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Lots of motorsport parts lack features that their road equivalents have. A lot of the time the features are there to minimises the effects of the compromises made to make the car more comfortable. In order to make the shifter nicer in a road car you don't want it to feel every vibration and movement of the gearbox, so you make cables and cable ends with a little flex in them to absorb the vibration, trouble is if you put the return spring at the gearbox end then this flex makes the centreing feel like arse, so you have to get around it by putting the return at the shifter end. In a racing car you rigidly mount the cables because feel' and response is more important than comfort, and you never had a problem to try and get around, so the return spring can stay in the gearbox, keeping thing's nice and simple. Not 100% sure that's the answer in this case, but it sure makes sense, and it often is the answer.

Car looks like it's performing seriously well Nick, must be awesome to get it out in the dry finally!

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It's really feeling good robin, in gear acceleration is pretty awesome, but what's most crazy is when you take it to 7.5k, then change gear and go again, you're falling right back onto 345lbft at 5k and its just out of this world.

Changing into 4th from 3rd at 115mph and staying flat out, it really does feel like its pulling harder than the ko3s used to in second from 40mph!

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f**k off fat boy, that's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Stop trying to wind me up :P


What a cracking day!

[bumlove for Phil]

First of all I think it is only fair that I give Phil Miller all of the credit he deserves...Holy **** does he know what he is doing! I previously have not trusted anybody to touch my car ever, so I was incredibly dubious of going to some randomer who I'd never met before who made a lubricious claim that he would do my clutch for me at the side of the road in a couple of hours. But I had no choice; and his credentials seemed good enough seeing as he works for an independent VAG specialist.

WOW am I impressed at his technical ability and knowledge; he tackled this clutch change as though it was a walk in the part. At no point did it seem any more daunting than changing a set of plugs! Totally professional and confident throughout; I am sure the two of us will keep each other busy with bits and pieces in the future. It's great to have met such a lovely bloke through the forum; ASN truly does being us all together ;)

[/bumlove for Phil]

Together we knocked the whole thing out in about 4 hours and probably spent 3 hours of that actually working. There was a slight hitch though...

The old clutch wasn't actually THAT worn, but the flywheel had obviously got VERY hot and the friction plate was crazed and cracked. Which is what was causing my creaky clutch pedal and occasional slipping.



Our workshop and the master getting stuck in -


We got the clutch all up and together and it felt EPIC; I was over the moon. So we had another coffee break and took it out for a test drive and to show Phil my man boost. We got a mile or so down the road and the car felt a bit slow, but I presumed this was due to ECU relearning and being reset from the disconnected battery. This is when disaster struck. EML on, misfire and no boost...This made me very sad and tremendously worried despite seeming very calm.

IMMEDIATELY Phil said "Coilpack..." and we had a quick look under the bonnet; Phil suggested that when we got back the fault code would say intermittent misfire on cylinder 1. He was close! It was cylinder 4. So he gave me a coilpack off his own car, and we fitted mine to his and his misfired. So he sent me off with his coilpack on the promise I bought him a new one...What a legend!

Post hoc ergo propter hoc I had decided that it was something we had done. Turns out coincidence is a mother ****er! The coil pack had just decided to give up after us doing the clutch haha!

Man boost is now totally engaged and traction is pretty much limitless. Haldex...Pffft.

Clutch feels epic, much more response from the car now and I am free to smash through the gears with total confidence. Couldn't be happier!

Thank you to Customboy/Ranvir/Bobby for your amazing gift and supplying the clutch; and thank you to Phil for being awesome.


So next on the list, I've ordered a new set of coil packs, Phil has offered me a strong as **** low mileage actuator and I just need to get WMI fitted then I'm ready for my 250bhp target :)

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In car-related new; My turbo may have decided to die yesterday (proper diagnosis tomorrow). Denied. This means several things;

1. I need to spend part of the Leon budget sorting it.

2. I should have a fully sorted and serviced car ready to sell by the end of the week.

3. f**k the Leon budget, let's just buy one anyway...

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very happy for you jardo, but you don't half talk some bollocks at times, it brightens up my day :)

Reeeeeeaallllly? I wouldn't say that video shows limitless traction :lol:

My car actually accelerates that quickly, unlike your thing which is all just wheel spin.

My car is rapid bruv. K03s powah.

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Jardo, your haldex hatred amuses me, it's like listening to a biker try and go on about how they can out brake/corner a car. :lol: Unfortunately liking FWD doesn't make it better in every conceivable way. (I'm kind of on your side with which I'd rather own, but saying there's no traction advantage to 4wd is just silly.)

Glad your car's all sorted though, must be nice not to have to worry about driving it properly now the clutch is all good.

