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A Creepy Story Told Using Only Sound Effects


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Ok, so this 'dust' you speak of, is that a metaphorical dust of high regard amongst your peers? How would you put that across in sound effects? Probably with the sound of an Aston Martin pulling away on gravel...

I'm not going to answer your question, because I feel I can't ask it without knowing more about you. Are you Black? Gay? Transgender? A figment of my imagination?

I want as many answers as there are question marks, in sound effects. After all, that's what you're going to leave me in dust with...

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Ok, so this 'dust' you speak of, is that a metaphorical dust of high regard amongst your peers? How would you put that across in sound effects? Probably with the sound of an Aston Martin pulling away on gravel...

I'm not going to answer your question, because I feel I can't ask it without knowing more about you. Are you Black? Gay? Transgender? A figment of my imagination?

I want as many answers as there are question marks, in sound effects. After all, that's what you're going to leave me in dust with...

Yes, I'm a figment of your imagination as everything you may see or hear in your life. Cause at the end, it's all a figment of our imagination. Eyes that see all but can't see themselves, they can only see themselves reflected in a mirror.

How would I put that in sound effects. That's my work and what I'm up to. To settle people out of their their time and space.

And I'm white. Don't know what all of that has to do with this but anyway...

Edited by fipityflip
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Haven't read the last couple of pages as I can't be arsed. All I'm going to say is:

If you resort to personal insults during an internet argument, you have lost, end of. I don't care if you're arguing that the sky's blue, you've lost.

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