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Lovely. Missus looking into MX5's which made me very happy for obvious reasons. But it appears that for her, those reasons are red paint and a convertible roof. Wish she'd get at least some interest in motoring and get a bloody license... I want to get hammered / high and driven back home for once in my life.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 9:41 PM, Greetings said:

Lovely. Missus looking into MX5's which made me very happy for obvious reasons. But it appears that for her, those reasons are red paint and a convertible roof. Wish she'd get at least some interest in motoring and get a bloody license... I want to get hammered / high and driven back home for once in my life.

I completely understand how you feel. However, if she just gets a licence and a car and doesn't care for motoring you will shit yourself everytime she drives.

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  On 3/15/2015 at 11:20 AM, dann2707 said:

I've done a few things,
Not sure if I like it, but I kind of do. I'm not really sure.

Dan, the position you have the car on the ramps scares me haha.

Wouldn't trust my handbrake with my life, why didn't you put it on the flat bit at the top? It's bloody scary driving up those ramps too!

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  On 3/18/2015 at 10:19 PM, Ash-Kennard said:

I completely understand how you feel. However, if she just gets a licence and a car and doesn't care for motoring you will shit yourself everytime she drives.

Yeah, I'm worried this might happen. She did shine to the idea of taking her to rally training sessions where I could teach her car control in the M3 or Daihatsu but I'm not sure that'll actually happen. She threw up 3 times in under 3 minutes last time she was in the M3 (thankfully with her mouth closed) and her facial expressions caught on video don't give me much hope this will work.

Not sure if this is just me but some women lack the character needed to be a good driver? Then again it's something that comes with a lot of practice so perhaps I'm wrong.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 1:16 PM, craigjames said:

What's wrong with yours still then Luke? MAF no good?

Some advice from the VAG lot, looking to buy coilovers or shocks and spring for the A3; looking to spend 4-500 ish and has to fit a LCR. Any reccomendations?

I'm starting to think it's really not the MAF. Every time I accellerate hard it's kicking in - as soon as the engine exceeds 4000rpm it'll cut power until revs drop below 3000rpm. If I feed it in really slowly it doesn't, but an what or anywhere close it does. Wondering if it thinks there's an overboosting issue or something, need to get some logs. MAF, coils, plugs all changed, no apparent leaks etc. Fuel filter to do this eve if I can as it's the only thing I've not done - potentially an issue but I don't think that's it.

Would appreciate any advice from the 1.8t Gurus!

wrt. suspension, a lot of people seem to recommend Weitecs which I believe are now these: http://www.dpmperformance.co.uk/car-parts/seat/leon/st-by-kw-50mm40mm-sport-lowering-springs-shocks-suspension-kitleon-1m-cupra-18t-cupra-r-18t-19sdi-19tdi-cupra-19tdi-fr-19tdi-0999. I have no idea why there are a few seemingly identical listings there - Assume it's slight differences in drop/spring rates or similar but not looked properly.

I've not looked at coilover setups lately but would imagine usual brand reps apply (Y)

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This is the thing - at Curby I unplugged the MAF as it pretty much (not entirely) eliminated the power cut, but it was still only running at <200bhp rather than the 265 is should have been. It may well be the case that all 3 MAF sensors I've used have been faulty but I'm starting to hope it has to be something else (fuel system.n75 etc). Shame a local friend with an LCR sold it last week or I could have pinched his known healthy one to test to know for sure :(

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  On 3/19/2015 at 1:29 PM, Luke Rainbird said:

I'm starting to think it's really not the MAF. Every time I accellerate hard it's kicking in - as soon as the engine exceeds 4000rpm it'll cut power until revs drop below 3000rpm. If I feed it in really slowly it doesn't, but an what or anywhere close it does. Wondering if it thinks there's an overboosting issue or something, need to get some logs. MAF, coils, plugs all changed, no apparent leaks etc. Fuel filter to do this eve if I can as it's the only thing I've not done - potentially an issue but I don't think that's it.

Would appreciate any advice from the 1.8t Gurus!

wrt. suspension, a lot of people seem to recommend Weitecs which I believe are now these: http://www.dpmperformance.co.uk/car-parts/seat/leon/st-by-kw-50mm40mm-sport-lowering-springs-shocks-suspension-kitleon-1m-cupra-18t-cupra-r-18t-19sdi-19tdi-cupra-19tdi-fr-19tdi-0999. I have no idea why there are a few seemingly identical listings there - Assume it's slight differences in drop/spring rates or similar but not looked properly.

I've not looked at coilover setups lately but would imagine usual brand reps apply (Y)

What that sucks balls, hopefully the issue will become obvious and be an easy fix.

I was looking at the ST kit, need to buy some LCR top mounts and should be good to fit everything the easter BH weekend. as long as my VCDS cable gets here in time...

