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I've bought stuff from Babz on eBay before, it's all been toss... Spend a bit more if you can dude.

In unrelated news, kit car show at the weekend was pretty good. According to a few people my car / driving was the quickest there which was cool! However, didn't get much track time as I lost 3rd and 4th gear around mid morning :( engine is stripped and ready to pull out tomorrow night all being well...

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That sucks :( At least you got good feedback though, I guess!

Just got my car back now. Most things seem alright, although everything along the underside of my car's dented to f**k. Oil/coolant levels are seemingly alright though, so hopefully the main stuff's sorted. Brake pipe junction further back took a fairly direct hit, but it looks like the little mount/carrier bit took the hit, so I don't think it's lost any fluid. Fuel tank took a whack too. Get to check it all out more in the morning though...

Also, insult to injury time:

My Mum had parked her car in front of mine on the drive, as she's off early tomorrow morning (and mine isn't going anywhere). She'd picked me up last night and I'd put some stuff in, so went out just then to get it. When I pressed the central locking fob, the indicators did their usual flashing thing and I saw a bit of fluid under the radiator area.

Came in, got a torch and headed back out. Had a look and traced it up the front of the car. Lowest point was just on the underside of the bumper, then it went up the bodywork, over the numberplate and up to a little lip/gap in the bodywork by the radiator grille. Thought "Maybe more f**ked than I'd guessed."

Gave it a feel to see what it was like. Didn't feel oily so just assumed coolant. Wiped off a bit more to check colour, and it seemed fairly clear. Was fairly resigned to the fact something on my cooling system was f**ked. Thought I'd give it a quick smell to check.

Cat piss.

I'd been in the house for 5mins, and in that time a local cat had come along and decided to welcome it back by pissing down the front of it. Sucks to be me.

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Cheers for the links Robin! I had just spotted both after my post, I'm hoping to get a chance to digest it all this evening and then get cracking on tomorrow evening. It had been suggested that I have an injector problem and should get them cleaned, do you know of a good place to send them? Obviously I'll try some other things first but it would be good to find out in advance so I can plan when I can have the car off the road for a week

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Have you cleaned your throttle body? Have you checked your spark system (assuming same as MK2 16v as most of it is) in particular the earths and hall sender plug on the dizzy (split/threadbare wires), that will cause all kinds of weird issues. Have you had the mixture setup properly? The WUR can cause issues, and failing that (have an extra triple check) vacuum leak somewhere.

It's almost definitely one of the above, I'd be looking at hall sender and vac leaks, it's the problem 9 times out of 10 :)

Edited by Jolfa
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So, courtesy of 4 of the most unpleasant looking alloys devised by man, my car is now at least on 4 wheels again.

Interestingly, although from the outside the front right looked like the most f**ked wheel, the rear left gave it a pretty good run for it's money on the inside face of it:

Aside from that, everything seems to be pointing roughly in the right direction. Only concerns are the massive dents all the way along the underside of the car on the left hand side:
Gave that hose guide something to think about, and partially flattened one of the hoses where it wraps around the chassis. It isn't totally flat and hasn't got any signs of cracking/leaking so I'm hoping I'm all good. Got to drive it to Loughborough tomorrow at 6am so we'll find out then I guess...
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Unfortunately I won't really be looking to buy for a little while (funds need to go on hubs and potentially replacing coilovers for ARB mounts to get these cast wishbones on), otherwise I'd be all over it - fair few other bits needed though to do the full conversion unfortunately which put things out of the already non-existent budget :P

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