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Up And Running


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Finally got it up and running. I couldn't keep waitin on RCP to finish my frame, so I got one for the mean time. Not quite sure why the uploader keeps giving me a server return error, so you'll have to click the link below then scroll down a lil to see it completely built up. 17.68 lbs :)

It's a little flexy in the rear end, but I really like the geometry. Hopefully I like the sky geo, or I may be coming back to this bike.


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Nice crank clearance ;)

This looks super nice. Because frame suits the fork really well!

Really wish I had the money to splash out on a Sky 2 complete, and then add carbon forks + bars :3

Edit: Just seen the complete comes with both of those -.-

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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I can guarantee they will still catch even with that clearance as when you ride the bike you are applying weight which is gonna give a slight flex if thats a way to put it.

No doubt you will end up having to ditch the burns its what i had to do when i upgraded to a modern frame. Even running your cranks on the widest b.b on the market can still cause catching reason being middleburns have a 28mm clearance offset. modern cranks such as trialtechs run on a 33mm offset. I hated the day i had to get rid of them to say i had mine for 7-8 years and they come with life time warranty as those cranks were the bomb in the old days still are now to be fair as i ran mine on the original rs7 bash then upgraded to a cloud9. if middleburn were to re release some cranks with more clearance i would quite happily go back to them. But now i have bonded well with my trialtech set up.

EDIT: Just remembered i even had to get a grinder to my burns ( which brought a tear to my eye seeing £100 cranks getting butchered) to see if it would resolve the problem it did for a while but when it came to setting brakes up it was a problem. It was pain when i upgraded to say i was running on square taper lol


Edited by Andeee
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The clearance is quite a bit better now that I have the TNN pads and backings on there. I have a normal level of clearance and it no longer knocks the cylinders. I do still have some rear end flex that will hopefully be alleviated with the new one piece axle and fun bolts kit on the King. Looking forward to the upgrade as I REALLY like the way she rides! Thanks for the compliments!

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