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G Is Back, It Seems.


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G's surname is 'Marin'. If we take A as 1, B as 2, C as 3, etc.

Marin becomes 13118914.

Back becomes 2 1 3 11.

If you take the numbers from the word Back and perform this sum... (3^2) + (11-1) = 19

If you then google 13118914 (Safe search off, image size Medium) and select the 19th image you will see a picture of a young girl pointing excitedly at a delicious looking strawberry cake, presumably taken on her birthday.

The picture is about as relevant to this topic as this topic is to trials chat. The only difference is that everyone likes cake.

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G's surname is 'Marin'. If we take A as 1, B as 2, C as 3, etc.

Marin becomes 13118914.

Back becomes 2 1 3 11.

If you take the numbers from the word Back and perform this sum... (3^2) + (11-1) = 19

If you then google 13118914 (Safe search off, image size Medium) and select the 19th image you will see a picture of a young girl pointing excitedly at a delicious looking strawberry cake, presumably taken on her birthday.

The picture is about as relevant to this topic as this topic is to trials chat. The only difference is that everyone likes cake.


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G's surname is 'Marin'. If we take A as 1, B as 2, C as 3, etc.

Marin becomes 13118914.

Back becomes 2 1 3 11.

If you take the numbers from the word Back and perform this sum... (3^2) + (11-1) = 19

If you then google 13118914 (Safe search off, image size Medium) and select the 19th image you will see a picture of a young girl pointing excitedly at a delicious looking strawberry cake, presumably taken on her birthday.

The picture is about as relevant to this topic as this topic is to trials chat. The only difference is that everyone likes cake.

I just checked this and it does appear to be correct. (I just had to know!)

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G's surname is 'Marin'. If we take A as 1, B as 2, C as 3, etc.

Marin becomes 13118914.

Back becomes 2 1 3 11.

If you take the numbers from the word Back and perform this sum... (3^2) + (11-1) = 19

If you then google 13118914 (Safe search off, image size Medium) and select the 19th image you will see a picture of a young girl pointing excitedly at a delicious looking strawberry cake, presumably taken on her birthday.

The picture is about as relevant to this topic as this topic is to trials chat. The only difference is that everyone likes cake.

You have got way too much time on your hands to work something like that out :mellow:

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