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A guy at work just bought this for his Golf TDi and he reckon's he's noticed a gain in performance...


Am I right in saying it's bullshit? I am convinced that these can't give you 30bhp extra just for a £20 plug n play thing?!

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i have a dragon tuning one from my old golf tdi 90 , they were a bit better quality and i believe around 200 quid but looked very similar inside, when it was on it made a fair bit of difference, the car was alot more torquey and pulled for alot longer in each gear, the trip computer said it was doin better mog but i never actually worked it out properly. did occasionally bring on the odd warning light though

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This may sound like are ally odd question but does anybody know where I can get a cheap roof scoop from? :P it's a joke present for a mate. He's been given his first own car (clio) and we sometimes have some banter about chavtastic cars with roof scoops so I thought it might be a laugh to get him one. It seriously does not have to be functional or look great!!

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A guy at work just bought this for his Golf TDi and he reckon's he's noticed a gain in performance...


Am I right in saying it's bullshit? I am convinced that these can't give you 30bhp extra just for a £20 plug n play thing?!

The cheap ones are usually just a variable resistor to fool the ECU into thinking the engine's always cold so it runs richer. It'll give a power boost right until his engine melts I'd guess.

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Me and george seamons had cheap tuning boxes (mine was in my a4 1.9 90bhp, his was toledo 1.9 110bhp), they work, but I dont think its really 30bhp gain, more like 15 ish. Engines sounded more agricultural after a few thousand miles and neither lasted very long either... think george got 20k out of the toledo (then it dropped a valve) and I got 15k out of my audi (flumes of black smoke regardless of the engine revs, rapidly reducing power). There are other reasons why the engines could have died of course, but I doubt those boxes really helped much, maps are better.

Oh and yeah, they are just a 30p resistor from maplins in a pretty case with plugs, you just need to solder the resistor inline with one of the wires and you have saved £29.70 on a box

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Look up "Evry mod". That is all the tuning boxes are.

As Paul said, I had one on my Toledo. Made a fair amount of difference to power (although there was a big increase in smoke too). Other than that, I had no problems at all. I put a LOT more than 20k on it though, think it was probably nearer 40k, that thing took a bit of a beating going to Wales and back every other weekend.

If you want some cheap dirty power, and aren't too bothered about the consequences, then go for it. Otherwise, a remap is a far better way to do it. (A remap will adjust boost to use ALL the extra fuel, rather than most of it coming through the exhaust as smoke!)

I can't see how the box could drop a valve, especially on a diesel...but there was nothing else that could have caused it, it was well maintained and reguarly serviced.

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20vt folks (Here's looking at you, Prawn/Seamons/Jardo); Anything worth noting with regards to the APP engine?

From what I can make out, the APP doesn't have VVT but does have 20mm wrist pins. Will the lack of VVT make much of a real-world difference?

Edit; Have asked the owner of this particular car to clarify which turbo it's running and have been told it's a Ko3s which would be ideal - so turbo aside, any other differences worth knowing about?

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APP is the better engine to have.

The VVT is only a cold emissions system, a lot of people actually map it out when doing engine swaps etc.

Ask if the water pump was done at the time of the cambelt, and was a metal one used. Has the oil pickup pipe been cleaned, and what oil has it been run on. That's about it :)

Where is it, want me to come and have a look?

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Ah wicked, nice one.

And cheers for the offer, may well take you up on that. Waiting to hear back from him about it but if it looks likely I'll let you know - car's only up in Ivybridge so it's hardly a trek :P

It's currently on a nasty set of wheels so hoping he'd be willing to sell without as I'm sure I can find a set of cheap wheels to run 'til I can pick up something nice. Have asked him to confirm that it's definitely the Ko3s in the process just to be on the safe side.

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Buy them without, I'll give you a set of wheels to roll on until you get nice ones.

They've got legal tires and they're all straight and don't look too bad -


I can tell you if it's a K03s by sight. If you want to go and look at it tonight/this afternoon let me know; I'm off today and Sunday as well. I can take my VAGCOM and as you know I'm the king of buying cars.

