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  On 4/11/2014 at 9:46 PM, JJ Leigh said:


im proud to say this is my dad, and yes the end clip is him doing a wheelie at over 120 mph, whilst sat on the handlebars.

and this is him on ma bike XD


What a bellend.

You and your dad.

Total f**king tools, I pray to god he doesn't fall off. Not because I give a shit about his safety, more because I don't want another mindless fanny hiking up the price of my insurance or taking up a hospital bed from somebody who deserves it.

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sorry what? this was years ago, im 15 and hes far from un experienced and doesnt even do that stuff anymore, and youve never met me or heard anything about me so keep it shut ok, your profile sais your 43 or something so i really shouldnt need to tell an adult to grow up. also he's had atleast 25-30 years of experience and hes not some dumb grunt. im not saying that because hes my dad, im saying it because i know im right and he does too, and i dont need your pathetic comments thanks. and im sure he deserves it because hes a human being and you couldnt comprehend how much hard work he does. think before you say because people like you irritate society and congratulations for doing it again.

yours sincerely,

an innocent 15 year old trying to enjoy life.

Edited by JJ Leigh
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Ahh, 15.

One day you will grow a beard, and your voice will become manly, and you will get responsibilities.

Then you will look back when you have loved ones, and families of your own.

I have no doubt that what you will think is that people who do stupid shit in public (like your dad) don't deserve a driving license.

Edited by Pashley26
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Go a little easy Jardo. I think it's good that he thinks so highly of his Dad. Yea, we all change our viewpoints on what's 'cool' or acceptable as we get older, but it's also really easy to be impressed by that stuff when you're that young.

On the other hand, I thought all the wheelies were shit.

JJ, it'll be easier for you long term if you don't take negativity on here too seriously - especially being as most on here will be a fair bit older than you and probably just further down the thought process than you. Not to be patronising, it's just true.

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very civilised... i know what life is thanks...

and theres a difference between idiots and the people having fun, and obviously its not exactly normal but neither is half of the world today so why give me the hate? just leave me alone and get over it ok, what my dad did was cool in my eyes and thats my opinion which others will happily support, and the people who have familes, responsibilities, a beard?

trials is stupid compared to riding a bike around from a to b, but its fun and an art that we accept the risks. people get injured on trials too, look what happened to Martyn Ashton, he doesnt deserve that to happen to him, but he enjoys trials and the mindset is the same for people on motorbikes too, they're having fun!

so tell me whats wrong with looking up to my dad, sharing it with people, having a dad who can do things like that, and being inspired by his talents?

sorry if i have offended anybody with the comment about Martyn, but calling a family member a bellend and someone who hasnt even met or spoken about you before isnt exactly nice either.

  On 4/23/2014 at 5:49 PM, isitafox said:

Got to agree with Jardo here, so what if your dad is an experienced rider. Does that mean that Lewis Hamilton should be allowed to race a car on the main road in traffic?

i see your point, but that wont happen... if it has then i dont know how to reply to that :S

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If your dad came off that bike doing 120mph the bike isn't just going to stop, it's going to slide a loooong way which could in turn cause damage to property, other vehicles or worst case a person. In the case of Martyn, he was doing dangerous riding in a controlled environment where it was legal. The only person he was putting at risk was himself whereas your dad in that vid is in a manner of speaking putting the public at risk in a highly dangerous and illegal fashion.

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Can we just clear up, he was not doing 120mph. He was doing about 30-40mph in that video. The only thing it could hit in the event of a crash is a truck trailer, and they tend to be built a little stronger than a bike, they can take it.

Also endangering the public? What public? The road was empty. :lol: There were exactly the same number of people in front of him as Martyn Ashton fannying around on his road bike, none! The only people nearby are wearing leathers, so they're not public, they're other bikers who know the risks. They've clearly all gone to a quiet little back road to have a play and break the law in as safe a way as possible. Not something that most bikers bother with when they want to play.

Edited by Muel
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