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I hope you got a 1st in your maths degree...

Out of interest, to what level have you studied maths?

Failed hard at A-level maths. So an B in GCSE maths is as far as I got.

With regards to the infinite series I'll just say this: "An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer etc etc. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers."

I don't know if it's because I'm either very ignorant to the concept, or have a good understanding of the concept. But I do see it as a black and white issue. And I don't really see how it can be argued that it doesn't equal 1. :ermm:

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You're still treating infinity as a number though. It tends toward infinity as x becomes increasingly large but doesn't equal it, much like with the infinite sum tending toward 2 but never actually reaching it.

Infinity isn't a number by definition, if you made it a number it would lose its actual meaning. I know it'll never be = to 1 unless you hypothetically say that the string of 9's goes on forever. Then it does.

That second video has just as many flaws as her first though.


You didn't watch it all did you.

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I did. Just seemed a little retarded that her 'April Fool' vid was pretty much as well done as her 'real' one.

Also, saying you know it'll never equal one but hypothetically could is equally retarded;

I know Jack Chinnery hasn't gotten laid recently, but if he kept trying forever then he'd probably find something to put his dick in. ;)

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Also, saying you know it'll never equal one but hypothetically could is equally retarded;

Well I'll never be a girl from birth.... but hypothetically is I was dot dot dot.

Infinity is a hypothetical situation, it doesn't exist in the physical universe. So if it's the concept of infinity you have issue with, then fair enough, but this isn't a physical universe problem. This is an abstract hypothetical problem.

It seems that your problem is with the definition of infinity, than the actually 0.9999.... = 1 problem.

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I think you're wrong on several levels. Infinity doesn't exist in the physical universe? I would guess that beyond the universe is infinity, potentially full of an infinite number of other universes. And as Luke said, it still NEVER = 1, only tends to it.

"Boyond the universe" is outside of the universe, so I'll agree with that. But still, no matter what universe you're in infinity still is a hypothetical idea.

It 'tends' to it closer and closer the bigger you make the number. Making the number infinite makes it become 1.

Again, this isn't a debatable topic. By definition .999.... does = 1. There's really isn't any arguments out there that doesn't make it so unless you have a different definition of infinity.

Google the crap out of it and see.

Edited by JT!
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Dunno if this can be answered, But.... Does the mind know time when sleeping? Quite a few times my dreams have ended perfectly of a loud noise (such as the alarm clock etc)How does it do that? :S

The mind can keep track of time when you're asleep. The best test for this is the next time you wake up, try having a guess at what time it is before you look at the clock. Chances are you'll guess within the nearest 15 mins.

But what you're probably experiencing is the loud noise of an alarm clock effecting you dreams. The wife often watches shitty TV shows in the wee hours of the morning and I actually have dreams that're based around them.

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