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Was it already known to be coming? I'm pretty shocked I haven't heard anything until it had come down. Did no-one detect it coming? Or was it just moving to fast to spot in time? Or have I just been missing the news? How knows...

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Not the same origin, because of different directions.

Detection of anything below 500 meters diameter is a lucky strike, of a meteor the size of the one that hit Russia today nearly impossible.

It's a question of how we spend our money - taxes to detect these objects earlier or to build new health & safety driving advice signs. Or more CCTV.

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Have I missed something with this whole harlem shake buisness? I really don't get it / find it amusing. If its best of the internet maybe I am just not with the times any more :(

I've got no idea either. I've been trying to find out where it came from or why it's funny, but I've failed so far.
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