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Awkward Puncture, Read In.


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Right so to make a bad day worse I've just got the most awkward puncture ever.

Split the bottom of the valve, normally i'd change the tube but I've snapped my chris king funbolt (wheel is slammed + it still clamps so it hasn't been an issue until now).

I patched it quite successfully until I went to reinflate the tyre and obviously the valve drilling pushed the patch right off, I planned to patch It much lower this time to see if I could sort it but I ran out of glue, got rained on and then asked to leave the shops carpark I was sat in.

I'll have a go whilst at work tomorrow but in the meantime I'd like some sugesstions of what else I could try? Getting a new bolt is out of the question due to financial difficulties at the moment so unless someone has a funbolt going for next to nothing I'm afraid my only option is to patch it.

Any ideas guys?

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Wouldn't this lead to a massive flat spot in the tyre, I was thinkin about cutting a new tube in and then using superglue/epoxy to seal it, then cover it in patches and then duct tape or something, would still have a flat spot but surely not as bad? I'd probably use a 26" tube for that as when overlapping it'd make it roughy the same as a standard 24" right?

Adam, I know this might sound like a strange request but as I'm desperate it's worth a shot... Would you be able to lathe me out a funbolt? I know some obvious reasons as to why you wouldn't be able to, cost being one, undercutting a product you already stock being another so I understand completely if you say no.

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I've never seen these before! Are they that cheap for a reason?

Also do a 20" one for ... 50p?!

i've not used one myself, but i know a few bmxers who've used something similar but with a hole in the end to fit over the valve.

they do seem pretty cheap!

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No. :P

Problems with a misleading gym membership means I'm In a 12month contract which I can't pay plus I owe admin fees for non payment etc etc.

Until I get this sorted I can't really order anything from my account :/ I might ask the gf nicely

Just dont pay it, there is very little that they can do about it.

even if they get a liability order, which they wont, its only a court order to say they they have found you liable, doesnt mean the gym can do anything about it in the real world.

Learn about baliffs on the internet, its surprising what they cannot do.

personally I would be amazed if it went to court.

Oh and cant you just use some slime to fix it?

Edited by Matt Vandart
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The gym uses a separate company to manage direct debits, might change things.

Either way, I'm basically out of work, 1-2days a week cash in hand until things pick up and I'll get 5days whilst on the books and I live at home, car isn't mine, most of my things were bought from gift money or were gifts, thanks for the advice though I'll look into it properly.

Back to tubes, I have about 10 spare tubes, I could cut one and rather than tie it I could try seal each end I think, combine two ideas, I'd like to know how those tubes hold up err, please keep me updated :)


The valve is half way to coming off the tube, not sure slime will do much but get messy.

Edited by Azarathal
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Only for a while, and who cares?

My credit rating has been f**ked for my whole life, hasn't caused me any probrems.

Its easy to fix anyway, you can appeal against anything registered against you and all you have to do is be more convinceing than the others.

Also it only stays on your file for 6 years.

Also you can mend your credit rating within 3mnths when you are more liquid, fact of the matter is it sounds like your uncredit worthy anyway if you are skint, getting any kind of finance will only make matters worse, so what difference will it make other than you wont have to pay the c**ts and will be better off in your pocket?

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I've always been told it'd be f**ked for life.

Anyway, I can't cancel my gym membership but I can place it on hold for 6months at a time and can extend it indefinitely.

Back to the puncture. Cut the tube in half, used 4 patches on each cut end and then folded it over and wrapped it in black electrical tape and it seems to have held perfectly, going to make 3-4 more of these at work today and then inflate them and leak test them so I have spares. Might do it with presta valve tubes so I don't rip the valve off again :P

Thanks for the help everyone!

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