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Once I've done this fuel filter and possibly the N75 (where's best to buy - dealer or will ECP/etc be ok for that?) then I'tll be a case of checking again for leaks, maybe a smoke test or redoing Maf/coils/plugs. If it's not that, turbo/something internal? not really sure!

Clearly I need to build up a new engine and make sure everything's perfect...

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  On 3/19/2015 at 1:21 PM, Greetings said:

Yeah, I'm worried this might happen. She did shine to the idea of taking her to rally training sessions where I could teach her car control in the M3 or Daihatsu but I'm not sure that'll actually happen. She threw up 3 times in under 3 minutes last time she was in the M3 (thankfully with her mouth closed) and her facial expressions caught on video don't give me much hope this will work.

Not sure if this is just me but some women lack the character needed to be a good driver? Then again it's something that comes with a lot of practice so perhaps I'm wrong.

I'm in a similar boat with Faye - she's passed her test but hasn't driven in a while and doesn't own her own car at the moment. She is, however, still insured on my Capri. She's driven it a few times and is fine, just could benefit from a bit more confidence. She says herself she always drives a bit on the fast side, so I've offered to take her to a local airfield and practice just hooning about in it and sliding around to learn a bit of car control but she's really reluctant to have a go... I'd just rather she knew what to do when it went tits-up for the sake of an afternoon or something, oh well.

As for Das Capri, it's finally going back together over easter... Heads are in the machine shop at the moment getting a full rebuild and skim, then it's back on the road with any luck.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 2:55 PM, Skoze said:

I'm in a similar boat with Faye - she's passed her test but hasn't driven in a while and doesn't own her own car at the moment. She is, however, still insured on my Capri. She's driven it a few times and is fine, just could benefit from a bit more confidence. She says herself she always drives a bit on the fast side, so I've offered to take her to a local airfield and practice just hooning about in it and sliding around to learn a bit of car control but she's really reluctant to have a go... I'd just rather she knew what to do when it went tits-up for the sake of an afternoon or something, oh well.

Why don't you arrange to go to the airfield and tell her you've planned a surprise? That way she won't be able to back out. If she says she's a fast driver, she probably feels confident behind the wheel so a day of hooning about could really help her gain a perspective on her own driving skills. If you have an opportunity to do this, don't think twice. She's bound to be grateful at the end of the day, will become a safer driver and might even enjoy herself. Triple win :)

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sorry for the extra shit quality pictures, my phone keeps shitting itself!

Fitted my 1.8t pancake and silicone hoses the other day.

90 degree silicone bend off the turbo


pancake roughly in place:


silicone hoses roughly in place:


lining up a bit better with a ally sleeve:


Compared to the old hose:


a few offcuts :giggle:


Hose on the turbo with those stupid sprung clips (on the to do list to replace!)


Pancake in place:


Looking sweet:



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Yesterday I was at some traffic light and the corsa behind me kept flashing its lights and doing some weird hand action like telling me to move forward at the lights I was like wtf I can't move forward anymore you cockolio!! So I race forward and go left as normal. I then stop at the car infront and the corsa winds it's windows down and pulls up next to me...
Oh it's fun being a cliosport owner. Yes I nearly say powerflex not powerflow clear.pngclear.png
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been offered a civic type r ep3, currently on 126,000 miles, anything i should look out for on these? should i be worried about the mileage as its obviously been flawed in the past with it having a exhaust system, induction & has no service history for the past 30k miles. i guess as-long as its been serviced well by the previous owner it should have plenty more life?

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I will answer this for you, first of all what year is it?

126k isn't mega miles for them as long as they have been serviced regularly.

Make sure the oil is clean and still golden

Things to look for is, rattles from the engine, could indicte a worn chain/tensioner.

Blue smoke from the exhaust on over run and hard acceleration, could be valve stem seals or rings

Check for play in the steering, if it's been lowered previously without rack spacers it can bollocks the steering racks

Older preface lifts are starting to show rust on the rear arches but it's only been a small number

Make sure the gears select ok, if it struggles with reverse the clutch could be on its way out.

Also check for whines and crunches from all the gears, usually 2nd and 4th, if you test drive it, show the gear lever who's boss and you will feel a small crunch if the synchros a worn.

Then just general 2nd hand car checks.

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Looking for some cheap partworn tyres to get this piece of shit through it's MOT - found a bunch of tyres from a garage nearby buy-it-now on eBay for around £20-25 per tyre (fitted and balanced). Gave them a call to check out about fitting and so on, and as he was talking to me about it he went "You saw them on eBay? They might be more expensive when you get here, around £30-35, but I'm sure we can get to some sort of agreement." Classic car garage bullshit.

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