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  On 10/13/2016 at 8:26 PM, TROYston said:

182 is being a twat. twice now, goes to start car, turns key only to get standard dash lights asif key is still in position 1, no starter attempt, no noise, other than fuel pump prime (?) when first switch to ign pos 1, even holding the key on to the starting position does nothing. When it does finally start idle is LUMPY as f**k and bumbles at about 1500-1700 for a minute or so.


Possible very dirty throttle body symptoms maybe?


Try cleaning through tdc sensor, on the side of the block. That gave me similar issues a while back. 

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  On 10/14/2016 at 6:28 AM, dann2707 said:

Try cleaning through tdc sensor, on the side of the block. That gave me similar issues a while back. 


Going to trey that tomorrow, Its being a bit funny with unlocking itself, initially put it down to the battery in the key, but now im thinking it could be the cars battery is fubared. No clue when it got put in there, and i have no means of testing the bitch.
Going to clean the TDC sensor, and also the throttle body, and switch to the spare key.

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  On 10/14/2016 at 5:31 PM, TROYston said:

Going to trey that tomorrow, Its being a bit funny with unlocking itself, initially put it down to the battery in the key, but now im thinking it could be the cars battery is fubared. No clue when it got put in there, and i have no means of testing the bitch.
Going to clean the TDC sensor, and also the throttle body, and switch to the spare key.


Also worth going through the fuse box in the engine bay with some electrical cleaner. Mine was turning over but not starting, went through the fuse box and it worked again. No issues since.

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When you're going for it up the back roads and then you flick on your full beam for all your front lights to just go completely out and everything just goes pitch black. YOU SHIT YER KEGS.  

Emergency stop but without really thinking I pulled on the light's and manually the full beam worked so I avoided going off the road before stopping. PHEW! 

Got it to a safe place up the road to everyone else's inconvenience as I had to full beam it then tried the lights on and off for a few times and they came back on. 

Trip to the auto electricians I guess as the bulbs are okay and full beam works. 

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  On 10/17/2016 at 6:48 PM, Paperclip said:

When you're going for it up the back roads and then you flick on your full beam for all your front lights to just go completely out and everything just goes pitch black. YOU SHIT YER KEGS.  

Emergency stop but without really thinking I pulled on the light's and manually the full beam worked so I avoided going off the road before stopping. PHEW!

Got it to a safe place up the road to everyone else's inconvenience as I had to full beam it then tried the lights on and off for a few times and they came back on.

Trip to the auto electricians I guess as the bulbs are okay and full beam works.


Audi used to do that, was a dicky relay, save yourself the money and swap it for a new one rather than let a garage do it :P

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  On 10/18/2016 at 1:29 AM, Jolfa said:

Audi used to do that, was a dicky relay, save yourself the money and swap it for a new one rather than let a garage do it :P


Ordered a warrantied used one from a previously written off car, looks a little tricky to get into a couple of the bolts but that's Porsche. Shouldn't be a huge job. 

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It's been a while since I've posted in here besides the odd comment on what you guys are doing. 

 The Porsche hasn't really been the 'rolling project' I'd hoped it would be and has now been off the road for over a year. On the bright side, I've finally found a place in some shared workshop space, so can crack on and hopefully get it going again for spring. There's not much in the way of firm plans, but it'll be far from standard when it hits the road. 

Torn apart: 


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Haha, I genuinely hadn't noticed the pager number! 

I really am unsure what the plan is with it in a lot of respects. It's getting made into a track orientated car though, stripped interior, cage etc. I'm definitely remaking most of the suspension and steering stuff. It's lost most of its wiring loom and I'm in the middle of repairing some poor previous rust repairs. 

Im really on the fence with what to do about the engine. On the one hand, I want to have some fun with a standard, underpowered engine getting to know the cars handling and improve my driving. On the otherhand, my standard engine's broken, and it'll probably be cheaper to swap in something more modern while its apart. 

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Always wanted a 5 cylinder 20vt Audi lump in a 944/924, make that happen :D

My current car situation is everything is being sold and I need a nice car to replacement, pretty slim pickings here unless I want (another) badly converted people carrier camper or a Subaru Legacy with cylinder head issues so I've got it down to -

Head choice: a very sensible, very bland, very roadworthy car I'm quite familar with, manual 1.8T quattro A4 with very awful wheels for $2500ish worth about that much


Heart choice: A completely gangster, unroadworthy (minor work), crap 2.0, 6 cylinder, wanky auto, C33 Laurel that I fell in love with when I first moved here for $1500ish worth a fair bit more fixed (not actual car, different wheels and no coolers and pipes and stuff, still about as gangster, the pictures she actually sent were more of the house thanks to the 'artistic' angles)


Not willing to do engine swaps or big upgrades so a Skyline engine swap is out of the question :P


Tl;dr A4 or Laurel?

Edited by Jolfa
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Laurel for sure. Way more interesting, and although you say it's the less sensible option, it'll probably be more trouble free than the Audi. Plus, you won't have to buy new wheel immediately :P

Now I'm on a computer (not my phone) I'll add a little more detail to what's going on with the 924 in case anyone's reading. Basically, since I decided I wasn't happy with the noises the engine's been making I've stripped it down a fair bit and found loads wrong with it. God knows how it was working. Anyway, the front suspension's been cut up to move the mounting points upwards a load, as well as adapting it to take a mk2 escort steering rack for some cheep quick-rack fitting. I still need to make the replacement wishbones.

Since getting it down to the unit I've been able to start tackling stuff on the shell, (I couldn't really work on it much on the drive, so had been pottering at suspension/engine stuff that I could unbolt and take into the garage to work on.) There was evidence of a load of filler in the rear quarter, which I've removed to find a very wobbly but solid panel. I'm hoping to get someone to cut that section out of a car they're breaking so I can replace it, as I'll never get it straight. The bottom of the passenger-side a-post was rotten and had been previously repaired badly, which I've cut out and put new metal in. I need to do the same on the drivers-side, but thankfully it's a smaller area and hasn't got a crap repair in the way. I've bought a pair of new sills, as the passenger-side one's clearly been replaced, and with the quality of the work I've found so-far I don't trust it to have been done well at all! So they need to go on at some point. The main bit I've been tackling's been the battery tray area of the scuttle, which had clogged it's drain and gone rotten at some point, along with all the seams around it. Thankfully that's most of the way back together now. I'll grab some photos when I'm at the unit next.

The plan's essentially to get it solid, finish the front suspension, do something as-yet unknown but hopefully clever to the rear suspension, throw in a cage, dash and pair of seats and I guess put an engine of some sort in there at some point. I'm going to need to get a lot of time down at the unit as I'm hoping to do a track-day in it with my house-mate in the spring :blink:

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On the deciding point of spunking money I could better spend elsewhere on suspension and more engine bits. 

Should really be buying materials to aid in finishing the shells body work but until the gas issue is remedied I see little point...





...and I like getting large boxes of new stuff in the post. 

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