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So after spending over an hour trying to figure out why the steering is so heavy I still have no idea. I've found that:

- Steering has a similar feel whether you're driving along and turning the wheel or stationary

- With the front wheels off the ground, it's not that much lighter

- There's very little difference with the front wheels off the ground between the engine running (assist is on) or off

- It takes quite a lot of strength to turn the wheels by hand and there are tight spots

- There's a strange squeak coming from the steering column, could be nothing though

To sum up I have no idea what's going on. Guessing something could be really tight, but can't figure out what.

Checked the actual steering box out?

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Yeah man, thats fine! Will be fun.

Don't worry about the tickets though, Snetterton "residents" get free entry to any event (one of the reasons why I love living here so much!).

Awesome - cheers!

Not a bad deal like, apparently it's the same for Santa Pod too, the local residents just sneak through a back entrance, haha.

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So after spending over an hour trying to figure out why the steering is so heavy I still have no idea. I've found that:

- Steering has a similar feel whether you're driving along and turning the wheel or stationary

- With the front wheels off the ground, it's not that much lighter

- There's very little difference with the front wheels off the ground between the engine running (assist is on) or off

- It takes quite a lot of strength to turn the wheels by hand and there are tight spots

- There's a strange squeak coming from the steering column, could be nothing though

To sum up I have no idea what's going on. Guessing something could be really tight, but can't figure out what.

Sounds a lot like it's binding in the steering column, it's about the only place that could make it just as heavy with and without the PAS working.

haha, thanks Adam. it's a properly epic seat, It's my physical proportions that are less epic :(


2 sets of R32 / TT wishbones and hubs have arrived, one set to throw on straight away to replace the bent ones, and one set to take my time with, clean up and paint, fit new ball joints and bearings, and poly bush the wishbones.


I'd be very interested in that seat if I actually had any spare cash at the moment, although I'm guessing it's a little wide for me anyway. As for the wishbones, do you still want a set of posh ones making up? I'm keen to give it a go if you still want some. Would you be interested in trying out a properly adjustable rear beam or IRS setup if I was to make something up?

I found epic amounts of filler in the mini I've been working on earlier, and for once for a mini, it wasn't hiding rust! The car's been shunted pretty hard at some point and the floor's about 12mm shorter than it should be! Because of this the doors don't fit in the apertures, so someones built up enough filler for them to sit out-board of the metal, in a new filler aperture. There was also a 13mm deep dent in the rear quarter where the rear bench has bent and pulled it in, which they'd just piled filler over. :S I'll be going to town on it with the porta-power next week, it all looks easy enough to straighten out, and I was replacing the floor, sills and door steps anyway, so it's not really any extra work, just amazing how bodged it is! I'm just happy the metal under the filler's all solid and straight enough to work with. I'll ask the owner if he minds me posting pictures. Lovely car besides the bent shell and some less than safe seat/harness mounts. It's a '62 mk1 with a Longman engine, Jack-knight box, LSD, rear ARB, vented 4 pots ect...

Edited by RobinJI
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Sounds a lot like it's binding in the steering column, it's about the only place that could make it just as heavy with and without the PAS working

Good call. I eventually decided to remove the steering wheel to see why it has play (moved up/down/sideways) and found it was missing a spacer ring which judging by it's shape was quite important. Transferred it from my other E36 (along with the number plates) and went out for a 20 mile drive. Steering is a lot lighter now but I still think something is wrong. Going to replace the pillow balls before taking any further action. They were apparently so tight that the macperson strut was rotating on the spring. Since they have been jammed full of copper grease which has helped a lot but I think that under heavy pressure there could still be a problem.

Checked the actual steering box out?

That's the last thing on my list, after the camber plates have been replaced. There could be something wrong with it, I had the same problem in the old car from which I transferred both the steering rack and the struts. I have another rack somewhere so it's just a matter of swapping them over.

Either way, 20 miles later I just adore that car. I've never driven anything with so much throttle response and usable power, it literally pushes you into the seat in top gear at 1000rpm and will pull hard up to 110mph. It's an unbelievably astonishing car and I haven't even managed to test it in the corners yet. Can't wait till the drift day on Tuesday, a tight track is exactly what I need to test this monster properly.

Edited by Greetings
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Beaut. I shall enquire. I've knocked on up at work. Welded it in and out but then flushed them off..In 2 minds as to wether I should of or not. Gunna drop it into a tyre place tomorrow to see if it spins/balances up.

