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Olympics 2012 Torch Relay


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A friend told me about this last night and it's literally going past my flat. I'm not that interested in the Olympics but i'm not gonna get to see the torch pass my house ever again so i don't wanna miss it on that basis. The route is massive if you look at it, and is probably going to pass very close to most people on here! Have a look see if it does on here;

Olympic Torch Relay Route

Thought i might interest some of you. Either that or i'm a week behind again and everyone already know's LOL!

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I suppose there's a few more billion £s of tax-payers money tied up in the Olympics so a little "Look what you've helped pay for!" thing like this is probably the least they could do.

In the long run it'll probably bring in more money than what's been spent. Just like the Royal Family.

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In the long run it'll probably bring in more money than what's been spent. Just like the Royal Family.


People shitting on the Olympics should f**k off on holiday during it so those of us who want to embrace it for the one time in our lifetime it'll happen right on our doorstep.

Rant over :) next one is scheduled for the jubilee...

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I still think when the games returned to Athens in 2000 they should've kept it there from then on. If I could be in another country during the games I would and I can't wait for them to be over. Of course I hope our guys do well and will be watching some of the events but I just wish it didn't have to be here...

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The Olympics are s**t, England is s**t.

All the prices will be hiked when they begin, and guarantee they won't go down again. We're in the middle of a recession and they're spending billions on a load of t**ts in leotards.


EDIT: The queens Jubilee can do one also. (Y)

Edited by Luke Dunstan
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Having an informed opinion on stuff is all well and good, but assuming that money spent on stuff like this doesn't bring revenue back into GB PLC is just retarded. People spouting shit about recession is retarded too, stand up and do something about it - like earning more (by being worth it, or inventing a position for yourself) and spending more. If you're not doing everything you can to do both those things then your opinion doesn't count. Simple.

Bring on Summer 2012 - for those who embrace it, it will be one of the best years ever to live in England and especially those in London.

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...assuming that money spent on stuff like this doesn't bring revenue back into GB PLC is just retarded...

I'd imagine they thought that in Athens too, although that Olympics ended up virtually bankrupting the country - I don't think many would classify Greece as a country and as an economy being in a great situation at the moment :P

EDIT: I'm not saying that it won't draw in revenue as it obviously will, but revenue doesn't really tell the full story.

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I'd imagine they thought that in Athens too, although that Olympics ended up virtually bankrupting the country - I don't think many would classify Greece as a country and as an economy being in a great situation at the moment :P

EDIT: I'm not saying that it won't draw in revenue as it obviously will, but revenue doesn't really tell the full story.

That's absolutely fair obviously, but I suppose I have faith in the UK having a far richer pool of resources than Greece had and Greece was already further in the shit (respectively to it's size, GDP per head and historic exposed debt) when Athens was even announced than the UK was and is.

I definitely overreact because it just seems like an opportunity for those that don't want to be here to take a pop at everything that could at least be seen as a silver lining to a pretty appalling period of time. If those people can't even see the good in a bad situation in the place they live, maybe they should use that energy to f**k off instead? It's like the way I recently had to tell a member of the gym that I'd no longer accept their membership because they were just breeding negativity in the place no matter what I did to appease them - we're better off without the naysayers.

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I definitely overreact because it just seems like an opportunity for those that don't want to be here to take a pop at everything that could at least be seen as a silver lining to a pretty appalling period of time.

(Y) to that and your signature. Were you a fan of the royal wedding as well?

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We're in the middle of a recession and they're spending billions on a load of twats in leotards

What a rediculous statement. The Olympic villages, an parts of the velodrome provided my company with a fair bit of work. This is one sided as I haven't heard another side, but the billions there spending, the majority seems to be with British companys. We do spray refinishing, an companies we work for have been inundated with work from the stadiums etc. Without that, last autumn I would have probably been layed off, as would several others I know of.

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What a rediculous statement. The Olympic villages, an parts of the velodrome provided my company with a fair bit of work. This is one sided as I haven't heard another side, but the billions there spending, the majority seems to be with British companys. We do spray refinishing, an companies we work for have been inundated with work from the stadiums etc. Without that, last autumn I would have probably been layed off, as would several others I know of.

A victim of the recession, I'd have been sympathetic if that would have happened. There is a large portion (not the majority) that feel the way the world economic climate is at the moment, the last thing England needs is more debt. We won't be in profit from this, not by a long way.

If it has kept you and others in work, then I guess there is a positive, but it's only delaying the inevitable.

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At worst it's an excuse to have a party... And i'm just glad britan gets a chance to do something for once, because we don't do anything good anymore and suck at sports as a nation so maybe we can't host them a bit better?

You need an excuse for a party? tongue.gif

I don't know why people care about our country being better at stuff than other countries. It's like football supporters, they argue like they're part of the team, you didn't do shit but get rowdy. It's like using someone else's success to be your own, because that's what you're doing. This isn't supposed to be a direct malicious dig at anybody, just my opinion and lack of understanding of why people think like this.

I don't believe the games will bring any money or loose any money for our country. Because there's not a hell's chance that the government would admit it, if it wasn't a financial success. Country moral and all that crap.

On another note, anyone seen that advert where that girl bmx racer stays in the hotel? Sure wouldn't let me stay if i rolled in on my bike i bet. Assholes.

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On another note, anyone seen that advert where that girl bmx racer stays in the hotel? Sure wouldn't let me stay if i rolled in on my bike i bet. Assholes.

What hotel chain is it for? I'll try it on my trial's bike see if you can actually get away with it?

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