Got a link to it?

Edited by Pashley26
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Currently chatting to the previous owner, so digging up all the dirt I can at present.

He's not sure on the pump, so let's assume that's not been done - Guessing they're a pain to change?

Original owner has also never changed turbo, which would make me think it's probably only a Ko3 = probable no go :(

Will wait for him to get back to me about wheels and call him out on the above. If I can knock him down a load on those points then I'll sort out getting up to see it and let you know, but wheels offer would be epic if that goes ahead, cheers (Y)

Working this eve/Sunday til 4ish unfortunately, but can sort something out if things get that far :)

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It SHOULD have a K03 on it, so find out when it was changed if he says it has got a K03s on it and it hasn't.

The pump and belt should be changed at the same time; if he doesn't know when it was last done then you need to get it done yourself. And it's a £300 job.

What sort of miles has it done? Tidy car? If it's between 80 and 120K it's probably about a grand to £1200. :)

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Yeah, that's my thinking. Previous owner not sure = I'm going to consider it as not having been done, so I'm currently treating this as Ko3 and no water pump. I know the belt was done recently, looking at big money just to do the pump alone, if that's even possible which I assume not?

Have fired you a PM too, but the car's currently on 121k. Shall see how it's looking/what I can get out of him and take it from there :)

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It looks good to be fair, wheels need burning but otherwise doesn't look bad at all.

The belt will need to come off to do the water pump, so the cost doesn't matter because it's pretty much the same job. It's more a precaution incase it hasn't been done, then you know you're safe.

I wouldn't be concerned about mileage, we'll easily be able to tell if it's a looked after car. It's got some nice mods, and we can get the coilovers on no problems. I just hope it's all been done right.

You got the cash to buy? I think we could probably start £200 below what you said in pm :)

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Doing the pump is exactly the procedure as doing the belt, just another 2 bolts to take the pump out, so labour should be the same. It is VERY bad practice to re-use a cambelt, for the sake of a few quid, its worth putting a fresh one on. If there's a hydraulic tensioner, that will need to be replaced too.

The oil used is VERY important. If its crap oil, the chances are the pick up pipe will be clogged (especially at that mileage). New pipe, o-ring, and sump sealant is about £20. WELL worth doing...if it gets blocked, the oil pressure suffers, and the engine seizes.

As Jardo said, VVT is more of an emmisions thing (unlike Jap stuff). Some tuners have made code to make use of it (VVT Attack I believe its called), but think that was only on AMK and BAM engines.

Other than that, just check the usual 1.8t niggles (coolant temperature sensor/thermostat, MAF, sticky rear calipers, coilpacks etc).

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Best bet for the pump is Quaside VW if you want to go to a dealer, otherwise the bloke who did my clutch will probably do it on a sunday for much less money and you get to watch him and understand it all too.

I'd more than trust him to do mine after seeing him work on my car, he works for an independent VAG garage in Tavy so could even do it in works time.

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bird: text me before you buy anything.

If it's APP, it's ko3 not ko3s, so a really early pre facelift car.

It'd have to be stupid cheap to even consider it IMO.

Ask if the water pump was done at the time of the cambelt, and was a metal one used.

Metal water pump no longer the prefered option, move with the times dude.

. Will the lack of VVT make much of a real-world difference?

Lack of vvt? no, no difference. Lack of ko3s? it'd be a deal breaker for me.

I can tell you if it's a K03s by sight. cars.

I bet you can't, not without removing the TIP. I know how to spot it, but I'd bet good money you're thinking on the wrong lines dude.

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I bet you can't, not without removing the TIP. I know how to spot it, but I'd bet good money you're thinking on the wrong lines dude.

Take a picture of the build tag on your phone and check the code with your fingers crossed for K03-052/053/058? :P

Regardless of being right or wrong, if it had a silencer on it I would claim it was a K03 to get the price down for Rainbird ;)

Edited by Pashley26
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