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think the car next to the scirocco in robins pic is an ultima gtr, and if memory serves me right they have a 6.3l Chevy based v8. 630bhp as well I think. you can get them for the road as well :)

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think the car next to the scirocco in robins pic is an ultima gtr, and if memory serves me right they have a 6.3l Chevy based v8. 630bhp as well I think. you can get them for the road as well :)

I hadn't noticed the resemblance for some reason, but it is very similar to the GTR, although there are a few noticable differences, maybe it's a very early/prototype model? Or just heavily modified. The rear of the chassis doesn't look like the GTR at all though. It may even be a something custom borrowing bodywork from the GTR?

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Yeah I don't think that ball would take the weight, it'll drop down over time.

Best bet is two exhaust clamps and bit of steel plate, then get a 1/4" x 24tpi bolt to fix the camera onto that. Will cost a couple of quid maximum.

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I had a total fanny of a day, last night I fell out of bed and snapped the plug for my S3 in half whilst it was plugged into the phone, so no charger which = no pictures past about 10AM. sarted off by going into work and seeing the guys at Rapid Fit who cross drilled and removed my wheel nut, which was last put on by Thor himself.

Got all the wheels on and took a quick picture on my phone, which promptly died.

Then I drove an hour and a half to Redtuth to pick up a set of coilovers, they were £225 on ebay and I turned up having not paid because they had a card machine on site. Turns out it was some super sick VW workshop and all the guys there were really sound, I stayed for a while chatting about VW's and and gave them a couple of pointers on where to get a couple of adapters and gauge fittings for their projects. They let me have the coils at cost and were generally really nice blokes. They were building a really smart TFSI Corrado that I would have loved to have got some snaps of.

Drove back from Redruth to Truro to do the plate transfer for my Clio, and I ran out of fuel about 2 miles before Truro. Which pissed me off, but I could get over that. But as I ran out of fuel I pulled onto the verge and it was a soft verge...I curbed the f**k out of my two nearside wheel. I bet I looked like a right retard walking down the road in shorts, flipflops and a Cannondale t shirt that says "FLASH, AHHHHH SAVIOUR OF THE UNIVERSE!" on the back of it in fluro green writing whilst effing and blinding about my wheel.

Walked into the dealer I work for's truro branch and got a lift back to my car with two Jerry cans. Grrrr an hour and a half wasted.

Went to Truro and waited like a wanker in a hot office full of sneezing, coughing old people. And paid £105 and a 6 week wait for the privilege.

Went to Lou's dads work, jacked the car up and started fitting the front coils. All 3 lower bolts for the lower shock mounts were fused solid. Had to head them up and knock them out with a pin punch and then replace them all, annoying.

Struggled like f**k removing the top mounts, probably sweated a pint of liquid.

Fitted the left hand to the right hand, then had to swap them round.

Put the wheels on and the lips were too wide and they rubbed on the assister springs, so I had to remove it ALL again to remove the assister springs, then I made up a spring seat on the lathe at Lou's dads work and just run them on the main springs.

SLAMMED it on the floor at first, to the extent that I beached it on the lower chassis legs on a lightly raised painted mini roundabout and had to reverse it off and drive around it. Literally impossible to drive. So I raised it up and an inch or two and will let it settle and then re-adjust when it has bedded in.

Having a problem with the rear, in that the rear tires are just too wide. So I rolled the arches with a jack handle front and rear and it still rubbed. So I am going to get a set of Z4 top mounts which will give me a bit more negative camber so I can drop it right down. I never knew so much work had to go into getting decent fitment!

Car looks a bit silly now, but it'll be there once it's settled in and my Z4 mounts/adjustable arms are in :)

Gave it it's first polish, wax and all that jazz. Polished it with zymol, sealed with two coats of collinite, one coat of Autoglym aqua wax, bumper cared the black trims, rain-x'd the windows etc.

SUCH a transformation in a week!







Just desperate to balance the ride height out now!

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Yeah I don't think that ball would take the weight, it'll drop down over time.

Best bet is two exhaust clamps and bit of steel plate, then get a 1/4" x 24tpi bolt to fix the camera onto that. Will cost a couple of quid maximum.

Will probably do that, sounds like a good idea.

However, I bought a tripod for 2 quid and a clamp for 1, result:


The ball can actually be tightened and it didn't move one bit over 20 miles on a bumpy road, only problem is that the camera vibrates at higher speeds. Need to replace the rubber with something harder, perhaps that will help.

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yea, Evo's had clear lenses :)


The parts collecting has begun!

