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What Do You Think Of This Bike?

Sam Song

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It is a new bike for $800 CAD

One thing I'm not sure about is that the frame is extremely light at around 1500g, my last bike was a 2009 Zoo Piranha which was light but fairly strong.

I do like light bikes, but I'm also tight on budget, so I don't want to get a bike that would break after a few months

Do you think this frame would be strong enough? I don't go big or anything, but I tend to ride a same bike for at least 2-3 years.

Also, Echo brakes, how are they? I remember hearing they leak and don't work well on the forums. Can I get some reviews on the newer echo brakes?

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The Echo Pure is one of the most popular trials bikes at the moment, and would easily be strong enough to take punishment from 80% of riders. I wouldn't class it as 'extremely' light, more just the standard for modern trials frames. Remember that geometry can be just as important (if not more) as weight so try not to go for a frame solely due to it being lightweight.

In terms of the Echo Brakes, although I haven't ever owned one, they don't seem to have a very good reputation. I'd recommend getting some maggies when/if the Echo brakes fail (Y)

Hope this post can lead you to making the best decision that will suit you ;)

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I wouldn't buy something like that off pinkbike.


seems a bit dodge to me that the currency is canadian, the location is apparently in America and the bike will be shipped from either of two locations in Asia?! I know deng is chinease and all that but it seems a bit suspicious to me personally.

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