My Sciroccos still not fired up yet, cranking perfectly and sounding healthy while doing it, but there's no spark. I've not been able to work on it today as the workshop doesn't have access on Sundays because of the (very) local residents. Looks like I've muddled up some wiring because of inadvertently using parts from 2 different aged Passats in the wiring, so once I swap it all over to match a single consistent set-up (which I have all the bits to do) then with any luck it'll fire up. The immibiliser's disarming perfectly, which is awesome as it's something I was quite worried about, and everything that should seems to have it's relevant earths and lives, but there's something getting confused with the signals, which would make sense with my theory that I've mixed close but not quite compatible parts.

With any luck if this is the case it'll be on the road Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how long the paperwork takes. (It's not MOT'd or taxed thanks to being off the road for a while.)

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I don't understand, why lie? >_<

Don't be so f**king dense Rich, I'm taking the piss. :P


Yeah Robin, I can't explain how nice the clutch feels and the weird feeling of security I got when properly caning it and abusing the clutch and knowing it was just going to work. Very very reassuring; a coil pack failing today is the second time we have ever had a component fail on that car in the 10's of K we've owned it and almost 4 years. It's been absolutely bullet proof; even with almost 50% more power than it left the factory with for all these years.

Scirocco is looking like it's coming on well then; I too was worried when you said it might be the immob'. Defeats on those things is expensive and costly, without mentioning the time delay.

I might still be about this week, but it's more of a case of SOS next month or come and see you. Bearing in mind all the same cars turn up to SOS every month I'm thinking I may come and see you. Not to mention your mum would probably love to see me more than once a year haha. :)

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Yeah, I've never been planning to defeat the immobilizer, why remove a security feature when using it is only 2 extra wires? The issue seems to be in the links between the clocks and the ECU. I'll have another good look at it tomorrow. I've got 2 matching sets of ECU, clocks and key, and both do the same at the moment. But the engine loom and plugs are from one set (they're the ones that came with the engine.) and the plugs I used on the back of the clocks came from another set (from a car I broke ages ago for parts for the Mini). So my thinking is that although the plugs I used for the clocks will plug in, they've probably not got all the same wires in the same places (the set's appear to be from different ages, where minor revisions have been made). I'll have a proper hunt through them tomorrow and re-position anything that looks suspect then see what happens. If that still fails I'll probably wire in an OBD port (I need to do this sooner or later anyway) and then I can VAG-com it to see if there's a sensor issue that's been caused while the engine's been being moved around/built up. If it's sensors it's got to be the cam or crank position, as they're the only things I can think of that would cut both the spark signal and injector pulses.

If you fancy popping up at anypoint then feel free. Nothing much happens around here, but I'm sure you'd take some pleasure in scrubbing a filthy Scirocco and taking some pictures of cars. Better still tag along up to Area 52 on the 8/9th of December, plenty of fun to be had with old/cool cars.

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it's like listening to a biker try and go on about how they can out brake/corner a car. :lol:

Oooohhhhhh, let's not even start that one dude. :lol:

Can we just agree that in certain situations that statement is true, but in others, untrue?

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Performance per £ bikes are miles ahead in straight line acceleration, cornering they can occasionally have some slight advantages in very specific conditions, braking, no hope. I'm under no illusions of bikes performance, they're amazing for going fast on the road, but they also only have 2 tyres, with a tiny contact patch, and they tend to only be able to use one at a time due to massive weight transfer. They have weaknesses, just like cars do (god damn cars are heavy!) I was just meaning that Jardo argues it as if what he likes is infallible, in the same way a lot of bikers (not saying you're one of them at all) appear to have delusional ideas of their bikes performance when they're shown some bends and/or hazards. Everything has weaknesses. FWD can't get serious power on the ground, and bikes can't stop all that quickly. They're both facts, and I've seen people be in out-right denial about both. It was only meant in jest anyway :lol:

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...bikes can't stop all that quickly.

Oooh I dunno, the 310mm cast iron disk with 4pot caliper on my supermoto is pretty handy, coupled with the rather sticky front wet tyre you can haul up at phenominallly short notice, tend to have the rear squirrelling a bit mind :D

130kg bike with a max speed of 110 means its pretty grossly powerfull!

I agree with you on the most part though :)

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Whats the best (strongest) way to terminate a throttle cable? Mine snapped, and i brought a new one from motor factors, but it looks like they only do a 'universal' one.

The kit comes with a screw block style end, but im currently using one of these atm (with 2 screws) and that's slipping through, so i cant see the one in the kit doing anything.

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Oooh I dunno, the 310mm cast iron disk with 4pot caliper on my supermoto is pretty handy, coupled with the rather sticky front wet tyre you can haul up at phenominallly short notice, tend to have the rear squirrelling a bit mind :D

130kg bike with a max speed of 110 means its pretty grossly powerfull!

I agree with you on the most part though :)

Simply no.

Just accept it from me before Robin comes back with a degree and rapes your arse. :)

Sorry, I need to put a generic joke smiley in - :P

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