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Computer/wifi Problem

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Hey guys...! You know sometimes when you type a huge, in depth, post... But it doesnt actually post...? Yeah, well thts just happened to me... Argh! :-( lol. Anyways, im gonna keep this one breif! Here goes:

Im over in france doing a winter season, when i got here in december, my laptop connected to the internet without any problems (its public, anyone can use it...) anyways... Up until 6 days ago it was fine! But 6 days ago, it lost connection and wouldnt connect again... So i spoke to my friend, who said change from DHCP to manual ip... I done that... Typed in the ip and boom! It connected... With a problem... No webpage at all will load... Even the update centre and software centre (im using Ubuntu...) wont work... As it says i dont have an internet connection... BUT... I was using skype via my laptop last night with no problems at all? I dont get this problem! Im starting to think its something to do with firefox and needs updating... But i cant update it if the update centre wont work! :-S lol. Also, my bosses laptop, his wifes laptop, my collegues laptop and her phone, and my phone... Are all connected and are working fine! Its just my laptop that wont!


Please share any knowledge that you guys have, as im baffled! :-( haha.

Cheers in advance!!

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Not good at all - if you go away from DHCP how can you be sure the IP Address you're picking is not in use by another system - this will cause issues.

The reason you cannot locate webpages is because when you move away from DHCP you must manually input the DNS server to allow it to resolve internet names (basically, translates google.com to so in theory is you went to I assume it would bring up google because there is not name resolving going on.

Skype is the same - as above, I don't use the software but I imagine it just uses a port and no name resolving is required for it.

What happens if you connect with the manual IP and then go back to DHCP? Does it pick up an IP Address?

Also, have you tried the linux version of 'ipconfig /release' and 'ipconfig /renew' whatever that may be?

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