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Genuine question.

What is the general feeling/opinion in Russia regarding Flight MH17. Where are the majority of normal people pointing the blame?

This is politics, you can't be 100% sure because most part of information are different varieties of lies. West countries (including EU) sucking USA balls(I LOLD so hard I even spilled my coffee when heard that Swiss banks are obliged to report to USA about account holders) . About 777 maybe it's kinda USA provocation to blame Russia. Anyway black boxes are given to Malaysia so they can do expertise. USA looking crazy stupid in this situation, starting to blame Russia instantly and without any proofs. Also logically there are no reason to do this by Russia. And also DNR and LNR have no relation to Russia, they are independent countries. At least they want to be and fighting for their independence.

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Didn't really answer my question, but cheers

I get your question. Most of people thinking what mass media told to them(who does not burden themselves with using their brains properly).

There are bunch of idiots, thinking that Putin itself launched a missile into 777 for example. Pretty huge branch of western media said that.

Normal people..

I'm personally don't give a single f**k about this situation. Many of people, including me, that are using they brains to analyze information are just tired of this shitstorm and stupid, crazy ultra stupid lies from mass media. They lies so stupid like 5 years old kid who says you that this is a cat who ate all the candy in the house.

I'm laughing at UN and all this humanity shit, there are no humanity. Whole world can't stop this war? You believe in this? Huh, let Russian Bear to restore order on Ukraine without consequences for himself and the "war" will over in an hour.

USA wants to show their power. They don't care about tons of spilled blood. Ukrainians not US citizens, Ukrainians are some useless scam for US. And they don't care how many peaceful and not very peaceful people die.

People are still something from middle ages. Greedy and stupid.

Briefly I would describe all this as a CIRCUS of marasmus.

Edited by Clerictgm mk2
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A circus of acute malnutrition?

USA looking crazy stupid in this situation, starting to blame Russia instantly and without any proofs. Also logically there are no reason to do this by Russia.

It seems they're not blaming Russia for the actual attack itself, they're blaming them for supplying the 'rebels' with arms - something which they have been doing (and have admitted to doing in the past).

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A circus of acute malnutrition?

It seems they're not blaming Russia for the actual attack itself, they're blaming them for supplying the 'rebels' with arms - something which they have been doing (and have admitted to doing in the past).

>supplying the 'rebels' with arms

USA are supplying the 'Ukrainian bastards' that does a coup d'etat with arms. So what? They organized Maydan. Isn't it obvious for you? I was on Ukraine last year(in many cities, not only Kiev), all was fine. No one was discontent with the current government. I love Ukraine, it's warm + beautiful like Russia(especially nature).


Look this video and find something that should not be there.

I repeat - USA is an aggressor in this situation. Aggression is against Russia. But they can suck a balls of my bear. They already failed. They want to organize maydan in Russia, but they'll have to suck my bears balls and anyway fail after that.

No one can defeat Russia, it's just impossible. US people (soldiers also) are too fastidious and civilized. What about nuclear power, we are â„–1.

Edited by Clerictgm mk2
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>supplying the 'rebels' with arms

USA are supplying the 'Ukrainian bastards' that does a coup d'etat with arms. So what? They organized Maydan. Isn't it obvious for you?

Where did I say anywhere that the US weren't doing that? You were saying that the US were blaming Russia for the attack, I pointed out that they aren't blaming Russia for it, they're saying that they provided the weapons potentially used in it.

Why can't you read and understand/comprehend people's posts on here? Josh asked you a specific question that you didn't answer, I made a specific point that you then took to mean something entirely different/assumed a load of shit about.

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