bastards would be ready to crush your plums into child prohibiting goo.

The seats are Cobra ones, which are REALLY cheap and then retrimmed with the Recaro logo. Prawn should know, he has the next ones up from them in his Mini and I bought a set the same as his for my 306.

I would like to know why he didn't mount the harnesses to the cage, probably already bought the bolt mount harnesses and CBA to change them lol

Edited by Pashley26
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Cheers man. Haha, same for me! I think I have plenty of room for improvement though, especially Coram - Murrays. Bloody tricky that bit, possibly better in hindsight to sacrifice a bit of cornering speed for a better exit down Senna Straight. Looking forward to the race now, looking at times from last year's meeting I should be competitive :)

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