So far, I've got two sets of R32 / TT wishbones and hubs, one to throw on right now to get the car going again, and one set of early TT wishbones with the rare 30mm bushes (the type that defcon inserts recreate!), which I'll poly bush and paint up in time.

I've got a TT convertible subframe with the extra brace, although it just looks like the S3 lower brace to me. Still, happy days.

I've got a pair of new driveshafts, the CV has popped on mine on the damaged side so I'd rather replace the whole lot.

Suspension is in hand, with help from Ben at Parsons Performance, but that won't be sorted for a few weeks yet. No hurry.

Now for the slightly more interest bit!

After scouring the world (internet) for new seats, I was none the wiser. Those who've met me will know that I'm reasonably sizeable, to put it politely, at 6'2'' and 17 1/2 stone, I'd make a crap jockey!

This left me with a problem finding a seat that fitted me well.

I tried the Revolution, but decided in the end that it was just too tight for me, and not tall enough.

Browsing Demon Tweeks, Dad came across the Cobra Sebring Pro GT, which looked very promising indeed. After a few phone calls and e-mails I wasn't sure if it would fit me well, so decided to drop a line to Cobra direct.

To my surprise, they invited me up to the factory to have a custom seat fitted for me, as we were buying a pair, Dad decided to come up as well and have a seat fitted for him too.

So, today arrived, and Dad and I both made the 250 mile journey, from opposite corners of the south coast, up to Telford, Cobra HQ.

There we met Mark, MD of Cobra Seats, who showed us the pair of Sebring Pro GT's which he had made specially for us in 'Pro-Fit', a new style not currently available through the retailers!

My first glimpse of our new seats:


Pro fit is a new customisable seat system from Cobra, unifying their entire range of seats to use the same cushions, base, back, and leg, available in a number of different thicknesses to tailor the seat to the individual.

On top of this, based on several conversations about mine and Dads size / shape, Mark had tailored the fit out of the seat shell for us too, Using a thinner, yet higher density padding in the base area to lower us in the seat, and also from around the kidney and shoulder area to give maximum room for my very broad shoulders and back. This kind of customisation would never be possible if the seats were bought from a retailer, so it was well worth the trip.

So, we spent about 30 minutes each going through all the various seat base/back/leg cushion combinations to find a set up that suited each of us. Mark was absolutely great and knew exactly what we'd each need to be comfortable and safe. Dad is slightly shorter than I am, so had ended up with a thicker back cushion to move him forward 25mm, as well as a different combination of base cushions. We also got a set of Cobra Pro-spec 4mm steel side mounts, to replace my bent sparco ones. the difference in contruction is substantial, I can't see these failling any time soon.

After all the fitting, Mark decided to give us all the other option cushions as well! Just incase we wanted to tweak the driving position further when they were installed, or fit larger cushions in the base on a trackday when taking out normal size passengers. The service we recieved was absolutely first class, and we even had a tour of the whole factory and saw it all being made. Very cool indeed.

Sadly, I forgot to take pictures of any of this, so my rambling will have to make do I'm afraid

So, with that done, I set off on the 250 mile journey back to work, to start a shift at 9pm :( Rubbish.

I dropped the kit off at home, and had one quick chance for a picture of all the new kit waiting for find it's way onto the car:


Seats, side mounts, Strut brace, forged rods, and some Eibach eccentric top mounts I've decided to try out as well, which should add some negative camber, and a little more caster too.

Just need to find time to fit it all now!

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Looking good dude! You're making this crash very expensive for yourself :P

I'm guessing you got the Eibach top mounts with your prize? They seem ok on mine, only thing I would say, is watch the locating pin on the top hat bit, they are renowned for snapping, leaving the adjustment free to move around. One of my pins wasn't even in the top hat, so I just welded a bolt cut to the right length in its place. The other side, the pin is there, but 2 of the 3 spot welds have cracked, so that will be modified too soon.

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Yes, a picture full of ridiculous bureaucracy :D This (+ around 4 extra documents which I only found out about in the DMV) is what you need to register an import in this country. In total, around 30 pages and well over 60 stamps - usually 2 per page or more. Retarded. Either way it's sorted, registered as a 2 seater with a cage, bucket seats and racing harnesses.


About the camera, I've got a GoPro but for on boards I find a nice prosumer HDV camera is a lot better. Better sound, better exposure. Thanks a lot for the offer, much appreciated! Going to work on the cage mount tomorrow, need to eliminate the vibrations. Also need to find out why the fuel tank isn't venting properly and fix a few other things.

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