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The thread title.

I know if you clicked the thread title from the very first page that would take you to the last post read. But never in all the years I have been on TF has it ever taken you to the last unread post when you clicked on any topic title from the subforum page. If it did do that, it's certainly a bug and shouldn't have been happening.

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But never in all the years I have been on TF has it ever taken you to the last unread post when you clicked on any topic title from the subforum page. If it did do that, it's certainly a bug and shouldn't have been happening.

Has done for at least a year, maybe longer. It was so handy!

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Nah, things do seem to take a bit more time to load sometime, i assumed it was my net but other sites are fine, my other problem is with editing post's first time it lets you edit it no problem on the second attempt it wont seem to save the amendment!

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Since stuff is being upgraded and such, I thought I would share a suggestion I had in mind. I don't know if it has been discussed before, but I think it would be miles better if aswell as the "like" button, there was a "dislike" button so that the crap, unhelpfull replies are easier to pick out like all the good ones are. And the rep on people's profiles will actually mean something, instead of always being in the positive figures as they will get negative rep for bad replies. And mabye display is like the feedback, with the total of positive, the total of negative and the % of positive.

I think there just being a "like" button on it's own is a bit pointless.

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Always did it for me, was perfect. Clicking the title of the thread you want to read the latest from rather than having to click on a significantly smaller square page number = winner.

Weird, that what the orange squares were for.

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A dislike button would turn it into more of a bitch fest than usual so personally i'm adverse. Plus everything I post would be disliked so it really wouldn't be as much fun :P

Has anyone else got a black box that flick's from the top of the page, when navigating between pages? Good job I'm not epileptic!

And when ever i click an external link two tab's open. Is this all just my computer?

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Two tabs always open for me too, but I don't think it's just this forum. I use Iron, it's basically a version of Chrome.

The only issue I still get on this forum is this strange blank banner at the bottom of every page that constantly has a loading sign, as if it's trying to load a picture. I also get two "Jump to page" boxes.

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i can reply to a topic, but i cant create one. whats up like, think its one for the IT geeks. when im creating a topic, i press the post button, it just goes back to the home screen with no new thread. but i can reply just fine.

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