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Frustrating Rear Wheel Alignment Problem


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So I'm having trouble getting my rear wheel to stay aligned. This morning I loosened the hub, aligned the wheel, checked it wasn't rubbing, and tightened it back up again. Went riding for an hour or so, came back, tyre was rubbing on the frame.

About an hour ago I aligned the back wheel again, played with the snail cams, tightened it up HARD, was sure it wouldn't come out of place, went riding, came back..... tyre was rubbing on the frame, worse than before.

So I think the problem is a combination of a fairly old, low end bike (Onza T-Pro) and the fact that I'm heavy (about 15 stone).

The hub seems to default to the furthest in position in the cut outs when ridden (are they called cut outs?) no matter how hard I tighten the nuts.

I can't afford new parts (or food, but that's a different story), so I need some tips on sorting this.

My immediate thoughts are to improvise some kind of spacers, or trim the tyre treads around the edge where they are rubbing. The latter doesn't sound practical or likely to work though. The spacers idea would be doubly good because my chain is too slack too.

Anyway, any help much appreciated!


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Sounds like you need some/some better form of chain tensioners on there. When the wheel moves forward is the chain getting slacker too? I think they old T-Pro ran snail cams, so grab yourself a set from here or Tartybikes and you should be good to go. I know you said you couldn't afford to buy parts, but for around a fiver (possibly less if you buy here second hand) then you can't really go wrong (Y)

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Its worth taking your wheel off and checking your rear hub for rotation. It should rotate freely. When hub bearing rust or seize, they cause the snail cams to constantly come loose. Im not sure if its a sealed or cone hub, if its a cone might be a quick fix. Bearings are usually pretty cheap to replace if thats the case.

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Maybe some snail cams would fix it then.. they do seem to be pretty battered and the bolts that I assume they are supposed to push against are kinda bent.

I'll take the back wheel off and check out the hub too. It's a sealed hub btw. This could very well be the cause as the wheel doesn't rotate symmetrically so the hub could well be at fault.

Thanks for the tips!.

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If you can't fix the problem it might be worth looking at chain tugs instead of snail cams, but I don't know if these fit.

can you take some pictures of the rear setup ?

Cheers, I was considering tugs to replace the cams but I wasn't sure if they would fit either. I've decided to replace the snail cam bolts and see if that helps... if not you'll be hearing from me again around Wednesday lol.

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I've given up. Now when it goes out of line I just drop off something and angle the bike so it pushes it back in place lol

u say u cant afford to pay for much which is fair enough but if u start jumping off stuff at an angle to put the wheel back straight ur soon be buying a new wheel

Edited by robbie-woods
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u say u cant afford to pay for much which is fair enough but if u start jumping off stuff at an angle to put the wheel back straight ur soon be buying a new wheel

You're right of course. When I get paid next I'll have another go at it but till then this will have to do!

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If your hub is of the allen key bolt or quick release type - i have often come across the case where the bolt is bottoming out on the axle before it's hitting the frame drop outs (cut outs). If you don't understand what i'm getting at let me know and i'll try and explain better/draw a picture.

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