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Why Does My Bike Feel Weird To Ride?


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Forks ( Curved or different straight blade forks)

Height of stackers



175mm cranks ( or cranks with a bigger offset)

Wider Axle b.b


They are the most common things to change on the bike to give it a different feel whether you wanted it longer or to have a different height/angle/ rise etc..

All you can really do is experiment by changing bit by bit instead of buying every single one of those parts i mentioned ( minus frame) to see if it makes any difference.


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Dan, try some 170 cranks (Y) I cant ride mods with 160's, just makes it feel like the back wheels gona jump out from under you.

I'd also agree with the shorter/lower stem idea, will definately make the bike feel longer, may induce back problems mind :P.



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Well i've been out for a ride tonight and positioned the bars much further forward as suggested by a few hombrés and it feels so much better! Think i'll keep them this far forward from now on as it hasn't given me any pains either.

Sweet !

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i am lankey and ride a 20" had issues with all of them feeling short had a v1 curve and though it was awsome when i was told to get a longer stem i went for a atomz at 180x35 and it improved it unbelivable for me felt so much better. Shortley after i cracked the curve and when for a born ultimatum and it felt terrible despite being the same geo less 5mm (apparentley though i do beg to differ) and this felt terribble again went for a set off atomz riser bars and angled them forward and it felt awsome, now i have a echo 2011 and its even better.


Edited by bella
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I'm 5' 8" though lol! They do look like the perfect geo those echos, going to have to stick with my comp now.

This is how far forward i've got the bars now. Going to make a few people feel sick but it does seem really comfy for this set up.



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