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How Long Do You Need?


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So, first of all, i wanna say that i'm from switzerland, so it's not that easy to descripe my question in english.. i'll try my best:

I was wondering, how long did you guys need to be able to hop onto things, hop on an obstacle to another, normal or on the backwheel...?

So the next step after the basics.

Some people say, it takes about a year, others say different things. i just don't wanna start something and then see that it takes forever, even if you are talented in biking ond practicing a lot... so when does is start to look like trial and it is actual fun?'


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It should ALWAYS be fun! If it's not then it's probably not your sort of thing. It's hard to say how long it takes to a 'decent' level becaus everyone has their own idea of a decent level, you say you want to ba able to hop up things and its just a matter of time and effort, you can't ride 24 hours a day every day. How high are 'things' is also important. Plus everyone progresses at different speeds so it's hard to say. I would say, ride how you want and try to learn stuff you want to, this way you should have fun learning and you will be surprised by your progression. (Y)

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