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I got a new bumper today which I've got the first couple of coats of paint on, I just need to wet sand it back and finish it with another 3 or 4 coats and then clear.

Why so much paint? Anymore then 2-3 coats of colour an your wasting your time. Plus wet sanding between coats?

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Why are you parked so far from the curb?

Because I have a set of irreplacable wheels, and that space you assume is the road and where I should be parking is actually a gutter.


Basically attempting to make up for shit prep TB, I haven't got a clue what I am doing but it will all work out in the end. Haha :P

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Why don't you all f**k off! :P

I park on that road every single day. Every single car along that road parks exactly the same way due to the camber of the road and the piss poor quality of the tarmac's edge.

Yes, the wheels are irreplacable. If you can find me a set of 17" Avus 3 replicas in 5x100 fitment and in the same offset currently for sale anywhere then I will sign off every post I ever make with "I'm a fanny and I was wrong."

You won't though, because these are the only set I have ever seen and Prawn and possibly Seamons will say the same. Standard Avus 3 S4 wheels are 18" and 5x110 and as such every set of replicas you can buy are 18" with 5x100/110 multifitment. These wheels are rare as rocking horse shit, every VAG forum I have ever posted on there has been a comment on the rarity of the wheels.

S4's did come with 17" wheels, but they were made by Ronal and look very much different to mine. As such there is no market for making a replica of an 18" wheel in 17" when you can buy a genuine 17" one which looks kind of similar for no money at all.

Anywho, car is fixed now and boosting like a champ. Airflow is up and it is making about 235bhp by the g/s airflow logs.

Edited by Pashley26
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Get some primer on there dude, 2 or 3 coats dry flatted with 600/800 till your happy, then 2/3 basecoats left 20ish minutes a coat then go with the lacquer same again, 2 or 3 coats. Leave for a few days then flat with 1500 an compound back to a shine. Jobs a gooden dude!

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Thanks for the info TB, I am doing the boot next week so I will follow that. I think I focused too much on getting the colour paint thick and glossy and should have used less paint and more lacquer as you say.

Having finished the bumper for now I am quite pleased with it, it is the first paintwork I have ever done. With better prep work I know I could have got a better result, I will post some pictures in a second.

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Yeah, metallic colour coat is usually really quite thin, just enough to give it colour really, you also want to be careful not to put on too thick coats, with a solid/plain gloss you want a reasonable amount of paint on per coat so it levels into a flat surface, but if you do that too much with a metallic colour then the fragments of metal in it, which are obviously heavier than the paint will sink towards the bottom of the wet area and look uneven. Because the paints thin it wont hide anything though, so good prep with a decent amount of high-build is usually essential. Doing the colour coat thin also means you wont get much if any orange-peal in it, so it shouldn't need flatting. Then pile on the lacquer in thicker coats to make sure it goes on liquid and wet flat that. That's the way I've been taught anyway, not put it into practice much with metallics though, only wheels really.

Paul, some people don't like the idea of wet-flatting primer because it's porous so needs to be left to dry very thoroughly, and if it's on metal there's worries of rust, I've always found it to be fine, but dry-flatting it's not as bad as you'd think down to about 380, which is all you need before a non-metallic colour coat. I've always wet sanded to go any finer than that but other people seem to do just fine dry sanding it.

My Scirocco's coming along. Engine's been in for a test fit, I made up all the engine mounts that needed to be fabricated and then I've taken it back out again. I've mounted the cable shifter internally a little raised up off the tunnel so it's nice and close, I've started adapting the clutch to hydraulic and I've tidied up a lot of wiring. Which means by friday I need to: Finish the clutch, splice in the new engine wiring, re-do the belt run to work without the power-steering pump, re-assemble some parts of the engine with new gaskets, re-fit the engine, plumb in the coolant lines, plumb in the clutch hydraulics, sort the inevitable issues with the wiring, drop the fuel tank, clean it out and adapt it to take an injection pump (or find an external pump and swirl pot), fit an 8mm fuel line, weld the hand-brake lever back on and then get it MOT'd. It's going to be a busy week!

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Wet flatting primers not really a problem, bit as robin said its quite porous so you run the risk of microblistering next time your paintworks out in the heat with all the moisture trapped beneath the lacquer. I only ever find paper clogs badly if your using it to hard or the wrong grade for what you want to achieve. Obviously wet flatting for finishings fine but on primer I always find choosing the right paper works better then anything else.

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Ah cheers for that guys! That explains the micro bister I had at the top of my bumper where my bonnet covers it then (everywhere else was fine and I always dry the bumper out before spraying using a heatgun), I knew primers porous but had never thought about the effect it could have if a teeny bit of water was still absorbed. I usually use 320 and go to 600 with wet, never actually bothered trying dry... I need to spray my bumper soon anyway, I got Halfords to mix me some single pack paint and the colour is way off, my car looks retarded which is a shame as the actual spray job looks really good! Finding somewhere else that will actually mix me single pack in my colour has proved near enough impossible :(

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Yo Prawn, any answer on this? Looks like it got missed, posted in Oli's Mini thread earlier. Just interested to hear where the story is up to to be honest.

Any news yet? If the legal stuff is still going on, hugs to you all. A battle would be hard enough, a 5 year one is too much.

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